Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 826 Tongren Factory (44)

Shen Jiujiu showed a sad smile: "Obviously, we didn't run away, that NPC is very strong...but he didn't kill us either, so we had to follow him first."

The NPC took them to a warehouse and asked them to go in and clean out the bronze men inside.

Although it's inexplicable, it doesn't sound like the mission is dangerous - shit, there's a bronze man in the warehouse.

As long as they have a little thought, these bronze figures will be resurrected.

If you can't run away, you have to go in.

The NPC did nothing else to them, except to tell them to clean all the bronze figures in the warehouse before leaving.

After they entered, the NPC locked the warehouse and disappeared.

They checked the warehouse, found no other abnormalities, and couldn't find any other doors, guessing whether it was a side plot mission.

So they plan to do what the NPC says first.

During this period, the bronze men were not resurrected, but there were too many bronze men in the warehouse. They just escaped, Zhong Da was injured, and they soon fell into fatigue.

Shen Jiujiu couldn't remember when he fell asleep. When he was woken up by Feng Changting, the bronze man in the warehouse was already alive.

What follows is another chaotic battle and escape...

In the end, he separated from Feng Changting and Zhong Da. When he was besieged by the Tongren, Yinsu suddenly appeared.

The bronze men didn't attack her at all, she sauntered into the battle circle... and knocked him unconscious.

The last scene is that the bronze men who were attacking madly seemed to have pressed the pause button, standing in different postures in the dark night, silent.

"Can you still get a bug like this?" Ning Fan was stunned.

When in a coma, the brain has no autonomous consciousness, and the resurrected bronze man will be 'shut down' immediately.

However, this BUG can only be blocked if there is a companion who can completely avoid the curse of 'Bronze Man Resurrection' and stay awake.

After all, coma means that there is no dreaming under normal circumstances, but what about in the case of pollution? Seeing a bronze man in a dream will obviously have an effect too...

They can't fix this bug.

"Miss Zhou, how do you control your thinking?" Ning Fan asked hesitantly: "Do you have spiritual skills?"

"No." Yinsu spread his hands and said calmly: "There is no other way to brainwash yourself than to be familiar with it."


Is the boss just brainwashing himself?

Ning Fan didn't know if Yinsu didn't want to say it, or if it was really just the big boss' brainwashing that he had achieved, so he wisely didn't ask any more questions.

Yinsu first heard the noise made by Ning Fan and went out to check. When she picked Ning Fan back, she saw the noise made by Shen Jiu again.

So Su Dashan showed great mercy and went to pick up Shen Jiujiu.

Anyway, picking up one is picking up, and picking up two is picking up.

"By the way, I found this when I picked you up." Yinsu dug through his clothes and took out a wad of crumpled paper and threw it to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan was stunned, there was blood on the paper.

There could be no such thing as paper on the bronze figure. There was only Ding Sihan around her at that time...it could only be left behind by her.

Ning Fan slowly unfolded the paper, and the words on the paper jumped into his eyes.

[To those who see it:

I don't know who will see this letter, maybe no one. But staying is still waiting, why not write something to distract your attention. If someone sees it, it will be our fate.

My name is Ding Sihan, and I am a very ordinary person. I was born in an ordinary family, with ordinary parents, an ordinary family background, ordinary grades, and an ordinary job.

I think there is nothing wrong with being a common sentient being. The life I want to live is an ordinary life, without great sorrow or joy, nor serious illness or disaster. I will travel through spring, summer, autumn and winter, visit all over the world, and slowly move towards the end of my life.

But I didn't expect that the end of life would come so suddenly and so quickly.

I have yet to see the aurora at the end of the world, I have yet to climb a steep peak to watch the sunrise and sunset, I have yet to experience running freely on the grassland... I still have many, many things I want to do.

Unfortunately, these things may never be done.

I smelled decay, I felt death.

The god of death is around me, I will die, I will die in this cruel and ridiculous game.

The game death list compiled by thousands of names is my tombstone, but I have my own epitaph——

I'm just ordinary, I don't exist. 】

Ning Fan calmly looked at the contents on the paper without making a sound for a long time. Only her slowly clenched fingers revealed that her mood at this time was not as calm as it appeared.

"Sister Fan?"

Ning Fan lowered his eyes, folded the paper, looked up at Shen Jiu, and gave a pale and weak smile: "It's okay."

Shen Jiujiu was not sure if Ning Fan was okay, so he could only say: "For us, parting is as frequent as drinking water." He raised his hand and nodded his head: "It's easy to kill someone in the game, but it won't start from here. Erased, they perpetuate themselves in faith.”

"Yes." Ning Fan took a slow breath, "I'm fine, we have to get out alive."

Shen Jiujiu looked at Yinsu optimistically: "Well, I have a hunch that we will get out alive."

Yinsu: "..."

What are you looking at me for?

"Those bronze figures in the warehouse...are different from other bronze figures." Shen Jiu recalled another situation and changed the subject: "They are made from the same template, almost identical."

It should be normal to have identical copper talents, but the factory they are in now is abnormal.

Therefore, it is abnormal to have such identical bronze figures.

"Is that NPC wearing work clothes?"

Shen Jiu: "Yeah, but I don't wear a work badge."

Yinsu thought thoughtfully: "Is it possible that he is the director of the factory?"


A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in their minds - don't trust the factory director in work clothes!

"Even if he is the director of the factory... it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. We can't defeat him at all." Shen Jiu was discouraged again. "When he looked at us, it was like... copper water was being injected into his whole body. All stiff.”

"That bitch actually lied to me." Yinsu slapped her thigh, quite angry.

Ning Fan and Shen Jiu: "???"

Who lied to you?

What did you lie to?

Before the two of them could react, Yinsu suddenly stood up and walked out. Ning Fan immediately said, "Ms. Zhou, what are you doing?"

"Look for the factory director."

Looking for...looking for the factory director?


Yinsu walked a certain distance and suddenly fell back and walked deeper into the workshop.

Yinsu asked her younger brother to make the bronze figure carefully, and when she came back to check, whoever made a small move or damaged the bronze figure would be used to make the bronze figure.

After arranging the work, Yin Su left in a hurry again, not giving Shen Shijiu and Ning Fan a chance to talk.

"...She's really gone?" Shen Jiu felt that his brain had been injured and his movements were slowing down.

Darlings, why don’t you rush for your monthly pass~~

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