Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 835 Tongren Factory (53)

Below the stage.

Before they could recover from the blow, they suddenly saw Yinsu rushing onto the stage, taking out a pink steel pipe and hitting the director on the head.

After being stunned for a short time, Feng Changting stared at the pink steel pipe that Yinsu was swinging vigorously.

The steel pipe is like a sharp sword, and it is easy to split a copper man like tofu.

It's just that too many bronze men blocked her in the circle.


As soon as Liu Yanlai said a word, the hairs all over his body stood up and he turned his head suddenly.

The NPCs sitting in the audience all stood up at some point, and the skin on their bodies was rapidly turning to copper.

The NPC closest to them changed the fastest, and they all attacked this way at the same time.

Liu Yanlai's heart was beating wildly, and he only had time to shout loudly: "Be careful!!"


The bronze man's fist hit the iron seat, causing the seat to deform. Then the bronze man grabbed the seat and lifted all the seats in the row.

Ning Fan and Feng Changting got up in time, but Shen Jiu was unlucky and rolled directly to the ground. Feng Changting took advantage of the bronze man to come over and kicked Shen Jiu into the corner.

Now they can't take Shen Jiujiu with them, so they can only wait and see...

While avoiding the Bronze Man's attack, they tried the spell "The Bronze Man will not be resurrected".

Unfortunately, it has no effect. These bronze men seem to be different from the previous bronze men.

"They are controlled by the factory director." Liu Yanlai came to the conclusion and shouted at the top of his lungs: "It's useless, we can only be tough."

All three hundred NPCs turned into bronze men. Although half of them went to the stage, only half of the bronze men were left attacking them.

But now there are only three of them left, and they are still three wounded with little fighting power left.

How to fight this?

One of Ning Fan and Feng Changting had an injured leg and the other had a broken hand. It was particularly difficult for the troubled sisters to face the bronze man.

Liu Yanlai was slightly better, but only slightly better. He had too much time to take care of himself, let alone support them.

Feng Changting's weapon is a water whip, which can be soft or strong, but it is just a skill, which consumes a lot of mental energy.

She hasn't recovered much yet. The water whip is only a thin one and not very lethal.

Ning Fan drank a little potion, controlled the use of the power he had finally accumulated, and blasted a passage with fluorescent light.

"This way!"

Feng Changting swung out a water whip and caught the bronze man, knocking him away. He knocked down a group of bronze men and quickly ran towards Ning Fan.

Liu Yanlai's skill should be of the physical strengthening type. At this moment, he is as strong as an ox. Although he cannot tear the copper man apart with his bare hands, he can still smash the copper man to the ground with his brute force.

There were many bronze figures between him and them, so they couldn't take care of him and had no choice but to run to the passage behind the stage.

The passage connected the corridor. As soon as Ning Fan and Feng Changting ran into the corridor, the wall on the right collapsed with a crash, and two bronze figures fell out of the wall.

The two copper men found someone in the corridor, and regardless of the movement on the other side of the wall, they directly aimed their spears at them.

The bronze men were badly damaged, slower than normal bronze men, and not strong enough. Ning Fan and Feng Changting could deal with them.

However, before they could take a breath, three more bronze men flew out of the wall and crashed in front of them.

The two sides' eyes met in the air, and the next second the bronze man quickly got up and rushed towards them with a ferocious face.

There were more and more coppers in the corridor. They were blocked in the corridor and could not retreat.



The ground shook violently. Ning Fan lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

Feng Changting wanted to control the water whip to throw away the rushing bronze man, but he had no hands to pull her.

Ning Fan could only crawl to the side using his hands and feet. The fluorescence thrown out was negligible and had no lethality.


"Feng Changting!!"

Ning Fan looked up and saw Feng Changting's water whip scattered in the air, and a copper hand inserted into Feng Changting's shoulder.

Feng Changting almost fainted from the pain, but he quickly retreated and forced the copper hand away from his body.

The blood flowed down the wound and dyed the clothes red again for a moment.

Feng Changting felt dizzy and felt that everything in front of him was shaking, and the bronze man was split into four...more and more.

Even looking at his own hands, they turned into copper color, and the dripping blood was golden-red copper water.

Her consciousness was withdrawing from her body bit by bit. She heard Ning Fan's voice calling her. She wanted to stay awake, but the heaviness and sleepiness in her body kept attacking her.


Feng Changting fell to the ground.

Ning Fan was hit by the fallen Feng Changting and lost all feeling in her legs. She felt her hands covered with warm and sticky blood.


Ning Fan wanted to use skills, but there was no strength in his body and he couldn't accumulate any power at all. There was nothing but blood on his hands.

They will die here...

The bronze men flying over continued to magnify in Ning Fan's eyes, and finally completely occupied her field of vision.

Ning Fan closed his eyes in despair, waiting for the final arrival of death.


The ground shook and shook. Ning Fan did not feel death. Instead, he heard the sound of wind. The pressure in front of him was disappearing.

Ning Fan immediately opened his eyes.

The bronze man who had just rushed towards him was now caught in the black body and was being pulled towards the stage.


The wall collapsed again, and two figures rushed into the corridor amid smoke and dust.

It's Miss Zhou and the factory director!

At this moment, except for his head, the rest of the factory director has turned into a bronze man, and the clothes on his body are missing.

The steel pipe hit the factory director, making a clanking sound. Sparks were flying, and the fighting figure could hardly be seen clearly.

Behind Miss Zhou were dragging long black tentacles. Those tentacles were constantly splitting. The big ones were as thick as buckets and the small ones were as thick as thumbs. They seemed to be alive. These black tentacles were everywhere on the stage.

They flew up into the air and swooped down, impaling the bronze man from above his head.

The tentacles on the ground wrapped around the bronze man's lower body, wrapped around him, and quickly wrapped the bronze man into a black cocoon.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ning Fan choked on the dust and coughed blood. Seeing that the factory director and Zhou Xiaoduo were about to hit her, she immediately dragged Feng Changting, who was still breathing, to move back.


Ning Fan's eyesight dimmed, and the roof above his head crashed down.

She had no choice but to protect Feng Changting and her own head.


The entire factory collapsed during the fighting and was reduced to rubble.

The factory director rolled out of the rubble onto the road, with many small wounds scratched on his uncoppered face. His gray-headed and disgraced face did not retain the majesty he had on the stage just now.

There are many cracks in the copper body, and I don't know when it will completely crack. The left arm has returned to normal flesh and blood, revealing dense white bones that can no longer be bronzed.

The director turned over and stood up, just in time to see countless tentacles rising into the sky from the ruins. At the same time, the copper figures were brought out. They were pulled out like radishes, and with the spread of the black tentacles, the tree was full of trees.

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