Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 839 Tongren Factory (End)

Yinsu has the "Bronze Man" skill and can control these bronze men, but only for a short time. Yinsu speculates that it is because of the copy.

But it doesn't matter, it's enough to be able to control them for a while.

These bronze men were much easier to kill than the factory director, and some bronze men suddenly fell to the ground while running.

It's the poison that's taking effect.

It had already been some time since breakfast when the poison was administered, and many people had eaten breakfast, so the number of people who fell down was not very large.

Yinsu took the hair monster and went crazy in the bronze man.

It looked like the copper man surrounded her alone, but in fact it was she alone who surrounded the copper man.

The bronze men have no thoughts or egos, they just want to kill this moving prey.

Even if the companions around them rush forward and die, they will not stop, but rush forward more and more "heroically".

White mist rolled in, and the buildings swallowed by the white mist disappeared.

Yinsu swept away a row of bronze figures, and stopped the bronze figure rushing from behind. She raised her eyes to look at the white mist.

These white mists are connected to the dungeon and to the monster world. What will happen if you enter through the white mist of the dungeon?


Or go directly into the world of monsters?

Yinsu looked away and looked at the bronze men who were moving again, grinned, opened her hands and ran towards them in a hugging posture, "My dear employees, let us be together forever!"

Yinsu didn't dare to go directly into the white mist. Who knew what monsters were inside.

What if I was left in the white mist forever?

She still likes the peaceful and peaceful real world - although the peace and tranquility of the real world is about to be unsustainable.

But that's her world.

White mist surrounded him from all directions. Yinsu killed the bronze men and ran away poison at the same time. Soon, there was only a small area left that was not submerged by the white mist.

There were no bronze figures around, so Yinsu stood still and allowed Bai Wu to approach.

The white mist spread very quickly, completely swallowing up all the space around her in half a minute.

Yinsu wanted to see what was in the white mist, and even stretched out her hand to take a handful in the white mist before it swallowed it up.

The white mist in the dungeon gave her the same feeling as other white mist, and just picking up a handful of the white mist wouldn't cause any harm.

Visibility was very low and nothing could be seen clearly.

When the white mist was about to swallow up the last space where she stood, Yinsu chose to leave the dungeon, and her figure slowly disappeared into the dungeon.

With her last glance, Yinsu vaguely saw a black figure as huge as a tall building looming in the white mist. Just at that glance, her head suddenly seemed to have been hit by something, making her buzz.


Pure white waiting area.

Yinsu's figure appeared. She raised her hand to press her temples. It seemed like something was swimming under the skin on her arms. They extended from her arms to her neck, and finally even to her face, and finally gathered in her eyes.

Yinsu slowly opened her eyes, and her dark pupils turned into blood pupils at this moment. They were strange and evil. They turned uncontrollably, as if they didn't want to be bound to this body and wanted to escape.

Yinsu pressed the eye and laughed softly: "What's wrong, have you met family or enemies? So excited... It's a pity that you can't see either family or enemies."

The thing swimming under Yinsu's exposed skin became more and more excited, and the other eye was slowly turning red.

"I don't even dislike you, but you still want to run away from me. How is this possible... Didn't you make a wish to me to be with me forever? I fulfill your wish, but you want to betray me. How can it be so good? "

The red eyes gradually returned to black, and the wandering things gradually subsided.

Yinsu exhaled slowly and let go of the hand holding his eyes. Both eyes returned to their normal black color.

What is that black shadow?

Yinsu wanted to recall, but unfortunately she couldn't even recall the general outline of the black figure.


Unable to remember, Yinsu decided to let herself go and stop thinking about it. She first looked at the clearance information of this copy.

[Congratulations on clearing 'Bronze Man Factory'. Since you are the first player to clear the death copy (384) 'Bronze Man Factory', you will get a chance to draw a special reward. Do you want to draw it now? whether】

[Immunity of death copy: Use the immunity to safely escape from the copy. This immunity can be applied to itself or transferred to a player. If the luck value transferred to the player is too low, there is a possibility of failure to leave the instance. Please be careful. 】

[Usage restrictions: only dead copies]

[Number of uses: 1]

Yinsu: "..."

Why are you starting to release duplicate props now? ! This is not as useful as resetting the card. Even if the card is reset, only one can survive. At least, the experience is there.

[Congratulations to the player for clearing the advent dungeon ‘Bronze Man Factory’. Since you are the first player to clear the advent dungeon, special rewards have been distributed. 】

[Attribute crystal × 1]

[Non-attribute crystal × 1]

[Non-attribute prop fragment × 1]

[Talent Skill Fragment×1]

[Tongren Factory Seal×1]

Arrival copy...

As expected, Tongren Factory is also an advent copy.

But...are the rewards for the Advent dungeon fixed? Except for the non-attribute fragments and the Tongren Factory seal, nothing else has changed!

Yinsu clicked on the fragments of non-attribute props and looked at the details.

[Fragments of props without attributes: can be used to repair defective props. It is versatile and can be moved wherever it is needed. 】

[Usage restrictions: SS level and below props]

[Number of uses: 1]

This is no different from the 'wooden box fragments that sealed the evil god'. One is specific and the other is omnipotent.

Is it because she has no other defective props in her hand, so she gives her a non-attributed one?

You are so considerate in dog games.

[Tongren Factory Seal: A seal that represents the rights of the factory director. As long as he stamps the seal, he will become a factory employee for you to control. Making great achievements starts with sealing. 】

The seal is no different from the one in the copy.

Yinsu looked at the level specifically, and it was the same as the dagger he got in the confession season last time - none.

That dagger can't kill him, nor can it kill monsters. Yinsu hasn't figured out what its use is yet.

However, the usage of this seal is directly explained in the introduction, so you can try it if you have a chance...

[The copy resources are being settled...]

[You are the first player to clear this dungeon, and you can choose two props first. 】


【Industry license】


【Bronze Man】

【Quality Inspection Hammer】

From the five props, Liu Yan looked like he was indeed dead.

Yinsu glanced at the five props and found that he didn't really want any of them, so he directly chose the first and last items.

[Pass-on: Whether it is an injury or a crime, you can pass it on. Choose your best scapegoat! 】

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