Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 843 Random location in reality

Chapter 843 Reality·Random Location

Even if it was too long ago when those adventure bloggers shot the videos, the grass has grown...

But what about the huge rock on the well?

Yinsu pulled the hair monster out and threw it on the stone, "get it out of the way."

The hair monster is like a pool of ink that has melted and flowed around the stone, "You know how to use me, hum!"

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up."


The hairy monster cursed and started moving rocks.

The stone moved away and Yinsu looked inside.

What comes into view is golden copper water, which is rolling and gurgling. There seems to be something soaked in the copper water.

Yinsu didn't feel the heat, but the copper water was as weird as being in a copper melting furnace.

[Bronze Man·Zhang Xiaomei]

[Bronze Man·Zhang Hequan]

[Bronze Man·Zhang Shengguo]

Almost all of the names stacked up together were named Zhang.

Half of the villagers in Tongren Village have the surname Zhang. These Tongren are the villagers of Tongren Village.


Weren’t the villagers cremated?

So what are these?

There won't be any perverts digging up the ashes, right? !

I don’t know how deep the well is, and I don’t know how many bronze men there are below.

Who brought them here?

At this moment, Yinsu saw that the copper water began to condense rapidly, completely solidifying the bronze statues underground.

This scene is very similar to the last time the peach blossom tree withered...

Yinsu looked at it for a while and decided to go to the cemetery first. At that time, the entire village was buried there.

Following the video route he had watched, Yinsu quickly found the cemetery.

Looking around, there is nothing unusual about the cemetery except that it is a bit dark and desolate.

But after Yinsu asked the hair monster to go down and take a look, he found that it was empty.

At first, the Bureau of Investigation buried the ashes of the villagers.

Someone dug up the ashes of the villagers in Tongren Village, made them into bronze figures, and threw them into the well of Zhang Quan's house?

Was it another nightmare?

Yinsu was about to go back and take a look at the well when a gust of wind blew, and the white mist in the distance quickly spread towards her, but in an instant she was in a thick fog.

The hair monster was lying on Yinsu's shoulder, his scattered hair poking around in the white mist.

The hair monster had eyes in all directions, so Yinsu walked straight towards the village without fear of being attacked by something.

Her sense of direction was correct, but after walking for a long time, she felt that she had not reached the village yet, and the path under her feet was getting worse and worse.

The ground was uneven at first, much like the road she had come from.

But now the ground is flat, but it's not a stone road like a village road, it's more like an asphalt road outside.

Did she leave the village?

Yinsu walked in a different direction, but there was no other change on the ground under his feet. It all felt the same.

She seemed to be spinning around in the same place.

The identification technique couldn't identify anything, there was nothing in the thick fog.

The hair monster was quite excited at this time, its hair was flying, and it was "haha", as if something in the white mist was attracting it.

Yinsu asked it: "What are you excited about?"

Hair monster: "I don't know."

Yinsu was speechless: "I wonder what makes you excited?"

"...Can't you be excited if you don't know?" The haired monster said dissatisfied: "I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited."


Under Yinsu's friendly care, the hair monster finally answered this question honestly.

But it really didn't know what it was excited about, just like... a fish entered the water, a bird flew into the sky, and it felt comfortable all over.

Yinsu: "..."

She had been exposed to white mist many times before, but the hair monster had never been like this.

Where is she now?

Yinsu was thinking strangely when a game prompt box suddenly popped up in front of him.

[Red Rose Invitation: An exquisite invitation. 】

Yinsu: "..."

What's the meaning?

Why does this pop up suddenly?

Yinsu took out the invitation letter. She couldn't see it clearly when she stretched out her hand just now, but now she could see the invitation letter clearly.

The dull red cover has a faintly visible rose pattern.

Yinsu opened the invitation. Just like before, it was still blank with nothing in it.

The difference was that after she opened the invitation, a prompt box popped up again.

[Should we use invitation letters? whether】

It’s automatically triggered at the right location, right?

OK OK! Yinsu points directly.

The blank invitation began to appear with a dark pattern of roses consistent with the cover, followed by black lines, which quickly outlined some graphics.

Yinsu looks a bit like a map...

But most of it is gray without any markings, and only two of the areas are green.

When the lines were drawn, Yinsu was sure that this was a map.

The two green areas are far apart, and the words are slowly revealing themselves at this moment.

"Rongshan Domain... Black Firefly Domain..."

This is a place in the monster world.

She only knew these two places, and these two maps were displayed above.

So it's because she doesn't know the names of other places yet, the map is not unlocked, and other place names cannot be displayed.

Can this invitation... allow her to enter the world of monsters?

Yinsu reached out and wanted to touch the green area, but paused when she was about to press it.

Will she lose her memory when she enters the world of monsters?

Monsters enter the real world but have no memory of their world...

The magic spring water can only be used in the death dungeon. If she loses her memory after entering the monster world, wouldn't she...

Before Yinsu could decide whether to give it a try, the game pop-up window popped up with new content again.

[Confirm at random location. 】

Yinsu: “???”

No, what kind of random location confirmation? Confirm what? ! Did she confirm it? !

Yinsu's eyes flashed suddenly, and her whole figure seemed to be thrown into a drum washing machine. Countless sounds were stuffed into her ears, buzzing non-stop.

When Yinsu felt like she was about to vomit, the spinning sensation disappeared and she was still stepping on the ground. The buzzing in her ears turned into the sound of conversation.

"Do you know that Black Wolf is dead?"

"Why don't you know? We weren't hunting for murderers everywhere in the past two days."

"Did you find it?"

"What did they catch? Black Wolf has offended so many people, and I don't even know who did it. I think their arrests are just random searches on the street, arresting anyone they don't like, and fooling around."

"If you ask Black Wolf to die well, he is just a lackey of the Light Zone, or something."

"What's the use of the black wolf dying? If the bright area doesn't fall, there will soon be gray wolves, white wolves, and red wolves..."

Yinsu was standing in a dark alley. She raised her hand to hold the wall next to her and took a breath.

Good news - she didn't lose her memory.

Bad news - she should be in the Black Firefly Realm now.

The cement monster had told her these three words "Guangming District" on the phone before.

The person talking was at the entrance of the alley. She was standing in the dark, and no one noticed her.

Yinsu stepped back some distance and immediately called up his personal panel.

Most of the functions in the personal panel are grayed out, and even the item bar is gray, which means it cannot be used... let alone connected to the real world.

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