Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 849 The world of monsters is really not picky.

Chapter 849 Monster World·I really don’t have a choice

The factory manager has the power to formulate factory rules to bind employees.

There is a limit to the number of rules, she cannot write them casually, and they cannot be changed after they are written.

The more employees you recruit, the more rules you can create.

She can only make three plans at the moment——

1. Do not harm the factory director in any way, and actively protect the interests and life safety of the factory director.

2. People/work/things related to the factory must not be disclosed in any way.

3. Any work assigned by the factory must be complied with and completed unconditionally, even if it costs one's life.

These three rules are enough for now.

Ayisha couldn't say a word in defense, and she didn't know what she would do to herself.

But she has no regrets.

If she does it again, she will do it again.

No one likes to be controlled, or a foreigner.

"I'll spare you this time." Director Su was extremely generous and didn't intend to care about this issue. "After all, I haven't recruited new employees now, so you still have some value. But there will be no next time. My patience and Patience has its limit, I hope you will prove your worth in order to atone for your sins.”


What crime is she guilty of? !

Ayisha, who failed to save herself, accepted the fate of being dominated, lowered her head and said: "I understand."

The only thing to blame is her unlucky choice. She chose that dark alley to eat and bumped into this alien.

Ayixia endured the sigh and placed the food in front of Yinsu.

Yinsu looked at the black pastry-like food in the box, "What is this?"

Ayesha said: "The taro cake made from long orchid worms and spiny taro has a good texture and taste."

Yinsu: "..."


Taro? Taro?

How do these two foods come together?

"You just eat these dark dishes?"

Ayixia heard the disgust in Yinsu's tone and choked before saying, "This is relatively expensive food in the Anhe District, and most people can't afford it."

If it were her, she wouldn't be willing to spend dozens of gold coins to buy such a small amount of food.

But without spending her gold coins, Ayisha didn't feel bad and bought the expensive ones.

"..." Can't afford this? What's worse than this? Yinsu couldn't help but sympathize for a second: "You guys are miserable too."


How is she going to go back? !

She doesn’t want to stay in the monster world eating insects and dark dishes made from taro!

Yinsu didn't eat the food and let Ayixia eat it by herself. She took out a piece of bread from the space and stuffed it into her stomach.

Ayixia had seen Yinsu pull out a chair out of thin air. At this time, she was not surprised that she pulled out bread out of thin air, but she was surprised at the 'bread' itself, because it was something only found in Guangming District.

She had eaten it several times before and it tasted good…

Yinsu filled her stomach and saw Ayixia staring at the packaging bag in her hand, and took out another one and threw it to her.

Ayisha was stunned for a moment, "Give it to me?"

Yinsu: "I'm very good to my employees. You won't lose money if you follow me."

Aisha: "..."

Yinsu took out the invitation letter. There was no change on it. It did not light up other areas because she knew the names of the eighteen areas.

It seems that the Rongshan Domain and the Black Firefly Domain were lit up not because she knew these two places, but for other reasons...

Yinsu began to study how to go back.

The invitation no longer triggers prompts, and there is no 'go back' sign.

She silently recited the 'go back' spell several times in her heart, but unfortunately there was no response.


This thing isn't a one-way ticket, and you can't go back, right?

Yinsu frowned slightly, and after a while he didn't figure out the reason, so he decided to wait and see.

Yinsu got a thorough understanding of the Underwater Area from Ayixia, and only after understanding the surrounding environment from her narration, did she prepare to go out.

Aisha: "..."

She is really stubborn!

I thought before that she didn't want to go out and was holding on because she didn't understand.

Yinsu used the magic ring to give herself a more low-key appearance, and used the hair monster to disguise herself.

At this moment, Yinsu is just an aboriginal with a head full of snakes dancing on his head. It is not at all out of the ordinary to blend in among the aborigines.

After all, her skin here is much more special than hers.

Although Ayisha is poor, she lives in a relatively peaceful area in the Anhe District.

Yinsu stepped on the bumpy ground and looked back at the small building where Ayixia's house was located. It was three stories high and crooked like an illegal building.

Such buildings can be seen everywhere in the Dark River area.

The lights on the roadside were as dim as kerosene lamps, and many of them were broken.

Looking up into the distance, you can see half of the sky brightly illuminated by neon lights. The aerial rails intersect among the high-rise buildings, like a band of light surrounding the high-rise buildings.

The lights on various types of aircraft flickered like fireflies among the urban buildings.

The huge holographic projection advertisement in the sky can be seen clearly even standing in the underground river area.

That is Guangming District, the city of civilization and science and technology.

There is no sun and moon in the Black Firefly Zone, so the Dark River Zone is always in darkness, while the Light Zone has artificial sunlight and moonlight.

Separated by a wall, there are two worlds.

Yinsu used the identification technique on the City of Light in the distance.

Perhaps it was too far away, and the colorful buildings decorated with neon lights finally converged into one answer——

[Black Firefly Realm·Guangming District]

Yinsu looked away, took another look at the illegal building behind him, and sighed.

I didn’t choose my birth point well...

Tough luck!

Ayixia saw the clear disdain in Yinsu's eyes, and couldn't help but cursed in her heart: I've already settled this place, why do I dislike it? I can enter the Guangming District if I can.

Yinsu felt uneasy and waved his hand: "Take me for a walk."


Aisha led the way, and people passing by were attracted by Aisha's appearance and figure, and cast malicious glances at her.

Most of the aborigines have strange skins.

Those with long eyes have relatively low-key skin, some even have long heads, or the upper/lower body is not human-like at all, and some even have no human shape at all, and focus on one thing - strange.

Many of them also wear mechanical prosthetics.

Monsters and mechanical civilization...oh, and theology.

This is not a mess at all.

This is where you can truly see the diversity of species, which dazzled Yinsu.

There are also aborigines like Aisha who maintain fully human forms, but the number is not very large.

Some are unable to maintain their human form with prosthetic limbs, while others prefer alienated forms.

Everyone is very tolerant of this and does not force residents to display it in any form.

"Ayisha." Passing by the door of a store, the fat boss sitting at the door stopped her and said angrily: "You are really not picky now. Is life so difficult? You said how good it is for you to follow me. You don’t have to be so tired all day long, wouldn’t it be nice to be the boss lady here?”

Ayisha glanced at the boss and said, "I'll kill you sooner or later."

"Hahaha!" The boss was not angry at all when he heard this, but laughed loudly. He obviously didn't take Ayisha seriously, "Baby, if you can't survive, remember to come to me~"

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