Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 854 The world of monsters favors one and favors others.

Chapter 854 Monster World · Favoring one and favoring another

Relics can be found in mist areas and isolated islands. They may be buried in the soil, in the body of an animal, or in the body of some kind of plant...

Relics are precious.

Not only can it be sold at a high price, but it can also become a weapon to increase strength and save lives.

Yinsu took Ayixia's hand and put the ring on her finger.

Finally, she held Ayisha's hand and looked at it, with a soft smile on her lips: "It's very beautiful. It matches my sister's hand very well."

Ayisha couldn't help but tremble when she heard her speaking in such a tone.

Don't... don't do this!

If she had known that she was so difficult to deal with, she would have run away immediately.


"I'll give it to you." Yinsu said generously.

"This is very valuable...

"Yeah." Yinsu responded casually and started to think again: "We have to get one for our weirdo, we can't favor one over the other."


"My younger brother has relics, so my elder brother must also have some." Yinsu found the purchase channel, and her smile gradually became abnormal: "I can't wait to see my brother."


Moonlight Island.

A very famous bar in Anhe District.

In the dimly lit bar, the sound was noisy, with screams, noises, and ambiguous sounds swaying along with the deafening music. It was really a chaotic dance of demons.

After the mission was released, Big Beard and his team members did not stay in the statistics center for long. After coming out, they led the team members directly into Moonlight Island.

It's not far from the statistics center, and there are people from the inspection team patrolling outside, so it's safe here.

Regarding recruitment, they added a little more money and put a note behind the task message. Those who wanted to go would be interviewed at the same time tomorrow.

It's dangerous to go to an isolated island, but if you can come back alive, you will make more money than if you survive in the dark river area for several years.

There should be quite a few people there tomorrow, and they can pick who they want then.

After drinking for a while in the bar room, someone thought of the thin bamboo pole who left the team and asked, "Why hasn't the second brother come back?"

"What did he do?"

"I do not know……"

"Stop looking for a woman again? You must be exhausted after staying out for so long this time."

"I'm not honest. I'm going to be cool all by myself."

"No, we still have big things to do. Isn't it wrong for the second child to do this at this time?"

"Yeah, it's better to keep a low profile. When you come back from the isolated island, how can you be cool and unrestrained?"

Several people talked about it, and they all felt that it was not good for the second child to leave the team.

"Brother?" Someone called Big Beard, "What did the second brother do?"

The bearded man was also a little uneasy, always feeling that something had happened...

Ayisha is just a C-level alienator. It's too easy for me to deal with her. Why did it take so long?

Seeing that the bearded man remained silent, the atmosphere suddenly became weird, "Has the second brother been gone for too long? Is something going to happen? Do you want to contact him?"

The bearded man pulled out a drop-shaped crystal pendant from his collar and rubbed it on his fingertips a few times.

Everyone in their team has this thing. Although it cannot make calls, if there is danger and you cannot use the communicator, you can use this to notify your companions.

The water drop pendant was motionless at this time.

If something happens to the second child and he doesn't have time to use the communicator, he will definitely use this to notify them.

"Get in touch." The bearded man said.

The person next to him immediately took out a black communicator that was not much different from a mobile phone.

"Brother, I can't get through."

The bearded man became more and more uneasy, so he stood up first and said, "Go and find the second brother. He saw Ayisha earlier. He might have had an accident."

When the others heard this, their bodies that had fallen limply on the sofa immediately tensed up, and they followed the bearded man and stood up.


"Isn't she dead?"

"Although that little girl is a C-level alienator, she is not very strong and is no match for the second child... Damn it, she won't find any powerful helpers, right?"

"Maybe it's not Ayisha at all. Someone pretended to be Ayisha and deliberately lured the second child away for revenge..."

"Ayisha doesn't have any friends in the Dark River District. Who would take revenge on her for doing a business like this?"

Several people followed the bearded man outside and thought about all the possibilities.

They had just walked to the door, but before they could go out, there was a sudden commotion behind them, and the crowd was pushing towards the door.

The bearded men were caught in the crowd and rushed out the door.


The huge explosion overturned the demons and ghosts huddled together in the venue, and the sharp and ear-piercing noise echoed through the sky.

The explosion happened so suddenly that the bearded man was blown away by the blast of air and hit the road outside. He slid for a distance and hit a car parked on the side of the road before stopping.

At this time, the skin all over his body turned into snake scales, and the hard snake scales withstood explosions and other injuries.

The bearded man was about to get up when he suddenly felt something and his body suddenly rolled to the other side.


The car smashed down from the sky exploded where Big Beard had been lying just now. Sparks scratched Big Beard and burned his clothes, revealing snake scales with a cold sheen.

The bearded man got out from under another car. As soon as he stood up, he saw a figure flying out of the ruins in the billowing smoke on the opposite side. The red swaying around the man's waist was particularly conspicuous.

Something followed the figure and chased it out. The body of the chased person was covered in silver-white metal, but its head was a pile of strange long black beards.

"Shadow One."


The screams cut through the most prosperous and safe street in the Dark River District.

A long, sharp whistle sounded in the distance.

Uniform steps came from unknown directions, the roar of cars came from far and near, the sky was shrouded by unmanned aerial vehicles, and the dazzling light illuminated this area as bright as day.

When Yinsu and Ayixia returned here, they saw such a chaotic scene.

Silver-white heavy armored vehicles blocked the road, and panicked crowds poured out from the gaps in the vehicles, like a group of ants washed away by the flood.

The aircraft suspended above the head are like several big lights, and the people below have nowhere to hide.

"Yeah, it looks like something more interesting happened."

"It's the guards from Guangming District." Ayisha didn't find it interesting at all. "They are not the trash from the Supervision Team. They are dispatched either because big figures from Guangming District are traveling or to arrest particularly important criminals. This movement , must be arresting."


There was another explosion inside and the ground shook. Ayixia dragged Yinsu who was watching the excitement and ran aside.

In the chaotic crowd, Yinsu saw the bearded man who was also running outside.

The clothes on the bearded upper body were missing, revealing snake scales all over his body.

There are countless weird species in the escape team, and there is nothing unusual about the bearded ones.

Yinsu grabbed Ayixia with his backhand, followed the flow of people and approached the bearded man, and finally managed to get in not far behind them.

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