Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 859 Don’t question the world of monsters

Chapter 859 Monster World·Don’t Question

"Wow." Yinsu's tone didn't fluctuate much, "Her wings are quite beautiful."

"She's the sister of the red bird boss..." Ayixia said the other party's identity softly.

The red bird boss died some time ago, and the boss's sister is wanted everywhere for the murderer - that is, Aguai.

Now even she is dead...

The Red Sparrow man appears to be dead.

There was nothing on the first floor, so Yinsu went up to the second floor.

This place is relatively clean and almost untouched, probably because it was not affected during the fight.

There are many rooms separated on the second floor, all of which are inhabited by people. They still maintain the appearance when the owner left.

Yinsu walked through the room area and walked to an open area, where he could see the first floor.

There were several sets of sofas and tables arranged messily, with food and some messy things on them.

It looks a bit messy at first glance, but the things here are obviously much better than those in Ayisha's room.

There were many boxes piled in the corner. Yinsu opened them and took a look. They were wine... The packaging didn't look like something from the Underwater District.

Yinsu closed the box and said to Ayixia and the cement monster: "Although this place is a little bad, it is at least spacious and relatively hidden. We will settle here for the time being and we will move later when we find a better site."

This is the headquarters of Cardinal, and the cement monster also found it after following it for a long time.

No one will know about this place except the people from Cardinal.

Now that all the Cardinals are dead, this place is safe for the time being.

Aisha: "..."

The cement monster didn't want to stay here, and she also wanted to find trouble with another group of people, but due to Yinsu's power, she didn't say anything, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Yinsu directed them: "Then you clean up first, find their private money to increase the factory's income, and repair the door and floor."

Someone was cleaning the house, so Yinsu didn't let the hair-haired monster do the housework. He went straight downstairs and went out to see other places.

In the nearby warehouse, Yinsu saw more boxes, piled up half the wall, all filled with wine.

Is Cardinal a wine seller?

Yinsu circled around the outer wall and found no major problems. Just as he was about to go back, the hair monster suddenly became restless and pulled in one direction.


The grass half a man deep was swaying slightly as if being blown by the wind, making a soft rustling sound.

However, there is no wind at the moment.

the other side.

The cement monster leaned against the wall and watched Ayisha clean up.

Ayisha didn't dare to complain - mainly because she couldn't beat anyone.

While cleaning up, she tried to speak: "Intangible, how did you meet that alien?"

The cement monster seemed to like the name and replied: "You want to know?"

Ayixia softened her voice: "Can you tell me?"

They are both oppressed, and Ayisha thinks they should get to know each other.

"Ask her." The cement monster smiled strangely, but did not give the answer Ayisha wanted.

Although the cement monster doesn't like Yinsu, she doesn't like the residents of this world either.

She is different from these residents.

She is a monster that emerged from the sea of ​​death mist.

More importantly, she dared to curse at Yinsu, but she didn't dare to make a move. She couldn't beat that lunatic.


Ayixia choked. She could only tell from the surface that the invisible lady was not dissatisfied with the oppression of the alien. She didn't know the specific relationship between the invisible lady and the alien.

So Ayisha didn't delve into the issue any further and changed the subject, "Are you from the Foxfire Realm?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Your clothes." Ayisha gestured to her dirty equipment, "I heard there are many like this in the Foxfire Territory."

The cement monster lowered his head and looked at his clothes, "Really?"

Aisha wondered what the cement monster meant. Was she from the Foxfire Realm, or not?


The cement monster noticed something and looked up outside the gate. Yinsu was dragging a man covered in blood in.

Ayisha also smelled something...an alien race! !

Ayixia couldn't help but swallow her saliva. This smell was much stronger than the scent she smelled from Yinsu in the dark alley.

It smells so good, it smells so good...

"There are still fish that slipped through the net." The cement monster walked over with a murderous look on his face, reaching out to kill the people on the ground.

Yinsu raised his hand to block her: "He shouldn't have slipped through the net. Let's get him in first and see if he can be saved."

"Why save him?" The cement monster was puzzled. He looked down and said without sympathy: "He is going to die, so why not give him a happy life."

Yinsu gave her a lukewarm look: "You can scold me, but don't question or refute my decision."


The cement monster lowered his lips, snorted coldly, grabbed the collar of the man on the ground, and dragged him to the second floor.

Aisha: "..."

No, even if this person is not dead, he will die if you delay him like this, right? But if he dies... he should be able to take a bite, right?

After the cement monster dragged the person upstairs, Ayixia wiped her saliva and saw a red object in Yinsu's hand.

It is a palm-sized wine gourd.

Red...wine gourd?

Too white! !

The wanted alien Taibai! !

It’s over, it’s over…

It's already terrifying to have an alien and a wanted criminal who killed the residents of Guangming District, and now there's another wanted alien.

Even if she had ten lives, it wouldn't be enough for her to die.

But Ayisha calmed down quickly. There was already one alien, and the result of adding another one would be the same. Anyway, she only had one life.

The Cardinal Station has medical supplies, which are high-end products in Guangming District.

After the cement monster gave the other party two injections, he threw him on the sofa and ignored him.

Yinsu came up to take a look, and obviously didn't care about the wounds on his body. He sat down on the clean sofa, closed his eyes and started to rest.

Ayisha felt that these two people were the same thing... She wiped her saliva, well, she did too, she wanted him to die too.

Taibai opened his eyes and saw the face close at hand. He looked at each other silently. Those eyes were beautiful, but unfortunately they were greedy.

He didn't know where he was at this time, let alone who the person in front of him was.

But he could feel that his body was better than before he lost consciousness, and he was not restrained.

Although the eyes staring at him were greedy, they were not too hostile.

And she is weak...

It should just be a C-level alienator.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, those greedy eyes stepped back and said, "What a pity that you are alive. This is my first time... oh no, this is the second time I have seen a living alien at such a close range."

Taibai saw the other party's appearance, a bright and charming face.

Taibai moved his fingers, trying to touch his weapon, but found nothing.

was taken away...

Taibai calmly let go of his hand and began to think about his situation.

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