Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 865 The Monster World Begins One Day

Chapter 865 Monster World·Starting Day

The members of the Black Wolf organization immediately understood who she meant by 'family'.

Choosing to reunite means wanting them to die...

In the Dark River District, fighting and killing among major organizations are commonplace, and annexation is also very common.

But they, the Black Wolves, have always annexed others, so why is it their turn to be annexed today?

Yinsu looked at them with calm and gentle eyes, "Then, my dear new friends, make your choice."


Everyone looked at each other, but no one made a choice immediately.

Half a minute, one minute, two minutes...

Finally, someone stood up, not daring to look at his companions, and said quickly: "I don't want to die, I'll join."

"I'll join in too."

Someone angrily shouted: "How can you betray Black Wolf! You traitors!! The boss gives you food and drink, and this is how you repay the boss!!"

Apparently Black Wolf also has die-hard fans.

"I'm sorry, Qinghong, I don't want to die..."

"The boss is dead, brother... In that case, so many brothers have been killed, and Black Wolf is finished. We can't bury him with him, right?"

"I don't want to die either, I want to live."

The man named Qinghong looked livid and said angrily: "Who knows if she lied to us! Do you really think she will let you go?"

Qinghong angrily scolded the traitor.

But there was only one person standing beside him to support him, and the others were obviously unwilling to risk their lives.

"Those who choose to join, please stand over there." Yinsu said, motioning for those who joined to go to the other side.

Upon hearing this, the person who made the choice immediately walked out of the crowd, making Qinghong cursed in anger.

There were about twenty people there, and soon everyone walked out, leaving only Qinghong and the person who supported him.

No matter what reason they joined Black Wolf, there was one most important reason - to live.

Yinsu didn't look at the two people anymore and said to Dai Ling: "Dai Ling, they are your little bears."

The bored little girl was lying on the table with her face in her hands, her eyes lit up, and she was very excited: "Okay, sister is the best~"

Dai Ling flew towards those two people.

Yinsu looked at everyone who had already made their choice.

"I'm glad that everyone has made a smart and correct choice. Welcome to join the Tongren Factory. I am your factory director, Su Renren."

Former Black Wolf organization member who made the right choice: "???"

Tongren Factory?

What to do?

A bronze man? What is the use of bronze men?

Yinsu took out the seal of the Tongren Factory and motioned for them to line up and go through the 'entry formalities'.

Yinsu didn't cover her up randomly like before, but covered the inside of her arms, making it difficult to see as long as she didn't take off her clothes.

She originally wanted to cover the soles of her feet, but it was a bit disgusting to think about, so she decided against it in the end.

After stamping, Director Su once again welcomed the new employees and looked forward to the future of the factory, saying that although the factory has just started, they will become bigger and stronger.

The new employees found that after being stamped, there was no change in their bodies except that the stamp could not be erased.

Everyone didn't understand the purpose of this chapter. Regarding the enthusiastic factory director, they just felt that there was something seriously wrong with his brain.

When they annex other organizations, they also take over other organizations’ underlings.

But the little boy who receives it must be dealt with first, and only the fists can speak... Who is so enthusiastic about painting the pie?

Among the new employees, the one who was a little bolder asked directly about his doubts: "Director, may I ask how long it has been since our factory started?"

"Oh, one day."


How many?

How much does she say! ! !

Haha... I'm just starting out.

The employee who asked the question was obviously choked by the word "day", and after a while he muttered: "Then... what exactly do you do?"

"What to do..." Yinsu pondered for a moment, "I haven't decided yet, let's do some zero-yuan shopping first."


Buy for zero yuan?

... Robbery is robbery, what about buying for zero yuan!

Yinsu asked them to count out Heilang's inheritance and bring it here.

Yinsu did not move those people controlled by Dai Ling, but the pestle was useless here. Yinsu asked Dai Ling to take them out to guard the new station.

Those who still maintain self-awareness are lucky that they are just minions, otherwise they would now become puppets without self.


Yinsu glanced at the people present: "Is everyone in your organization here?"

Is the number of people a little small?

"No, there are still many outside..."

The man who replied was named Mai Sumu. He was handsome and young, but he was more courageous than the others. He was the one who asked the question just now.

Mai Sumu obviously knew how to seize the opportunity and immediately started to show off: "Some time ago our... ex-boss died, and most of them were sent out to find the murderer. Do we need to call them back now? There are two more people outside. The more powerful brother...if they knew what was going on here, they might get into trouble. "

Yinsu nodded: "Let's trick people back first."

Mai Sumu responded: "Okay, director."

Mai Sumu left with the people, and Black Wolf's inheritance was also delivered to her one after another.

The cement monster did not lie. Black Wolf was indeed very rich. The gold coins alone filled a large box.

This does not include those in bearer bank cards.

It's a pity that the registered one cannot be taken out...

Those who are not dead can still be retrieved under Dai Ling's control.

In addition to money, there are relics.

But there are only three of them, and they are not powerful relics. They are basically auxiliary types.

Including the ones found at the Cardinal Organization, she currently has five relics in her hand.

Yinsu gave Aguai a cross wrapped in a thick rope.

The cement monster disliked it very much.

She can still barely accept a relic that is very destructive, but why should she be given a relic that is soothing and pure?

Yinsu said seriously: "I think you are a bit murderous. Wearing this will help you calm down, Amen."

The cement monster wanted to refuse, but when he met Yinsu's calm gaze, he wanted to curse and snatched the cross.

Yinsu picked another brooch for Dai Ling. When it is used, an illusory scene of blooming and withering flowers will appear around the body, which is very beautiful.


Just being beautiful is enough, what else does it need to do?

Yinsu put it on Dai Ling with her own hands.

Dai Ling got a lot of little bears. At this moment, she looked at Yinsu as if she were looking at the God of Wealth. She happily accepted, "Thank you, sister."

The remaining three Yinsu were collected first.

Yinsu flipped through other things and found some communicators, most of which were very thin like bamboo poles, but some were similar to her mobile phone.

According to the aborigines, the kind she has is relatively backward and cheap.

Poor aborigines prefer this cheap product when buying mobile phones, and some people think that such backward mobile phones are safer.

This is probably the difference between a smartphone and a PHS in the real world.

Just have the main functions, the rest are not important.

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