Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 869 The bright residents of the monster world

Chapter 869 Monster World·Light Residents

Black Wolf is different from other street fighters who collect protection fees. He has his own business.

They take jobs like hiring murderers, hiring protection, and leading teams to explore isolated islands. In short, as long as the money is in place, they will do any dirty work.

The most profitable business is the pharmaceutical business.

The drugs of the Quanzhi Group are very expensive, and many people in the Dark River District cannot afford them.

So Black Wolf started a fake drug business. Although the efficacy is not as good as that of the Quanzhi Group, it is cheap and in great demand in the Dark River District, which is extremely profitable.

Some dark places in the Dark River District are also under the name of Black Wolf, which is also part of the income.

Yin Su took inventory of these resources and did not make any changes. Just let them maintain the status quo.

As for how long they can last...

It doesn't matter.

If they can't maintain it, they can change their property.

After dealing with these things, two more days passed.

Yin Su read the invitation letter countless times with melancholy, but still did not get a way to return to the real world.

She wanted to go to other regions to see the customs and customs of the monster world.

But Yin Su still felt that going back was more important.

She couldn't sit and wait for death anymore, she had to find a way to go back, otherwise she would probably stay here forever.

So Yin Su told the first employee, Aguai, to take good care of the house.

Aguai was rebellious and unhappy, and Mai Sumu struggled to show his performance: "Boss, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of the others."

Yin Su nodded and said to Aguai: "Then you keep an eye on him. If there is any problem, tie him up and wait for me to come back to deal with it. Don't kill him casually and protect the employees of the factory."

Aguai was cold and noble: "Humph."

Mai Sumu smiled servilely. He was obviously not as trustworthy as the people brought by the new boss, but he was confident that he would become the boss's right-hand man.

As for this Aguai...

Mai Sumu was a little afraid of her. She looked at people with a cold and cruel look, like... like a monster in the mist area.

"Boss, I'll take you there."

"Dogleg." Cement cursed and turned to walk in the opposite direction.

Mai Sumu heard it, but he didn't care. He followed Yin Su respectfully, "Boss, how long will you be out?"

"I don't know."

If she can go back, she will definitely come back. There are too many secrets in this world. I just don't know when she will come next time.

If she can't go back... then she may come back later.

Mai Sumu didn't dare to ask what Yin Su was going to do, "Then... then you leave, what about those big brothers?"

Mai Sumu was talking about the little bears controlled by Dai Ling.

The Black Wolf is headed by the boss, and those who are closest to the boss are called big brothers by them, and they are the most core members.

Yin Su couldn't keep Dai Ling, so he asked Dai Ling to give Ayisha a temporary control privilege.

The temporary control privilege is like a string of code. It can only be activated when it is needed, and it can control a maximum of two at a time.

It can't be like Dai Ling, who can give orders to the little bears at will, or even let them act independently.

So they can only be used when they need to support the scene.

"Don't worry about it. If you need them, go find Aisha."

Anyway, there are cement monsters in the fight, so these people just need to show up and not let people find out that the Black Wolf leadership group has changed blood and cause trouble.




Aisha was about to go out to sell the lonely island route map stolen from the big bearded man, as well as the spoils she had looted before. Yinsu went out with Aisha and separated from Aisha in a busy place.

Yinsu did not use the previous look, but pinched a new face for herself. Her hair was long to her waist, half-surrounding her body, making her feel very safe.

Yinsu walked along the flow of people for two streets, and from time to time she could see buses passing through the streets.

The buses in the Dark River District are also operated by the All-Knowing Group, but they use the buses eliminated from the Bright District.

There are drivers in the buses.

Logically, with the technology of the All-Knowing Group, the buses should be unmanned.

She chatted with a few alienated people and found out that this was a welfare position provided by the All-Knowing Group for others.

Even in the Guangming District or other areas, all public transportation is controlled by humans.

Yin Su didn't expect the Quanzhi Group to be so socially responsible.

But she didn't really believe that the Quanzhi Group would be so kind.

Yin Su went to several bus stops and finally found the longest route, which almost crossed the entire Dark River District.

Yin Su waited for the bus to come and got on the bus with the natives waiting for the bus. The ticket price was 2 gold coins in the Dark River District.

Yin Su inserted the coin and found a seat to sit down, and the bus started smoothly.

She just took a look and found that the bus cab was very similar to the one in the game, and the driver did not need to control too much.

There were not many people on the bus, and 2 gold coins seemed to be a bit expensive. Only the natives who were far away would choose to take the bus.

These passengers on the bus ignored their strange appearance and listened to their chats about family matters.

Of course, there were also some bloody and violent content.

The bus stopped at a bus stop, and Yin Su saw the silver-gray semicircular building not far away-the statistics center.

There were suddenly more people getting on the bus at this stop, and the empty seats in the front were quickly filled.

People rushed to the back, and a round-faced girl wearing a large coat grabbed the seat next to her. After sitting down, she slowly exhaled.

Under the skirt of the round-faced girl are not normal legs, but plant-like root systems, exploring everywhere.

The round-faced girl felt a little embarrassed when she saw Yinsu staring at her roots, and hurriedly tucked them under her skirt, "Sorry."

Yinsu smiled at her, "Very cute."

The round-faced girl was stunned for a moment, blushing with embarrassment, and her roots wanted to come out from under the skirt again. She quickly pressed it down with her hands, "Thank you."

Yinsu said in a gentle tone: "Where are you going?"

"Go home." The round-faced girl quietly glanced at the girl next to her. She was so beautiful... she looked like she came from the Guangming District.

Thinking of the Guangming District, the round-faced girl folded her big coat, her eyes full of envy and yearning.

One day she will leave the Dark River District, enter the Light District, and live a bright life.

After the round-faced girl confirmed her dream, she quietly looked at Yinsu, clenched her fists, cheered herself up, and mustered up the courage to speak:

"Are you... a resident of Guangming District?"

"Huh?" Hearing the round-faced girl's voice, Yinsu turned her head, "Why do you think so?"

"You are very similar to the people in Guangming District..." The round-faced girl blushed with embarrassment and whispered: "I was doing logistics at the checkpoint, and I could see the residents coming out of Guangming District... They are just like you, but You... are better than them."

Those people always have their nostrils turned upward and look down on them, the residents of the Underwater District.

Not to mention talking to them softly...

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