Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 876 Reality is a long story

Chapter 876 Reality·It’s a long story

Miao Baiyu winked at his teammates, and they immediately dispersed silently. Miao Baiyu led Wen Renzhi and Liang Fu towards the man.

It was a girl, and there were several corpses lying at her feet. She was squatting next to the corpses, raising and lowering her hands on the corpses.

At this moment, the girl raised her head.

It was an unfamiliar face, very beautiful, young, with long hair that almost reached the ground. The wind blew the strands of hair flying.

In a desolate ruined village, corpses, girls... this combination is a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

Seeing them, the girl stood up, her dark eyes filled with joy, "Captain Miao, long time no see."

This sound...

Miao Baiyu's eyes fell on the steel pipe held by the girl's right hand. His heart skipped a beat and he took a closer look at the unfamiliar face.

After a moment, Miao Baiyu said gently: "Miss Su."

Wen Renzhi, who was still wary, glanced at Miao Baiyu, "Captain, are you one of your own?"

This girl doesn't have any marks from the Bureau of Investigation on her body, and she doesn't look like someone from the Bureau of Investigation.

But it's definitely not an accident that she appears here with such a leisurely attitude.

Miao Baiyu didn't comment and just said: "It's okay, it's safe."

Wen Renzhi did not question it, but he did not relax his vigilance either.

Miao Baiyu walked over the ruins and took a look at the corpses on the ground, "Why is Miss Su here? Who are these people?"

"It's a long story." Yinsu decided not to say it yet, and only answered the next question: "These people are members of Nightmare Becomes."

"A nightmare coming?"

Sure enough, upon hearing this name, Miao Baiyu's brows twisted into the character "Sichuan".

"Sure enough, what happened in Shanlu County is inseparable from the nightmare." Miao Baiyu exhaled and his tone became more solemn.

Yinsu raised his hand and threw something over: "This is what they left behind. It is similar to what you found in Dream Building Apartment last time. It is made of three props."

She found it on the person who climbed up the well last.

They appeared here probably just to take this thing away.

Unlike the ones that were burned last time, the props this time are still intact.

[Dance of the Dead·Fusion]

【Rainbow Gate·Fusion】

【Soul-Eating Ant·Death】

The last ones were the 'Devil's Music Box' and 'Corridor of Wind', and there was also a question mark. She speculated that it was some kind of living creature.

Now that seems to be the case.

The Devil's Music Box corresponds to the Dance of the Undead. Their function is probably to trigger something similar to resentment among the living/undead in a specific area, and spawn a copy of death.

The Rainbow Gate is probably also a space-based skill or prop, which can open a passage between two worlds and create a contaminated area.

As for that living thing... its function is unclear at the moment.

Under Yinsu's guidance, Miao Baiyu found the bodies of his companions.

Looking at those unrecognizable corpses, the air pressure around Miao Baiyu dropped a bit.

Death in the monster world is the path they choose.

But he died at the hands of his compatriots...

Nightmare befalls these traitors of humanity!

Miao Baiyu quickly regained his composure and led others to collect the corpses of his companions. He would bury them properly after leaving.

Yinsu did not participate in the body collection process and stayed in the village, taking the opportunity to check the invitation letter.

[Red Rose Invitation: An exquisite invitation. 】

[Cooldown countdown: 233:42:23]

Does it take 10 days to cool down after one use?

10 days is a bit long, but it’s better than a one-time deal.

Otherwise, there will be no way to go there next time...

Yinsu put the invitation letter back, and Miao Baiyu came over just in time, "Miss Su, should I send someone to take you out first?"

They still need to explore the Tongren Village and cannot leave immediately.

"I have something to see Jiang Qi."

Miao Baiyu nodded and told her Jiang Qi's location: "The headquarters is at the temporary command post."

He arranged a car to send Yinsu out to find Jiang Qi first.

Temporary command post.

The young man named Liang Fu drove Yinsu out. As soon as they left the dense fog area, they heard a loud noise outside.

The car drove out and found a mess outside.

"What's wrong? This is..." Liang Fu suddenly thought, "The bronze man ran out?"

But looking at the situation at the scene, there was no sound of fighting. It didn't look like the bronze man had rushed out.

The car was stuck at the toll booth, and the car in front was motionless.

The sky outside the white fog was covered with dark clouds, and the light was as dark as nightfall.

Yinsu opened the car door and got out. She passed several buses and quickly saw the scene in front of her clearly.

In the distance are continuous mountains, and on the other side of the mountains, dark light pillars shoot straight into the sky.

It's far away from here, but you can still feel the gloomy and oppressive feeling brought by the light beam.

"What is that!" Liang Fu followed Yinsu and ran over. He pulled a person in surprise and asked, "What's going on with the light beam?"

"There's something wrong with the shelter... there's something wrong with the shelter." The man gasped back, but he couldn't tell exactly what happened.

Just ten minutes ago, the light pillar suddenly appeared.

Then the entire shelter lost contact.

Jiang Qi and others had already passed there first, and now everyone was rushing over there.

Yinsu frowned, her mood getting worse.

She had an intuition that this incident was closely related to the nightmare.

Yinsu took out her phone and walked forward, opening her friends list and looking at all the unread messages.

Ignoring other people's messages, Yinsu found Jiang Qi. He only sent himself a message, which was for global broadcast.

She didn't reply, so Jiang Qi didn't send anything else.

Yan Yuanqing posted a lot, one every half an hour.

[Su Dashanren: Light pillar? ]

Yin Su issued it to Yan Yuanqing.

If Jiang Qi was dealing with the shelter, he probably wouldn't have time to talk to her.

Within a few seconds after she sent the message, Yan Yuanqing called directly.

Yan Yuanqing's voice was a little excited: "Miss Su, you finally answered me."

"What's going on with the light beam?" Yinsu walked towards the temporary command post, staring at the weird black light beam from the corner of his eye.

Yan Yuanqing quickly replied: "It's a sacrifice."

The howling wind blew past her ears, and Yinsu thought she had heard wrong: "...sacrifice?"

All the people evacuated from Yamalu County were placed in shelters. Many people died because of the copy of the Tongren Factory. Even if the number was reduced by half, there were more than 300,000 people.

Three hundred thousand people sacrificed?

are you crazy? !

Yan Yuanqing didn't know the specific situation there, so he could only briefly tell what he knew, and then asked: "Miss Su, where are you?"

"Outside the temporary command post."

"Hold on."

Yan Yuanqing quickly ran out of the command post with his men. He looked around and quickly saw a figure. Although the appearance was different, Yan Yuanqing's temperament made him intuitively think that it was Miss Su.

Sure enough, the other party raised his hand towards him, and Yan Yuanqing immediately walked over: "Miss Su, are you going to the shelter?"

Yinsu looked at the black light pillar with cold eyes, "Yeah."

Hair monster: If you don’t vote, I’ll sacrifice you, hehehe~

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