Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 898 Oasis (20)

Jie Nuo: "You asked how Qiu Hu died. I just told the truth."

"You bitch..."



Seeing that the atmosphere was getting worse and worse, Yu Conngling and Wan Moliang spoke up at the same time.

"I don't think the problem is big. Everyone is suspected anyway." Jiang Yunxi, a female player standing next to Wan Moliang, was more optimistic and laughed: "Everyone has been separated, so everyone's suspicions are equally heavy. Since we are all convinced Without each other, there is nothing to argue with, unless you have a lie detector."

Lie detector tool...

There are many such props, but the level is not high.

It may be useful for new players, but for veteran players...it would be strange if the psychological quality of old players and the blessings of the props on them can be measured.

Unless it is a high-level lie detection tool from a major guild, and it is a reputable guild that can guarantee that the results are fair and just...

But who among them has it?

Even if there were, could they trust the person who brought out the props? Maybe he is the spy?

Sure enough, no one answered.

The question of how Qiu Hu died has not yet been resolved as the people who left the city have been separated and the body has not been recovered.

The argument continued, which was nothing more than pointing fingers at each other, and finally a big quarrel.

The spy was not caught, but the already distrustful team became even more shaky.

Now everyone is just suspicious of each other. If the conflicts continue to intensify, it is not ruled out that some people will go to the extreme and choose to kill everyone except themselves.

If a fight breaks out, don't even think about getting out of the level, you'll all have to die here.

Brother No. 2 was quite concerned about Qiu Hu's death.

But You Chengfu was the last person to see Qiu Hu. The younger brother No. 2 could not question his elder brother, so he had to stop.

"How is Jinzhou?"

Wan Moliang looked at Jin Zhou who was unconscious on the ground.

"It's not very good." Jie Nuo said: "He suffered serious internal injuries and external injuries. Ordinary medicines won't have much effect. I guess..."

Everyone understands what Jie Nuo didn’t say later.

I guess I can't survive it.

After all, Jin Zhou was just a new player, so it was normal for him to die...

Everyone did not pay too much attention to Jin Zhou, who was destined to die, and continued to talk about things outside the city.

Yu Conling: "Leaving the city is like a trap. The NPC deliberately wants us to leave the city."

The NPC suggested that the teacher needed medicine. On the one hand, they thought that this might be a side quest and there would be clues to the dungeon. On the other hand, they thought that the 'medicine' might have some special effect.

But when they went out, they found nothing and only lost one person.

"Why do you want us to leave the city on purpose?"

"What else can we do? Let us die."

"But this dungeon map does include the desert outside... The white mist is far away. There must be a reason why the map is so big, right?"

This is another important reason why everyone feels the need to go out and explore.

Yu Conngling was just guessing, not sure.

Wan Moliang thought of another thing: "The scratches on the city gate yesterday and the scratches on the bed board in our house are from those monsters?"

Yu Conngling nodded: "It's almost the same. The claws of those monsters are very sharp, similar to the claw marks left on the city gate."

Everyone subconsciously looked up to see the towering city walls on both sides.

Are these walls used to stop those monsters?

After losing one of his men, Brother Fu, who was angry, immediately angered the NPC: "So the residents of Liuguang City must know about the monster. We left the city, but they didn't say anything... Okay, they deliberately lied to us and wanted us to die in Outside."

"If the NPC doesn't tell us, don't be too normal." Jiang Yunxi chuckled: "Besides, if we die outside, what good will it do to them?"



If they die outside the city, what good will it do to the NPCs in the city?

These monsters would rather want to kill players like them with their own hands...

"We have to ask the NPC about the monster..." Yu Conling glanced at Jin Zhou on the ground, "Let's carry him back to the room first, feed him some basic medicine, and see how he fares."

Yu Conngling took the potion and did not let anyone else take it out.

There was no need for him to provide anything himself, others were willing to be good people and worked together to send Jin Zhou back to the room first.

When they returned to the yard again, Yu Conngling suddenly looked at Yinsu, who was sitting on the threshold with his chin propped up and listening to them.

"Ms. Hao, can I ask, you told the NPC just now that the teacher was missing, what happened?"

"Oh. I killed her."


A series of question marks rose above the heads of these players.

What is she saying?

How come the combination of simple words is so difficult to understand.

Since she killed the teacher, why did she need the NPC to go out to find her?

Don’t the NPCs know yet…

That's right, Wen Yuezhu and Senior Brother are also 'guests'. If they find out that their teacher has been killed, they shouldn't ignore it like the NPCs in Flowing Light City.

At least senior brother doesn't know, that Wen Yuezhu... I'm not sure, it seems like I know, but I also don't know.

But no matter what, the teacher is also an NPC...

Didn't she break the rules of death because of Koro-sensei?

Everyone looked at Yinsu, who was sitting there intact, and were at least temporarily sure that she was fine.

Brother No. 2: "The teacher is a plot character, and you just kill her like this? What if she has any important clues? We haven't talked to the teacher yet."

After saying that, Brother No. 2 looked at the others, her meaning was very clear, she was acting in everyone's interests.

None of the other players spoke.

Originally, this Miss Hao Shan was a little... abnormal.

Yinsu glanced at him, not intending to explain at all, and said in a nonchalant tone: "Kill them all, or you can summon the souls."

The NPC thing is not labeled, so whoever grabs it first belongs to him.

In other words, whoever finds the clue first will own it.

Besides, she went out for a walk in the morning and then came back to care for the teacher.

Brother No. 2 choked and continued to mutter: "You can't just kill key people at will. If you can't pass the level, it doesn't matter who..."

Yinsu put down the hand that was supporting his chin and looked at Brother No. 2 seriously, "I think you are quite unimportant."

Brother No. 2: "..."

What's the meaning?

What does she mean? !

He is not critical, but you can kill him casually?

Brother No. 2 subconsciously looked at his elder brother.

Brother Fu was already a bit unhappy with Yinsu, and there was a dark shadow in his eyes, but instead of confronting Yinsu, he scolded his younger brother.

Brother No. 2 was stunned by the yelling. Didn't the elder brother just signal him to speak?

Why did the elder brother yell at me in turn...

Yu Conling: "Miss Hao, did you find anything wrong with the teacher?"

Well, why did she kill the teacher?

Yinsu's attitude towards Yu Conngling was obviously better: "Senior sister asked me for help this morning, saying that there was no medicine and she was worried that the teacher's body wouldn't be able to hold on. I didn't want to make senior sister worry, so I helped."

Babies, please vote for the month~~

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