Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 927 Oasis (49)

Yinsu stopped in a safe position and looked back at the battlefield in the distance. The sound of wind and strange roars mixed together, becoming more and more permeable.

Xuan Taotao stopped one meter away from Yinsu and tied his messy hair into a ponytail. "How do you know those bones... can be used to deal with the tree god?"

Yinsu shrugged, "I don't know. It doesn't cost any money to try."


Xuan Taotao thought she had gotten an important clue and was fully confident. Who knew she was just trying?

It doesn’t cost any money to try, but it will cost you your life! !

"What if that general doesn't do what you say?"

It is also possible that the tree god and the general will join forces to kill the player first, and then resolve their previous grievances.

The malice of NPCs towards players is uniform.

"There is a solution to not listening to my suggestions." Yinsu said slowly: "And now he has listened."


Xuan Taotao felt that he should not discuss this issue with her, so he took a deep breath and said, "Then what should we do now? Find the key to the clearance?"


"What are you waiting for?"

"You're just reaping the benefits." Yinsu glanced at her, "The dungeon is about to end, so why are we still looking for the key to clear the level?"

Xuan Taotao choked for a moment: "... Hard pass? This is a death dungeon... Can it be done?"

Normal dungeon Xuan Taotao can be challenged, but death dungeon...

She subconsciously felt that she was not good enough.

But looking at the current situation, it seems... it's not impossible.

"Why not?" Yinsu raised his eyebrows confidently and said with a smile: "When they are almost beaten, we will kill them together, no matter whether they are dead or not."

Xuan Taotao: "..."

The thoughts of crazy bosses are indeed different from those of normal players.

He talks about siding with the general, but actually uses him as a knife. In the end, he has to cross the river and burn the bridge with the oriole behind.

Believe in her rather than believe in ghosts.

This is the first time I have seen such a miserable NPC...

"Do you think there are two camps of players?" Xuan Taotao suddenly thought of Jiang Yunxi: "We are as prey, and the tree god relies on us to gain new people, which is equivalent to the tree god camp. Jiang Yunxi wants to kill us because he is trying to stop the tree god. God gains new people, she is the general camp."

"It seems unfair for Jiang Yunxi to be alone, but as long as she kills us all, she will win."

"The key to clearing the level...will it be related to those water drop containers? Or, are we going to get something from the enemy camp, such as something related to generals or monsters?"

Although Yinsu said that he would wait until the end and clear the level directly, Xuan Taotao still couldn't help but think about the key to clearing this instance and what the game would be like.


There are no clues about the pass key in this copy! !

This simply wants them to die! !

Yinsu: "You can ask her."

Xuan Taotao was trying to figure out the clues when Yinsu suddenly said this, and she subconsciously said, "Who am I asking..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sound from the ruins not far away, and something was pulled out.

Jiang Yunxi didn't expect that she would be discovered. She clearly used invisibility tools.

She didn't even notice anything approaching her.

By the time she was grabbed, it was too late. She was pulled out of the ruins and thrown into the air.

When she fell, Jiang Yunxi flexed her fingers to grasp her. Under the moonlight, Senhan's sharp fingertips flashed with a cold light, and she made a stroke towards her ankle.

Five scratches appeared, cutting off the restraints on her ankles, and she fell from mid-air.

"Jiang Yunxi!" When Xuan Taotao saw her, he immediately shouted angrily: "How dare you plot against me!!"

Jiang Yunxi stood firm, looked around cautiously, and pretended to have a relaxed smile on her face: "You all know that I want you to die. Isn't it normal to plot against you?"

Xuan Taotao's chest rose and fell twice, but he managed to hold back his anger, "What exactly did you get?"

Jiang Yunxi did not answer Xuan Taotao, but looked at Yinsu: "Are you the high-profile big shot player 0101?"

Xuan Taotao had made some guesses before, so he wasn't surprised to hear Jiang Yunxi's words now.

But she never asked for confirmation...

Xuan Taotao also subconsciously looked at Yinsu, and when he saw her nodding slowly, his heart skipped a beat.

The beta players are indeed crazy! !

"What a bad luck..." Jiang Yunxi laughed out of her throat: "Why don't I worry about not passing the level if I follow you? Unfortunately, luck is also a part of strength. This is probably the end of my life."

Jiang Yunxi glanced at Xuan Taotao enviously.

"When I entered the dungeon, you were walking towards Flowing Light City. There was a strong wind and sand, which made you stagger around. I appeared at the end of the team and was almost blown away by the wind, but the people in front pulled me back."

"I didn't notice anything was wrong at the time, I just thought that it was that scene when I entered the dungeon. After I checked the game panel later, I found something was wrong, but I didn't say anything at the time. By the next day, the number of people was wrong, and I was sure that I was the one Fortunately, I didn’t show off too much and no one noticed anything wrong with me.”

"I got the background information of this copy from the beginning. My mission is to prevent the residents of Flowing Light City from welcoming new lives. Whenever a new life is born during this period, I will fail."

“And the key to welcoming new life lies with you.”

"It is simply unrealistic for me to resist the NPCs in this city and the tree gods behind them by myself, so I decided to take a shortcut."

"-Kill key players."

"And the game also encouraged me in this way. It hoped that I would choose to kill you."

"If we hadn't found that the number of people was wrong at that time, then everyone would not realize that there was a spy in the team, and I would have had more opportunities to attack. You who were not on guard, it would be too easy for me to kill..."

"It's a pity that you were discovered... Luck is not on my side."

"When the game has faction gameplay, there is no win-win situation. You and I will both die."

"So knowing that we are destined to be enemies, why should I choose the more difficult path? After all, if you knew that I was a spy, you would kill me first, right?"

From another perspective, Jiang Yunxi was not wrong.

If it wasn't Jiang Yunxi, it would be her, Yu Congling, Wan Moliang...

It can only be said that their luck is better than Jiang Yunxi.

If it were other players, they would make the same choice as Jiang Yunxi.

Xuan Taotao: "But no new life has been born yet..."

Although no one on their side got the pass key...

But as long as they hold on until the end of the dungeon, it would be a win-win situation.

She got all the information about the dungeon at the beginning. If she told others earlier, maybe they could cooperate...

Xuan Taotao quickly threw this idea out.

As a "spy", Jiang Yunxi couldn't put her hopes on others, let alone trust them.

What's more, none of them knew that there was a beta tester in the team at the beginning.

The premise for the current situation is - 0101.

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