Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 938 There is no home in reality

Chapter 938 Reality·No Home

[Km: If the world gets worse, how can we survive? ]

The world is rotten, and people are dying. Who can he do business with? Monsters?

Kang Mai doesn't like monsters.

He would rather the people he hates live than want the world to become a monster paradise.

Kang Mai didn't have much time to chat. He made an appointment with Yin Su to wait for him to come back for this meal, and then there was no movement.

Yin Su flipped through the friend list and saw Li Jiang, and sent her a message.

Li Jiang replied quickly, but she was also in Shanlu County, and she couldn't send the tears she had accumulated for the time being.

Yin Su: "..."

It feels like everyone is in Shanlu County, and she is the only one in Lanjiang City, right?

This matter is not very urgent, Yin Su asked Li Jiang to continue to save it.



The contaminated area in Shanlu County did not spread any further, and the Investigation Bureau began to build a separation wall.

The Spring Festival holiday in 2046 was spent in a heavy mood.

The heavy snow weakened a lot on the fourth day of the Spring Festival, but there were still few people on the streets. The whole city seemed empty. Walking on the road, people would occasionally wonder if it was an empty city.

Yin Su found that monsters appeared in the city more frequently.

She no longer had to wait for news from the Investigation Bureau. She could join a few more local groups and know where strange things were happening at the first time.

Just follow those strange things and you will catch them.

For the broken palace, Yin Su had to go out in the snow to be a good person.

Yin Su returned home from doing good deeds again and saw Li Xinyue when he got out of the elevator.

Li Xinyue had gained a little weight and was wearing a furry coat. Maybe because of the cold, her chubby little face was slightly red.

She squatted by the wall, curled up, and looked pitiful.

Before Yinsu went over, Dai Ling turned out of Yinsu's pocket, turned into a human form, ran over directly, and started to cling to the child while holding her: "Little cutie, do you want me to come and see me? I miss you too, I know we are going in both directions..."

Li Xinyue was startled, and was rubbed all over by Dai Ling in her arms and legs. Her dark eyes were filled with water, and she looked even more pitiful.

Yinsu took Dai Ling, who was drooling, away, opened the door, and gestured to the nervous Li Xinyue: "Come in."

Li Xinyue grabbed the hem of her clothes and trotted into the house.

Yinsu closed the door and asked her: "Why did you come here alone again?"

Li Xinyue stood in the middle of the living room, lowered her head, and whispered uneasily: "I miss...I miss my sister."

The investigation bureau has been very busy recently, and Li Xinyue was originally following Liu Liu. But Liu Liu is now in Yamaga County, so she followed a few researchers who were responsible for studying her.

Those researchers were also very kind to her.

They took care of her daily life and brought her all kinds of snacks and toys.

Li Xinyue didn't dislike them, she just hadn't seen her sister for a long time...

"Did you tell anyone when you left?"


Li Xinyue lowered her head even lower, the corners of her clothes were about to be crumpled.

Yinsu: "..."

Yes, she ran away again.

They must be looking for her everywhere.

Yinsu took out her phone and reported her safety.

"I'll take you back later."

Li Xinyue didn't say anything, but she was obviously not happy.

But she also knew that whether she was happy or not, her sister would send her away in the end.

Yinsu warned Dai Ling and then let her go.

Dai Ling fumbled out a bunch of snacks from the corner and put them in front of Li Xinyue, looking like a flatterer.

As if Li Xinyue would agree to be her little bear.

Yinsu: "..."

Monsters really never know what giving up is.

Yinsu remembered that the identification technique he had learned seemed to have been upgraded, and maybe he could identify what the question mark of Li Xinyue was...

Yinsu used the skill immediately.

[Human cub·Li Xinyue·Superpower·? ]


There are endless question marks, right?

Show one and then hit another? !

What a waste! !

Yin Su's head was buzzing with pain. She stared at the three words "Superpower" silently until it disappeared and then blinked.

Superpower is a division of the monster world. The real world only shows humans and players.

She came from the monster world.

This explains why she has skills at such a young age.

Aliens awaken their superpowers regardless of age.

But why is her father Li Yinian?

It can't be that Li Yinian found a wife from the monster world and gave birth to her? Cross-border birth...what is this? Saint of two worlds? According to the novel, this must save the world and rule the two worlds.

If this is true, then wouldn't Li Yinian have a way to cross the two worlds?

Li Yinian's body was not found after his death. Did he die or went to the monster world?

The more Yin Su thought about it, the more suspicious Li Yinian's death was.

Yin Su sat opposite Li Xinyue, "Xinyue, do you remember where you came from?"

Li Xinyue tilted her head and did not answer, obviously hesitating, as if thinking about whether to tell her.

Yin Su waited for her quietly. After about a minute, Li Xinyue spoke: "Home."

"Where is your home?"

"Home..." Li Xinyue pursed her lips, "Home is home, with a father and a mother, that is home... But I don't have a home now."

"..."It's the same as saying nothing.

Dai Ling immediately came over and held her hand, "It's okay, sister. I can be your family. We can be together forever and be a family for life."

Li Xinyue was obviously a little afraid of Dai Ling. She wanted to pull her hand away but couldn't. She looked at Yin Su for help.

Yin Su asked the hair monster to pull Dai Ling away.

Dai Ling dug her hands on the ground and cried, "Sister, no suffering can separate us!! They are forcing a couple to break up! I will come to save your sister!"

Yin Su's eyebrows were throbbing wildly. What is this little thing looking at all day!

The hair monster dragged Dai Ling back to the bedroom and slammed the door. After a while, there was a clanging sound from inside.

"The uncles and aunts in the Investigation Bureau are your family now." Yin Su comforted Li Xinyue.

Li Xinyue seemed to think of the people in the Investigation Bureau, and her depressed mood improved a little.

Yin Su continued to ask: "You only lived at home before, and never went out?"

"Mom said it was dangerous outside and wouldn't let me go out." Li Xinyue said: "But Dad would take me out occasionally, and outside was... different from this world."

"How is it different?"

Li Xinyue seemed unable to describe it: "Anyway, it's different, there are many... many monsters. ... The sky is not so high, not blue, and there are no clouds, only the moon... a red moon."

The Dark River area of ​​the Black Firefly Domain is eternal night, so it's not surprising that red moons appear in other areas.

Is she describing a certain area in the Eighteen Domains?

Li Xinyue didn't have a deep impression of the world she lived in. I don't know if she forgot it, or if she didn't have a deep impression of that world.

Seeing that she couldn't ask anything more useful, Yin Su had to give up and planned to send people back later.

Baby, vote for the monthly ticket~ Awooo~~

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