Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 945: Reality: Persistence in Being a Human Being

Chapter 945 Reality·Stick to Being a Human Being

Du Xia and Yan Yuanqing were both under his command, and the two leading captains, Su Yuechan and Miao Baiyu, were in charge of the death copy.

Everyone performs their duties and is more efficient.

Jiang Qi: "This is a matter between Miao Baiyu and Su Yuechan. Do you want to compete with them?"

Miss Su is leading the team for the death dungeon, so the strategy team must still choose someone.

"Then I'll go with them."

Jiang Qi didn't stop her, but just reminded her: "You saw what happened to Captain Su last time. Entering the death dungeon means you will have a narrow escape from death."

"Brother Jiang, you must be rich and powerful in danger." Du Xia was very open-minded: "Besides, if I die, it will be a matter of sacrificing my life for the country and honoring my ancestors."

Jiang Qi knew that Du Xia had always been ambitious, but he also knew that it was difficult to persuade her to make her decision, "As long as you know what you are doing."

Du Xia: "I understand."

Jiang Qi said nothing more, "I have to report to the deputy director about the monster world and the second skill first. You can tell Miao Baiyu about team formation, and he can discuss it with Captain Su."

Sure enough, every time I meet with Miss Su, my workload increases tremendously.

Not only the monster world and the second skill, but also the nightmare coming...

What happened in Yamalu County was planned by Nightmare Advent.

The contaminated area is just a cover. What they really want is for so many people to gather together to facilitate their subsequent 'sacrifice'.

If they can artificially create a polluted area, there will be a second, third...

Their plan failed this time, but what about next time?

Du Xia followed Jiang Qi out of the house, with a sad look on his rather heroic face: "Brother Jiang, what if, I mean what if, we fail to prevent the game from coming, and face the same ending as the monster world?"

"With the help of President Sheng, the bases are currently progressing smoothly." Jiang Qi said: "When we really go to the contaminated areas to plunder, we can still save some people."

"Where is the peeling experiment?" Du Xia asked again, "How is the progress?"

Jiang Qi shook his head: "It's not going very well. I'm already thinking of a new plan. I hope there will be good news."

Du Xia: "The stripping experiment was unsuccessful, and the safe base is just another cage that cannot see the light."

Jiang Qi: "Don't be discouraged. If we all work together, there may be good news soon."

Du Xia sighed: "If it was half a year ago, I might not have noticed anything, but now time is running out and we don't have much time left..."

Jiang Qi walked forward in silence.

Outside the corridor was a gloomy sky, and it looked like it was going to snow again.

Yinsu returned home and made an appointment with Boss Kang to come over and tell him about the monster world.

After hearing this, Kang Mai frowned so much that he almost killed several flies. He sat on the balcony in the cold wind and smoked several cigarettes before coming in.

"Heh..." Kang Mai sneered: "It's the end of the world..."

Yinsu leaned on the sofa, "Boss Kang, please make plans early."

Kang Mai raised his eyes and looked at her, "Where's Miss Su? What are you going to do?"

"In a few days, we will first take the people from the Investigation Bureau to pass the dungeon to gain experience, so that they can have a team that can clear the death dungeon."

Kang Mai thought about it and said: "If more people can clear the death dungeon, it can be regarded as a way to prevent the game from coming."

Kang Mai gave Yin Su a meaningful look.

The boss is still kind-hearted...

Although her main purpose may be to reduce the pressure and responsibility of entering the dungeon, her performance does not matter her intentions.

"Boss, tell me..." Kang Mai leaned forward slightly, pressing his elbows on his knees. "If our world falls, will we persist in being human and become aliens like in the monster world, or will we join in the evil and become alienated?"

"Alienated people eat people."


Kang Mai leaned back on the sofa and said disgustedly: "It's better to be a good person."

Yinsu felt the same way: "I think so too."

The two looked at each other and fell back on the sofa at the same time.

"Speaking of nightmares coming... Dawn Guild should also have something to do with them." Kang Mai suddenly said.

"How to say?"

The last time Kang Mai saved Li Xinyue, he almost died. Boss Kang was not so generous and planned to settle the score with the Dawn Guild.

She didn't ask about the progress, and she didn't know how Kang Mai's revenge was going.

At this time, Boss Kang herself mentioned that of course she was curious, and also wanted to know about Li Xinyue and Li Yinian.

"Before the incident in Shanlu County, I found some connections and got some members of the Dawn Guild to enter the dungeon. I got some information from them. They were indeed arresting Li Xinyue, but they had only seen Li Xinyue's photo. As for why They didn't even know about her arrest.

Until I met a core member, he mentioned that Nightmare Comes, which means that Nightmare Comes entrusted people from the Dawn Guild to grasp the chestnut crescent moon. "


Kang Mai was also quite speechless: "No, that's all."

Regarding the matter of the Li family and his daughter, the Dawn Guild is more like an executor, or an executor who doesn't know much.

Yinsu was not surprised, this was in line with the behavior of Nightmare Advent.

Screws don’t need to know anything other than their own job.

Yinsu: "If the nightmare is behind the Dawn Guild, then the death of Li Yinian and the collapse of the Scarecrow Guild are probably driven by the nightmare."

The Dawn Guild was originally at odds with the Scarecrow Guild, but Nightmare came from behind to instigate the Dawn Guild and the Scarecrow Guild to fight, and Nightmare came to enjoy the victory.

Kang Mai: "But why? For Li Xinyue? What is so special about that little girl?"

Yinsu didn't tell Boss Kang about Li Xinyue's ability before, because he was afraid that he would regret it and not be able to sleep, so he didn't say anything nonsense at this time: "Xu is a saint."

"??" Kang Mai was confused and suddenly thought of the novels and TV series he had read. "The plot of brainwashing the cult to find a saint seems reasonable."

Yinsu: "..."

Kang Mai just said that, of course he wouldn't really believe it.

There must be some other purpose behind the nightmare coming to grasp the chestnut crescent moon.

Kang Mai grinded his teeth and showed a fierce look in his eyes, "The nightmare has come... It's really a nightmare, the ghost is still lingering."

Yinsu thought for a while and said: "The person who caused the nightmare did not take action himself, which proves that Li Xinyue's importance may not be at the top."

Kang Mai suddenly thought: "Could the nightmare have something to do with the Black Moon Organization in the monster world?"

Aren’t the Black Moon Organization in the monster world just followers of God?

Could this nightmare be caused by the Black Moon Organization?

"It's possible." Yinsu said: "But it's also possible that they have equal status with Hei Yue."

Black Moon is a follower of God, and so is Nightmare Advent. The two organizations are not superiors and subordinates, but equals. Both were created by 'God' to speak for themselves.

Kang Mai snorted coldly: "No matter what their purpose is, this matter is not over anyway, I will continue to investigate them."

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