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Chapter 1020 No. 1 on the Hot Search List

On the top of Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain.

Su Bai stood with his hands behind his back, watching the figure of Bai Long gradually going away, surprisingly calm.

Tap tap tap...

The sound of footsteps came from behind, and Xuan Ling appeared behind Su Bai.

At this moment, Xuan Ling's expression was extremely complicated. After all, she underestimated the degree of Su Bai's madness.

She didn't even give her a chance to communicate.

During the time she came back, she had been busy with the affairs of Dajiang City, and finally finished it.

The matter of Dajiang City can be put aside for the time being.

At least there will be no more official personnel from Longguo who will go to Dajiang City to die.

With Su Bai's presence in Dajiang City, no matter how many people are invested, the final outcome is only one.

I thought that the matter of Dajiang City would be resolved, which would make Su Bai a little more stable.

Not to do anything impulsive and more crazy.

As a result...

Xuan Ling still underestimated Su Bai and underestimated the degree of Su Bai's madness.

The extraordinary game has been around for many years, and it has never been like this, the last fig leaf has been completely torn off.

"Can you tell me why you do this?"

Xuan Ling's voice came from behind and fell into Su Bai's ears.

Su Bai was silent for a while, perhaps he was thinking...

For a long time.

"It's going to come after all, isn't it?"

This is Su Bai's answer, but Xuan Ling knows that the real reason is definitely not like this.

Something must have happened to stimulate Su Bai.

But Xuan Ling couldn't figure it out.

What on earth could stimulate Su Bai to do such a crazy thing?

Maybe it's not clear now, but Xuan Ling knows that starting from tonight.

The whole situation of Blue Star will change completely.

Among these people under Changbai Mountain, there are many players sent by other countries, mixed in.

These countries are very keen to detect the abnormality in Changbai Mountain.

It can be said to be exploration, or it can be said to be monitoring.

No matter which one it is, in essence, they hope that there will be no new uncontrollable factors.

For those high-ranking people in power, the most terrifying thing is uncontrollable factors.

Whether it is a player or a super game.

In the eyes of those people, they are all uncontrollable factors and need to be contained.

Such containment has been going well before.

But now, heretics have appeared, and the previous suppression will only usher in a stronger rebound.

Su Bai is a heretic, and the real rebound has not yet begun to appear.

Su Bai raised his hand, and a space door appeared in front of him.

It seems that he is going to leave.

Su Bai did not intend to continue chatting with Xuan Ling, he had other things to do.

Suddenly, Xuan Ling remembered something, and after hesitating again and again, he still asked.

"That, my apprentice..."

"She should be back soon."


Xuan Ling had a puzzled look on her face, and several question marks appeared on her head.

She did not quite understand what Su Bai meant.

Wasn't her beloved apprentice sent to be a hostage not long ago?

How could he be released so soon?

After speaking, Su Bai walked into the space door and disappeared in front of Xuan Ling.

The huge Changbai Mountain became empty again without the cover of the white dragon.

Bai Long probably won't go back to Changbai Mountain. As for where he will go...

Only after Bai Long has settled down completely, Xuan Ling can make another calculation.


In a small, somewhat chaotic house in Dachuan City.

The house is dark, with only a computer monitor glowing.

In the darkness, the sound of slurping noodles can be heard continuously.

"Still, instant noodles are the greatest invention of mankind."

Jiang Man took a deep breath of the instant noodles in the cup, and continued to type on the keyboard with his free hand.

Suddenly, Jiang Man saw a somewhat strange post.

[Mythical creature, dragon appears! ]

The title is just such a simple sentence.

It is obviously suspected of being a clickbait. If it were before, Jiang Man would not even click in to take a look.

The reason is very simple.

It is clear at a glance that it is another gimmick deliberately created by that unscrupulous media in order to gain traffic and eyeballs.

This kind of thing happens every once in a while.

Shocked, found evidence of the existence of dragons, etc...

Jiang Man has seen so many gossips like this.

Almost every time I click in, I get scammed.

If Jiang Man remembers correctly, she saw a video two days ago, which was a dragon roar.

At first, Jiang Man thought it was synthesized by a computer.

For this reason, she used a computer to download the audio and then analyzed it with professional software.

Then, Jiang Man discovered a more frightening fact.

There was no trace of tampering in the audio.

In other words, the audio was real!

The sound in the audio was a dragon!

Although it was confirmed, Jiang Man still maintained a skeptical attitude with the attitude of practicing to gain true knowledge.

I plan to go to Changbai Mountain to take a look when I have time later.

And I heard that there was a lot of fog in Changbai Mountain recently?

It is very likely that it was made by the extraordinary game, and it might trigger a task, killing two birds with one stone.

All that was said before was based on the authenticity of the audio, which is why Jiang Man spent so much energy to study it.

And this "gossip" in front of her is very wrong.

It's actually ranked first on the hot search list?

And the second hot news seems to be related to dragons?

What a joke!

When did gossip become so popular?

Or are these people's IQs getting lower again, and they believe in such absurd things?

"Haha, I want to see how absurd it is."

It's not because of curiosity, she just wants to see it.

How stupid are these people who clicked in? In this century, they still believe in such gossip.


The mouse clicked, and the video started playing.

The picture was a little shaky, but the picture quality was very clear, and it was obviously professional photography equipment.

In an instant, Jiang Man began to doubt.

You know, the biggest feature of gossip like this is blur.

The blurrier it is, the more awesome it is.

But this video is different. It is very clear, and you can even hear the voices of some people talking around.

Suddenly, a blurry figure appeared in the video.

"What? I knew it would be like this again."

Jiang Man was speechless when she saw the blurry figure. She should have known it would be like this.

These damn title parties, I have been looking forward to it for a long time, but the result is still like this.

Jiang Man took a look at the video. The person was blurry. How could he see it clearly?

Jiang Man narrowed his eyes and looked at it carefully. Suddenly, he found that something seemed to be wrong.

Except for the blurry person in the picture...

Everything around seemed to be clear, and it could be magnified many times without any deviation.

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