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Chapter 1085 Explosion, strange appearance

A huge team of players appeared in the city.

Among them, many players can be heard complaining.

"Fuck, don't these people treat us as criminals?"

A white man with a full beard looked dissatisfied and looked at the black-clothed people around him with a fierce look.

It's a pity...

The moment the black-clothed man turned his head, the white man with a full beard who had just complained instantly lowered his head and dared not look at him.


These people in black clothes are just ordinary people.

But you have to know that behind the black clothes is the entire government of O continent and more powerful players.

How can a little Karami like him mess with them?

These black-clothed people are all dressed in the same clothes, wearing sunglasses and headphones on their faces.

The headphones are uncertain, but the sunglasses can be confirmed. They must be the technological products of the laboratory.

Extraordinary items produced in batches.

Although it is only the simplest extraordinary item, it can be mass-produced.

The large amount of investment in the laboratory in the early stage has already shown its horror at this moment!

Later, more extraordinary items will be produced from the laboratory to feed back to the players.

The beginning of a virtuous cycle.

The government, having tasted the sweetness, will increase its investment in this area.

Before, the identity of the players was not allowed to be seen in public.

Many things need to be done secretly.

In order to avoid some international public opinion.

But now it is different. The last fig leaf about the extraordinary game has been completely torn off.

There is no need to hide the identity of the players anymore, as the extraordinary game already exists.

The behavior of various countries has become more and more radical.

It is not possible not to be radical!

The two behemoths of Longguo and the United States have been weighing on the heads of other countries in the world for a long time.

After the advent of the extraordinary game, this pattern has not been rewritten.

Longguo is fine, and no major moves have been heard.

The United States is different, and it is terrifyingly high-profile.

The players in the Extraordinary Alliance have reached a terrifying level.

For other players, it is completely a fault-type pressure resistance.

The top players on their side in O Continent have only been beaten in the past...

How can the government of O Continent be willing to accept this?

They still have a chance, that is, the unique and terrifying copy of Jinhui.

Although the copy of Jinhui is terrifying, the abnormal objects and extraordinary props in it are unmatched by other countries.

The establishment of the laboratory can be seen as a symbol of surpassing several other countries in the world.

The only uncertainty is Longguo...

It is obvious that Longguo tore down the fig leaf of the extraordinary game, but Longguo itself did not make any movement?

It is obvious that Longguo is just holding back.

So many lessons have been put in front of them. Those who underestimated Longguo have undoubtedly been hit by Longguo's iron fist of justice.

How could the countries that have been beaten up make such a low-level mistake?

Therefore, they can only guard against Longguo.

The white man with a full beard seemed to hear the laughter of other players around him.

His face was flushed!

Tat tat tat...

A person walked in front of him, and the big beard finally couldn't stand it and exploded.

He couldn't afford to offend those men in black, so could he not afford to offend other players?

The bearded man grabbed the player in front of him, who looked ordinary, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"You didn't see the person in front of you, did you?"

Xuan Ling's eyelids jumped when he saw this.

The reason was very simple.

The guy with a beard grabbed someone other than Bai Long.

The three of them were in the front, Xuan Ling in the middle, and Su Bai was walking at the back, as if observing something?

Bai Long didn't care much about human affairs.

After all, for Bai Long, these players were just bigger bugs.

And now the player that Bai Long regarded as a bug was holding his clothes and looked like he was going to hit someone.

Xuan Ling secretly said that it was not good, and was about to go up to make peace.

The bearded man in front of him, who had originally had a fierce face, suddenly became quiet.

He let go of the hand holding Bai Long's collar and continued to line up in front of him stupidly.

The golden dragon pupil in Bai Long's eyes flashed.

Soon he returned to normal.

The other players who were originally planning to watch the fun were disappointed.

Originally thought there would be a good show to watch, but who knew that one side would fail before the fight even started?

"Tsk, it's so boring..."

"He has a full beard but he is so timid?"

Other players' dissatisfied voices came from all around.

But no matter what these people said, the big beard seemed to have not heard it and lined up honestly.

Apart from queuing, there were no other unnecessary actions.

Other players also realized at this time that the big beard had offended a terrible person.

The player who was just caught by the big beard was a ruthless person.

He should have used some props...

The big beard now looked as if he was controlled, and his eyes were a little stupid.

His behavior was not affected.

The players were all people who had seen the world, and they could tell at a glance that the big beard should be gone.


As Bai Long's sight swept over, some unhappy voices came out of Bai Long's mouth.

The other players hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to look at Bai Long.

The player who just said it was boring now wanted to run away directly. Being stared at by Bai Long like this, his heart was about to jump out.

"Hmph, cowardly bugs!"

Bai Long snorted lightly, and the people around him looked a little dark when they heard Bai Long call them bugs.

No matter how strong Bai Long is, there is always a limit, right?

Suddenly, more and more unfriendly eyes looked at Bai Long.

Not because of anything else, just because Bai Long's tone was too crazy!

The black-clothed people around also found something wrong. It seemed that the scene was a little out of control?

One of the black-clothed people closest to Bai Long turned on the special function of the sunglasses and began to scan Bai Long.


At the moment of scanning Bai Long, the sunglasses exploded directly!

The black sunglasses exploded into countless tiny fragments.

In a sense, sunglasses can be used as a detector to detect the player's combat power.

Of course, this is only one of the main functions.

There are other functions, but compared with the function of detecting the player's combat power, other functions are not so important.

It is not the first time that the man in black has used the function of sunglasses.

Like this, it is the first time to encounter the situation of sunglasses exploding.

Unexpected situation has occurred.

The other men in black around heard the movement and looked in the direction of Bai Long.

Bang bang bang!

A terrifying scene appeared!

Countless sunglasses exploded in unison. The man in black realized that something was wrong and shouted to the people around him.

"Don't look at that guy!"


The man in black just finished speaking and shifted his sight to another player in the queue.

As a result, the sunglasses exploded again!

Su Bai turned his head and looked at the man in black who had just spoken, with confusion in his eyes.

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