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Chapter 1096 Consumables

To be honest, several people present had seen Goudan before.


I've never seen a dog like this.

Xuanyao was the first to realize that this tall black figure was Goudan.

After all, I had been a "guest" for a period of time when I was at Su Bai's home.

He and Goudan fight to watch TV at home.

If he hadn't recognized Goudan's voice, Xuan Yao wouldn't have been sure.

The tall shadow in front of me is actually the unreliable human skin who likes to watch horror movies?

Is this his original body?

Liang Feng was dumbfounded. The person she called was Su Bai. Unexpectedly, the shadow behind Su Bai agreed...

What is this, a horror movie?

However, considering that Su Bai was not normal, Liang Feng quickly felt relieved.

"Tch, you are so thick-skinned."

Liang Feng murmured in a low voice, and it was not difficult to hear the contempt for Goudan's narcissism.

"Hey, aren't you that one? It's been so long since we last met, and you don't recognize me anymore?"

Jiang Man heard the tone of the tall figure in front of him sound familiar.

I couldn't help but frown and started to remember.

Soon, Jiang Man's expression changed.

The expression on his face was a little weird.

"Are you the evil spirit? How did you become like this?"

"Look at how discerning this person is, you can tell at a glance that this uncle is evil."

When he heard that someone recognized his identity, Goudan sounded a little proud.

At the same time, he despised Liang Feng, who acted like an idiot.

Liang Feng: "..."

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Liang Feng felt like she was no matter where she was.

will all be despised.

Forget it if you despise it.

The most important thing is that this time the person who despises her is not even a person...

Damn it!

Han Xi also recognized Goudan.

After all, Goudan followed Su Bai away before, but he didn't expect that the other party would still be alive now...

After Han Xi's reminder, Liang Feng finally recognized Goudan.

"I remember you were just a piece of skin. Why did you become so big?"

Liang Feng looked at Goudan curiously.

Goudan's body always exudes an extremely cold aura, making people shudder and feel very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with a piece of skin? You look down on a piece of skin, right?"

Goudan said that he was going to fight Liang Feng.


Su Bai's voice came.

Goudan could only look at Liang Feng fiercely, and then returned to Su Bai's shadow.

【Transmit? 】

Clicking to confirm, Su Bai turned into a golden light and disappeared.

Seeing Su Bai go in, the other three people also clicked to confirm.

In the city of x, a dead silence returned.

The silence was terrifying, and everyone in x city disappeared.

Not even a single body of those who had died was left behind.

Even from the satellite's perspective, it was blurry and nothing could be seen.

The city of x was covered by an inexplicable energy field.


"D-class personnel are ready to enter, the experiment begins!"

In a huge closed laboratory, as the sound from the radio came, the door of the laboratory was completely sealed.

Countless people dressed in orange and yellow were driven away by security personnel armed with firearms.

Escorted to the laboratory.

Soon, the laboratory was filled with D-class personnel wearing orange clothes.

The eyes of countless D-class personnel were full of fear.

Although Shen Ti was wearing special protective equipment.

But they know.

These special protective equipment are not designed to protect them at all.

On the contrary, they need to use their lives to test the safety and applicability of protective equipment...

This is their purpose.

Facing the abnormal objects that will appear in the laboratory next, they will never return.

But even so, they can only do it.

Be honest, it's actually in the laboratory, it's actually under the hands of those anomalies.

If you are not honest...

Then take the shot!

D-class personnel are, essentially, consumables.

They were originally death row prisoners, if it weren't for Jin who would have taken them here.

They are long dead.

So, in a sense, Jin Hui saved them.

Let them live in this world for a while longer.

However, Jin Hui is not a good person...

Let them live just to let them experiment with various data. Those data are what the Jinhui needs.

Rather than the lives of useless death row prisoners like them.

Jinhui often has to face all kinds of abnormal objects, and the death rate of special service personnel is already horribly high.

Without good equipment, the mortality rate is likely to be infinitely close to 100%...

Every time protective equipment is manufactured, it needs to be tested.

And now, this experiment is being carried out.

The personnel and objects used for experiments are these D-level consumables and abnormal objects.

As the laboratory was completely sealed off, the sound of heavy machinery could be heard.


Bang bang bang!

It seemed as if some monster was impacting, and the sound became closer and closer.

The sound became more and more terrifying, and finally...


The huge thickened cement protective net was broken, and a terrifying monster appeared among these D-level personnel wearing the latest protective clothing.

The monster has a terrifying body, like a huge lizard, dark green all over, and there is something like an exoskeleton on its head.

Immortal evil lizard!

The abnormal object that the laboratory has not been able to completely confine so far.

The other party seems to be able to evolve infinitely, and no matter what kind of fatal damage it has suffered, it can recover.

The speed is frighteningly fast.

It is very likely that the damage has not spread completely, and the other party's body has recovered.

It is precisely because of this peculiarity that it has become the best experimental subject.

After all...

It can't be killed, and it can be imprisoned in a certain way, but there is no way to eliminate it.

Small problem...


Soon, screams of D-level personnel were heard in the laboratory.

The protective clothing worn by those D-level personnel is working.

Resisting various attacks and bites from the immortal evil lizard...

And in this closed laboratory, countless cameras record everything inside.

In a monitoring room, countless experimenters in white clothes record various data indifferently.

They ignored the screams of the D-level personnel in the closed laboratory.

All they needed was data.

Soon, almost all the D-level personnel who entered the closed laboratory died.

The experiment seemed to be coming to an end?

Just when everyone thought it was about to end, something unexpected happened.

In the closed laboratory, one of the two remaining D-level personnel who were curled up in the corner suddenly stood up.

Not only did he stand up, he even took the initiative to walk towards the immortal evil lizard that was killing non-stop on the opposite side.

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