The eyes on the tentacles also turned into a light gold color.

This is what Su Bai discovered.

His skills can not only affect his eyes.

As long as it is his eyes.

Although these tentacles look weird, they are still part of Su Bai's body.

So they can still be affected by the skill book.

Through the metal ball, Su Bai looked inside.

When I looked at this metal ball before, there was nothing else attached.

It was really just a solid iron ball.

But now it's different.

Su Bai looked inside, and the originally solid iron ball had a huge hollow.

In Su Bai's view, it was pitch black.

It seemed to be corroded by something.

The black area is still getting bigger.

It is very likely that this black thing existed before.

It was just very small, so small that even Su Bai couldn't see it clearly when he opened his golden pupil.

Now this black dot is constantly expanding and has become what it is now.

"This thing is still getting bigger!"

Su Bai finally knew why the metal ball became lighter.

The solid things inside were swallowed by this black substance.

It expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

By the time Su Bai closed his golden pupil, the black substance had completely corroded the metal ball.

It was completely exposed.

Dark, lifeless, dead silent...

It was like a miniature black hole.

The difference was that Su Bai did not feel any gravity, but only slowly expanded.

It swallowed everything it touched.

Su Bai stretched his tentacles towards the black mass of matter.

The next moment, there was a sharp pain.

Su Bai quickly retracted his tentacles.

The part that had been in contact before had disappeared.

The incision was very complete and smooth, without any signs of treatment.

It seemed that after swallowing Su Bai's tentacles, the expansion speed increased.

It seems that organic matter can accelerate the expansion of the other party!

"So this is the destruction device..."

"It really doesn't give me any chance to survive!"

Seeing the expanding black ball, Su Bai suddenly understood why the owner of the previous note apologized to him.

It was not because of the laboratory blockade.

But he was going to die!

The black thing should be the antimatter just described by the system.

I didn't expect it to swallow everything.

This time it's really fun...

Su Bai retracted all his tentacles, leaving only a small tentacle to open his eyes and stare at the spread of antimatter.

So that Su Bai can make the next plan in advance.

"It's time for me to enter!"

The ground began to twitch, and countless tentacles appeared.

It was somewhat similar to the previous scene, but this time the tentacles were much smaller.

But other players couldn't laugh when they saw this scene.

"What's going on? Why are they coming again?"

"No, these tentacles are not the ones before, they are the ones that attacked the players with flags!"

"How could it be, is there an earthquake?"

With countless tentacles as a prelude, Su Bai appeared!

The ground sank, and a huge meatball-like monster appeared.

The players only realized at this time that the tentacles they saw came from the other side.

Su Bai's body is huge, with a diameter of nearly several hundred meters!

Even with such a body size, it is still nothing compared to the big-eyed monster in front of him.

Not even one-tenth of the other side's volume.

It's not that Su Bai doesn't want to get bigger.

It's just that there is no way, but almost all the abilities that can be seen have been absorbed by Su Bai.

As for those who don't...

Then there are only these active players.

If Su Bai eats these players on the ground, maybe he will get bigger.

But it's not the end of the road yet.

Su Bai still doesn't want to kill some innocent players simply for profit.

Everyone has the right to live.

Although Su Bai would not have any psychological burden even if these people died.

And a lot of problems were caused by Su Bai's appearance.

"What kind of monster is this again!!"

The words were full of panic.

They were afraid that Su Bai was another newly appeared deformed monster, the kind that could not be looked at directly.

The moment they saw Su Bai appear, they hurriedly lowered their heads.

Su Bai's current state was not much better than the big-eyed monster above his head.

The huge meat ball was covered with tentacles.

And there are densely packed eyes on the tentacles.

They monitor everything around them all the time.

In Su Bai's current perspective, there is no blind spot.

No matter where.

Even underground, there is the first part of the organization left by himself.

Used to detect the speed of antimatter diffusion.

Now Su Bai has made all the preparations.

To welcome everything in the end.


"Why haven't you seen this monster before?"

Mike, who was glowing with gold, said.

At the same time, he looked at Ange, who was still entangled with the black arm not far away, with a questioning look.

"I haven't seen it either..."

"No, I think I have seen it!"

Ange was about to deny it, but hurriedly found that he had felt the breath on Su Bai before.

"It's the blood corpse I met in the laboratory before."

"But the other party didn't look like this at that time..."

Ange was also a little shocked.

Especially after he really confirmed that the huge monster in front of him was really Su Bai.

Then he began to look for Yang Ning's body.

In Ange's cognition, Su Bai was the blood corpse controlled by Yang Ning.

At that time, Yang Ning and Su Bai acted together, which came in handy now.

"You hold him first, I'll go negotiate with him!"

Although Ange didn't open his mouth, his voice had reached Mike's ears.

"Do you really know him?"

Mike glanced at the other party, and an imperceptible emotion appeared.

"What's going on? Why did you have the urge to sneak attack the other party just now?"

What Mike didn't notice was that he didn't know when his feet were caught by a black arm.

The black arm went straight through Mike's upper body.

No trace was left.

But it continued to magnify the darkness in Mike's heart.

When he came to his senses, Mike had already hit the big-eyed monster heavily.

"Can you hear me?" Ange transmitted the voice

A magical scene appeared, and Su Bai stopped.

Then a tentacle appeared.

The tentacle flew towards Ange.

There was a note on it.

The note landed smoothly in Ange's hands.

The moment the tentacles touched Ange, it seemed to be burned, making bursts of burning sounds.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

Seeing this, Ange hurriedly apologized.

Then the light on his body dissipated, and the burning sensation of the tentacles also disappeared.

"This missionary leader is quite capable."

Su Bai was naturally very clear about everything that happened here.

At the same time, he was a little surprised at the other party's current state and methods.

He was subconsciously hurt by the other party before he even made contact.

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