Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

Like these tentacles summoned by Su Bai.

Have you ever seen a normal person take this thing out of his body at will?

This is completely inconsistent with the biological logic of the human body.

Even if it were true, the body would not be able to withstand such a high-intensity physical mutation.

Every time a tentacle is summoned, bleeding is a big problem, not to mention how to use it.

Wounds are nothing to Su Bai.

But for other players, even if these wounds are not fatal, the cumulative effect is very terrifying.

Another reason is that Su Bai is brave.

Ordinary players, even if they have mastered the original cells, would not dare to drastically transform their bodies like Su Bai.

So much so that now that he has completely unfolded his body, he is no longer a person at all.

Although a certain price has been paid, the gains are significant!

Su Bai's numerical values ​​now look densely packed.

Moreover, these increased player values ​​​​were all added after Su Bai thought of transformation.

In the later stage, as long as you have enough strength and your body can bear it, you can continue to develop it.

I don’t know how many [first-order cells] Su Bai has in his body right now.

It’s not that there aren’t other more advanced cells, it’s just that the body can’t adapt to such strong cells.

We can only give up temporarily.

By the time all the cells in Su Bai's body had turned into first-order cells.

That's when Su Bai replaced the second-order cells.

At the beginning, Su Bai thought that he could reach a terrifying level just by relying on first-order cells.

It was obvious that Su Bai was overthinking.

As more and more first-order cells entered Su Bai, the subsequent changes were no longer very obvious.

It's not that the cells are dead, but that Su Bai's overall life level has improved.

That’s right, it’s the level of life.

Su Bai didn't know how to describe this thing.

But I can clearly feel that not only is my body in control, but my brain has also become much easier...

What is the essence of extraordinary games?

Perhaps raising the level of life is one of them.

But the methods of improvement are not like books in a library neatly arranged for players to pick.

Instead, players need to slowly find their own path.

Your own extraordinary path!

Obviously, Su Bai seems to have found...

I just don’t know what the hell it will turn into if I continue to transform like this...

I hope I will still look like a person when the time comes...

These are all things for later.

Su Bai simply tidied up and got ready to go to school.

In fact, to clean up, Su Bai just took a bottle of milk from the refrigerator.

Prepare to drink on the go…

As for when the food is finished...

Isn’t this also Wang Yunshan?

Su Bai wasn't sure about the others, but Wang Yunshan must have had a lot of snacks.

outside school

"Students, please note that the time for our study trip this time has yet to be determined, but it should not be short. Prepare everything you need, and be sure not to get there..."

The honest person holding the microphone actually didn't know when they would come back this time.

After all, when it will happen depends on what the Dajiang City Government says.

When will school be allowed to start and when will study and study end?

"By the way, the most important thing is, don't forget to bring your classmates' textbooks. The teachers will come back and give them to you when you have time..."

Everyone was so happy just a second ago.

The next second, when the head teacher with the microphone said this, his face turned dark.


The previous ones are all bullshit, only the last few sentences are true.

Soon everyone arrived.

After a simple inventory, I don’t know if it was because I specifically emphasized it, but no one asked for leave.

Even some people’s mental state is really bad...

For example, it was the girl Su Bai had paid attention to before who was not in good health.

When the other party came today, his expression became even worse...

Underneath the thick black circles, the lips looked extremely pale.

Wang Yunshan was prepared with large and small bags, and she was dragging a suitcase behind her.

Then he looked at Su Bai with a ghostly expression.

"Where's your... stuff?"

Looking at Su Bai who had nothing in front of her, Wang Yunshan wondered if she had not woken up.

Or is it that I have been affected by nightmares recently, and even my mind is a little dazed?



Su Bai pointed to the milk in his hand.

"No more?"

"Oh... by the way, there is another one... for you!"

Su Bai was very thoughtful and took out an identical milk from his schoolbag.

and handed it to Wang Yunshan.

Wang Yunshan: "..."

You are really worthy of you. You said you came here for research and study, but you really came here to play and didn't take anything.

In fact, everyone was notified in advance.

This time, it was said to be out for fun, but in fact it was just a change of place for classes.

The only reasonable thing is that the rest time will be much longer than in school.

You can also go out to play.

"I also had a dream last night!"

Wang Yunshan took the milk handed over by Su Bai and said.


"Could it be that the one wearing blue clothes..." Wang Yunshan paused here.

It was obvious that she thought of something bad.

She also found that there seemed to be quite a few people who had nightmares like her recently.

And the content of the dream is similar...

This is not normal no matter how you look at it.

What I didn't expect was that Su Bai was also tricked so quickly.

"No, I just remember having a dream, but I can't remember what it was!"

Su Bai changed the subject.

Wang Yunshan can't be allowed to think about this further.

The more she thinks, the worse the result will be.

After all, this thing is supernatural from the corner of the real world...

Of course, she can't be allowed to think like this, otherwise, Su Bai won't find a solution by then, and things will get worse.

"Isn't it good that you don't remember it?"

"I'm telling you, that woman moved last night!"

"Gone?" Su Bai glanced at Wang Yunshan.

To be precise, he was not looking at Wang Yunshan, but at the necklace on her chest.

Originally, it was emitting a faint light, but now it is almost no different from an ordinary necklace.

Obviously, the equipment's cooling time has come.

Without the protection of the equipment, Wang Yunshan was once again involved in this matter.

There is no way to avoid it.

"She didn't walk, but I felt she moved..."

Wang Yunshan began to describe the woman in her dream.

Su Bai simply checked it and found that it was no different from what he saw.

It's just that this time he was standing from the perspective of an ordinary person.

So it sounds like there is a faint sense of terror and powerlessness...

Wang Yunshan could only lie on the bed and feel the woman approaching little by little.

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