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Chapter 227 Collapse, so fragrant...

"Is this heaven?"

A boy who looked outside out of curiosity said.

"What heaven? Let me see..."


"Damn, it's really heaven!"

"What heaven? Let me see..."

Perhaps the essence of human beings is a repeater, and boys stood up one after another.

Repeating the same sentence, the same action, and then looking outside.

"Hey, wait, why do you see that person in blue clothes look so strange?"

"That's weird, let me see..."

Looking for the direction of the other person's finger, he looked over.

A person in a long blue dress walked towards the nearest house step by step.

For some reason, he always felt that the back of this person seemed to have some eyes.

It felt like he had seen it in the case.

It's just that I can't remember it for a while.

"Do you think this back looks familiar?"

"Really? Let me see..."

"Damn, it really is!"

"But I can't remember it."

The same scene appeared again, and soon, the cohesion was broken.

After the other person entered the house, a strange scene appeared again.

The girl screamed and ran out like crazy.

Similarly, she didn't even have time to put on her clothes. This strange and familiar scene finally confused the other people watching the show.

What's going on?

Is there any entertainment program tonight?

Why don't you wear clothes at night...

The same thing happened again, but even so, many people still didn't take it seriously.

Or many people slept too soundly and didn't react.

They knew that the female ghost had entered their room.

"Eh? No, why is there no movement on the second floor?"

A boy watching the show said strangely.

According to the previous management, shouldn't they scream first?

Why did they only see some people running out of the window on the first floor this time?

Those girls looked a little strange, as if they were on the verge of collapse at any time.

If this is still in the strange stage, then the next scene will directly shock everyone who saw it.

There was no movement in the building where the female ghost just entered.

Then the female ghost in blue clothes who had entered before came out from the wall.

"Look, that person came out from the wall!"

A boy who had been watching with relish before looked at the scene in front of him with horror.

The female ghost walked towards a tent after coming out.

Soon, screams came from the tent, and then there was no movement.


A boy looked at the scene in front of him with some fear.


Suddenly, it seemed that those crazy girls were not joking.

They were telling the truth!

There is a ghost here!

For a while, everyone was not calm.

They ran outside like crazy, towards the crowded place!

At this moment

Boom! ! !

A sound like an explosion of dynamite came, as if the sky was about to be pierced.

In the distance, a hilltop began to shake violently without any signs.

In the blink of an eye, the mountain began to slide and finally collapsed.

The only road they had come from disappeared.

"What a joke, there is no way back!!!"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible..."

"This must not be true!"

If the noise made by the ghost girl and the girl before was loud, it was not enough to make everyone aware of it.

Then what happened now is enough to wake everyone up.

Including the villagers who were sleeping, and Lao Hu and others who were still silent in grief.

"What happened outside?"

He felt strange before, wondering if these schools were holding any activities tonight.

You can still hear the voices of those students so late.

But what Lao Hu and others didn't know was that this was not a school event at all.

It was haunted!

And this time, the huge noise made by the collapse of the mountain finally made him unable to sit still.

He reached out to lift the quilt and wanted to go out to see what happened.

But he found that his hands were stiff for some reason.

After a closer look, it was not long before his nails grew a lot.

"When did my fingernails grow so long?"

Lao Hu didn't take it to heart, just thinking that he didn't notice it.

Opening the door, pupils shrank.

Half of the mountain opposite was gone!

Not only that, the only way out was blocked.

"Something big is going to happen!"

Then Lao Hu took a piece of clothing and threw it on himself, and walked towards the village chief's house.

Halfway through, Lao Hu saw a mouse.

This might not be a big deal at ordinary times, but now Lao Hu has an impulse for some reason.

An impulse to eat this mouse!

"Strange, why do I have this strange feeling..."

Lao Hu shook his head and didn't take it to heart.

But his eyes did not leave the mouse, but moved towards it unconsciously.

Even the matter of going to the village chief's house was put aside.

All the thoughts were on this little mouse.


Lao Hu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked around.

It seemed that he was afraid that someone here would see what was going to happen next...


Squeak! ! !

There was a sound of mice.

At the scene, only a pool of blood was left, and the mouse was gone.

Under the moonlight, Lao Hu's figure gradually became slender. I don't know if it was an illusion...


The same situation also happened in the village chief's house.

But compared with Lao Hu, the village chief's movements were faster.

A chicken had been killed.

A basin of chicken blood had been placed on the table.

It was vaguely visible that a chicken was twitching on the table.

On the neck of this chicken, there were not knife wounds, but bite marks.

On the other side, the village chief looked at the chicken in front of him with a somewhat obsessed look.

"No, you can't do this..."

"But, it smells so good..."

Soon, the screams of the chicken came out of the room.

"Why is the village chief killing chickens at this time of night?"

Old Hu, who had already walked to the door, looked at the lights in the village chief's house in surprise.


"Who?" The village chief's voice came.

One could vaguely hear a hint of panic in the answer.

"It's me, Old Hu!"

"It's Old Hu, what's wrong, it's late at night, is it because of Chuanzi's matter..."

The village chief's voice came from inside, and the voice was a little unclear.

It seemed like he was eating something.

And Old Hu outside the door also began to drool uncontrollably.

There was something so fragrant inside...

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