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Chapter 269 An alternative approach!

Soon Su Bai disappeared into the crowded corridor and came to the second floor.

As soon as he entered the floor, he felt several strange eyes locking on him.

There are already several ghost figures wandering around this floor.

It seems like I want to enter the room...

"Don't they have a way to open the room?"

Suddenly an important piece of information appeared in Su Bai's mind.

If so, the current situation may not be so bad.


Li Gui cannot open it but players can easily open it.

Just like Su Bai just now, just one kick gradually sufficed.

In other words, not only do we need to be wary of the evil ghosts here, but also the players here need to be wary as well?

"The mission is getting more and more difficult..."

Su Bai muttered casually and walked inside. No matter what, the task still needed to be completed.

As for other things, we will consider them later.

The corpse Su Bai still wanted to destroy, but the ghost here didn't know how to open the room later and found the corpse one step ahead.

That would be bad...

Su Bai continued to walk inside and soon heard screams.

A player was killed by a ghost in despair, but the difference was that the opponent's body was completely preserved, as if it was intentional.

Soon, the body of the originally dead player slowly began to move.

The body in blood clothes standing in front of the opponent slowly overlapped with the opponent's body, and finally stood up!

"Sure enough, I already have thoughts!"

Su Bai witnessed the whole process from behind, and his heart couldn't help but jump.

These evil ghosts are really too outrageous, they actually have human thoughts.

The most important thing is that you can actually enter the body of a dead player to control the body.

If Su Bai guessed correctly, the other party's next step should be to open the door...

Xueyi seemed to have noticed Su Bai behind him, and he slowly stepped back, and a fierce ghost in red clothes appeared again.

Su Bai was staring at the front with a scary and weird look, and the most taboo red thread flew over.

"The equipment effect is triggered!"

"The charging effect is triggered!"

In the end, whether it was the silk thread flying from the blood-clothed bird in front or the unknown thread coming from the corridor behind, they were all blocked.

Hearing the screams and movements from the players upstairs, Su Bai realized that he needed to move faster.

Soon, the muscles on Su Bai's body began to swell.

The original human form gradually disappeared, replaced by a terrifying and ferocious monster.

Countless tentacles piled up in the room.

The bloody clothes in front were dragged by a tentacle, and then there was a sound of chewing...


While Su Bai was cleaning up the mess below, he didn't forget to send a message to Yang Ning.

Remind these players not to leave their bodies behind.

There are also players who can hide in the room, and those bloody clothes can control the corpses left behind by the players.

at last

You must, must destroy all the corpses you see!

Yang Ning is now at the front of the team. It's not that she doesn't want to stop, but that the people behind her don't want to stop.

In the face of this dismissal, no one would listen to her properly.

Thinking about Su Bai cleaning up the mess alone below, there was a huge gap between the two!

"These people..."

Yang Ning thought about it and suddenly felt a little ashamed. It seemed that she was not qualified to speak against the other party.

If it weren't for Su Bai's reminder, she would probably not be much different from these people now.

Even run a little faster...

That’s enough for now.

Since there was nothing to stop them, any player caught by the ghost would be dragged down immediately, so no one dared to stop at all.

Not only that, these people had no intention of stopping, but instead became faster and faster.

Finally, they didn't listen until they reached the top of the building and there were no stairs.

But even so, there were still many players behind who kept urging.

"Let's go, is the person in front dead?"

"Yes, if we walk further ahead, don't you see how dangerous the people behind us are!"

"What is it called? Do you think I don't want to leave? There is no way!"


At this time, the players behind who did not know the facts realized that the escape seemed to have come to an end.

There was no way for them to escape.

And the players above also looked desperate. What should they do if there is no way out?

Those fierce ghosts behind are about to catch up.

"Everyone, be quiet. You heard me!"

Yang Ning suddenly drew everyone's attention with his voice.

At this time, many people had already recognized Yang Ning.

Isn't this the female player who was with another monster before?

Why is there only one person now?

What about the monster next to the other party?


After looking around, he realized that the monster, Su Bai, was not here.

They were even more sad at this moment.

If they didn't want Su Bai to be with them before, it was because Su Bai was too strong and might attack them.

It was an element of uncertainty, but that's different now.

There are so many evil spirits behind, if Su Bai is here, it will be an extra guarantee!

The opponent's strength was obvious to all.

Although the opponent did not come, Yang Ning, as the opponent's teammate, is very powerful.

So there are still many players who are willing to listen to Yang Ning at this time.

"Who is this person?"

"Why should we listen to him?" A player was dissatisfied and squeezed forward.

"I advise you to listen..."

A player just said this meaningfully, and then stopped explaining.

The player who just came out to refute was confused.

When he wanted to say something, he found that many people around him were patiently listening to the other party.

Soon he noticed something was wrong.

Is the other party a ruthless person?

Although he didn't know if it was, it was obvious that the other party didn't want to touch this brow, so he also patiently continued to listen.

Soon Yang Ning simply modified Su Bai's previous words and told the other players here.

"What? The evil spirits here can't open the room?"

"Doesn't that mean that as long as we hide in the room, these evil spirits can't do anything to us?"

"We missed so many opportunities before, why didn't this woman tell us earlier!"

"That's right, this person is so selfish!"

Although Yang Ning heard the complaints of those players, he still had patience, after all, he would need their help later.

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