All the powder stopped in front of Su Bai.

There seemed to be something blocking the front, and this strange scene was clearly seen by several people around.

Qing Qing, who was still a little worried at first, felt relieved instantly.

If you are infected by this poison, even if there is an antidote, recovery will be very troublesome.

Scarface coughed violently several times.

This also caused him to inhale more powder.

This is also one of his weaknesses. Although his skin is very hard, he has no way to counteract this move that blends into the air.

"What kind of method is this?" Scarface saw the powder stopped in front of Su Bai and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Su Bai ignored him.

"Okay, now it's okay, take us there!"

"Okay, I'll take you there right now!"

When saying this, Scarface almost gritted his teeth.

Soon, several people arrived at the location in the back mountain. It must be said that this location is very well hidden.

Most people have no way of discovering it.

There are still traces of life here, and there are still some incompletely burned charcoal on the ground.

Presumably the people who robbed them before lived here.

Qingqing and others have always been wary of Scarface, fearing that the other party might play another trick.

After all, this is still their territory, and if there really is any agency, they don't know about it.

Su Bai looked indifferent and followed Scarface.

Finally, several people stopped in a cave, and Scarface was about to crawl inside.

"What are you doing? Do you want to run away again?" Wuqing's eyes widened like a cow, for fear that the other party would run away.

"The things are inside, how can I get them when I go in?"

"If you don't believe me, you can follow me!" Seeing that several people still didn't believe it, Scarface changed his explanation.

In fact, there is really nothing wrong with ruthless concerns.

Scarface's things were placed in this cave, and he was even confident that no one could find them except himself.

There is no light source inside, and the terrain is very complicated.

Even if you enter accidentally, you may get lost.

A long time ago, Scarface also considered this situation happening, and someone would come to snatch his things.

So he secretly made an escape tunnel inside.

After so long, it finally came in handy today!

Later, he will take advantage of the chaos to enter, find an opportunity to slip away, and then tell Mr. Hu what happened here today.

People like Su Bai must pay the price!

He actually dared to threaten himself. He really didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and a few idiots appeared out of nowhere.

The strength is actually so terrifying.

Scarface is also quite confused about this.

These people don't look like people from Supervisor Tiansi, and there aren't many strangers in Daliang Kingdom.

I haven't heard of any powerful people in the surrounding small countries, so where did these people come from?

And this road is also a must-pass through Datang...

Although it is a bit remote, it is still possible to walk.

Now there is a war between Datang and Liang, and the roads between the two countries have been blocked.

At this time, there are more people taking this road.

In the past few days, Scarface and the others had robbed countless people like Su Bai and others who were passing by.

But this time, I was not very lucky and met Su Bai and his group of tough guys!

Scarface must go to Kyoto to find Hu Wei this time and ask him to support him.

Although Scarface can only be regarded as one of the many dogs under Hu Wei.

But Scarface is the most profitable dog.

The reason is also very simple. It has a lot to do with the Emperor Wu who has only come to power in recent years.

Punishments for officials have been intensified, and those caught for corruption are almost always sentenced to death.

What's more serious is that his family is implicated.

Under this severe punishment system, the situation in Datang was very turbulent at the beginning.

But the effect is significant. Without these treacherous ministers who do nothing in the court and still plunder the people's wealth, the national treasury has become richer.

A series of chain reactions followed.

The most obvious thing is that the opposition voices in the court have become much smaller.

But the voice never went away.

The reason why it has become smaller is because of Yuan Tianshuang.

The other party didn't know why, but he always sided with Emperor Wu. Many ministers tried to win over Yuan Tiansuan, but they all failed.

Not only did it fail, but it also hit a brick wall and caused a lot of trouble in the future.

Only then did they know that their nightmare was coming.

There was no way to embezzle, and just relying on the meager salary given by the court could not sustain the expenses of officials like them who had long been accustomed to being extravagant.

Even Hu Wei, who was the prime minister of the dynasty, was the same.

A large number of shady gray actors disappeared after Emperor Wu came to power.

If you don't close it yet, you may get yourself involved.

Thus, people like Scarface were born.

You know, Scarface and the others have a lot of money to plunder this way.

Although most of the heads would be held by Hu Wei, which made Scarface's subordinates very dissatisfied, these voices were still suppressed by Scarface alone.

There are so many people on the mountain, but the real leader is actually only Scarface.

Scarface did not regard these people on the mountain as his brothers.

From the beginning to the end, the only person he cared about was himself.

When the bandits on the mountain were killed by Wuqing and others, Scarface did not even blink.

He was only worried about whether he could survive.

He ignored the expectant eyes of those people and ran to the back.

But in the end he did not run away and was caught by Su Bai and others.

"Why is it so dark in here?"

Wuqing glanced inside, except for a little light coming through from the outside.

Almost nothing can be seen inside.

It's like an abyss that can swallow everything around.

"There is no way, our conditions are only like this, and they are all poor people who have no choice but to come to the mountain to be bandits..."

Seeing this, Scarface began to whitewash himself again.

He said how difficult it was for them.

It seems that he has completely forgotten what happened before.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Did I ask you?" Wuqing came over and hit Scarface's head hard.

Wuqing used a lot of force, making a muffled sound.

For a moment, Scarface's head was buzzing, and his anger was about to burst out.

But after feeling the powerful aura of the other party, Scarface also became timid.

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