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Chapter 393 Human skin, two choices

The skin of Mrs. Zhang that was attached to Su Bai was also taken off by Su Bai at this time.

He took it in his hand!

"It feels good." Su Bai said, and then threw the human skin in his hand to the ground.

He turned to look at the Zhang Yuanwai who was holding it in his hand and was still moving around.

"What kind of monster are you? What skin can't be peeled off?" Zhang Yuanwai's tone was full of doubt and disbelief.

Obviously, this was the first time he encountered a situation like Su Bai.

Not to mention how to deal with it.

What's more, the moment it touched Su Bai's body, it felt a more chaotic and twisted force in its body.

So much so that it wanted to invade Su Bai's body in turn. There was no possibility at all.

That chaotic energy would devour itself after it really entered!

"No way?" Su Bai raised his eyebrows.

"Skinning has always been like this for so many years. Think about whether I haven't worked hard enough?"

Zhang Yuanwai was stunned when he heard Su Bai's words.

At first, he didn't understand what it meant, but he soon realized that the other party was mocking his inability!

What a joke!

They are professionals in skinning!

Before Mr. Zhang could refute, Su Bai's skin began to fall off, revealing the intact flesh and blood inside.

Similarly, there were those terrifying moves hidden under Su Bai's flesh and blood.

At this time, the tentacles hidden in Su Bai's body were still transparent and not very obvious.

But with the support of Su Bai's flesh and blood, they quickly came to life.

Became extremely hideous!

Tentacles woke up one after another.

Eyes appeared one after another on the tentacles, just like that, staring at Mr. Zhang in his hand.

Although Mr. Zhang was just a piece of skin at this time.

But you can still see the expression of fear on the other's face.

"You... what are you...?"

After being an evil spirit for so many years, Mr. Zhang still felt what was weird for the first time.

The old blind man in front of him was weird.

I can't see that I can skin myself, and nothing will happen.

There are so many terrifying things hidden in the body, this...

For a moment, Zhang Yuanwai couldn't tell who was the evil spirit?

If he didn't feel the breath of his companions on Su Bai, he would have thought that the old monster was playing tricks on him.

But obviously, Su Bai is not!

The other party is different from him, Su Bai is not an evil spirit?

But...what are those extremely twisted forces in the other party's body?

The tentacles in front of Zhang Yuanwai opened their eyes and slowly turned golden, and a transparent spear began to condense around them.

"What are you going to do!" After so long, Zhang Yuanwai finally saw a panic expression on his face.

Su Bai was a little surprised to see the other party like this.

After all, it's just a try.

There is another name for mental attack, called sacred attribute attack.

Like this evil spirit in his hand, it should be afraid of these things, right?

Su Bai didn't expect it to be really useful, he just wanted to try it.

See if mental power has any other uses.

As a result, he saw the other party's terrified look.

"I'll ask you one last time, what are you?" The tentacles in Su Bai's body took the remaining skin of Mr. Zhang to the front.

Although Su Bai's eyes could not be seen, the evil spirit attached to Mr. Zhang couldn't help but be afraid.

"I'm not very clear myself... Wait, I'm telling the truth, I really didn't lie to you!"

Seeing the other party's "sincere" look, Su Bai stopped.

The other party didn't seem to be lying to himself.

"Don't you know what you are?" Su Bai asked.

"I really don't know. Since I became conscious, I have never known what I am. One day, by coincidence, I was attached to a person."

"As a result, I peeled off the skin of that person, and then I replaced that person."

"After doing more things like this, I knew what I was. They seemed to call me an evil spirit?" Mr. Zhang began to recall.

His tone was still full of insecurity about himself and confusion about what he was.

"Later, I met some of the same kind as me, and the result..."

At this point, Mr. Zhang's body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Although only a piece of skin was left, it did not prevent the shaking.

"In the end, they were all captured by the strange people of Jiantiansi. Because of the change of skin, I was not caught, so I became timid and dared not be as arrogant as before."

"I planned to stay in one place honestly, and finally found this family!"

As he said, Mr. Zhang pointed at himself!

After listening, Su Bai was silent. It was really strange.

These evil spirits seemed to be born suddenly, and even they didn't know who they were?

"Why did you do this?"

"I don't know, it seems that I appeared just to do this." Mr. Zhang answered truthfully.

"Are you afraid of death?" Su Bai suddenly became curious. Would these evil spirits be afraid of death?

"Are you afraid!" Mr. Zhang nodded hurriedly without hesitation.

This is rare, a thing that is not a human being can actually have the emotion of fear of death.

This means that the intelligence of this thing is not ordinary...

Su Bai hesitated for a moment, because he found that in the judgment of the system, the words "cannot be taken out of the mission" did not appear this time.

In other words, this evil spirit can be caught by Su Bai in the real world.

"Let them stop first!" Su Bai pointed to the human skins still floating there behind.

Although these human skins are dead, their eyes are still no different from those of living people.

If ordinary people are listened to and seen by such a group of weird guys, they might go crazy.

"Okay, as long as you don't kill me."

Mr. Zhang was also very straightforward, and all the human skins floating in the air outside fell down.

"Is this okay?" Mr. Zhang's face actually showed a flattering meaning.

The intelligence of this thing is not ordinary...

"I'll give you two choices, you are that I will kill you directly, just like these people!"

In order to make the human skins in his hand easier to understand, Su Bai pointed to the dead people on the ground.

"I choose the second one, I choose the second one!"

Before Su Bai could say the second option, the human skin in his hand began to express its position.

"The second option is to stay with me and go out with me." Su Bai said lightly.

This thing is very useful, especially the fact that it can be brought into the mission, which is beyond the ability of some props.

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