After settling the matter here, Su Bai also planned to leave here.

There was movement in the back room, and Zhao Qian was still making ghostly noises there.

The heart is like an overloaded engine that never stops.

Although the movement was very small, it was infinitely amplified when it fell into Su Bai's ears.

"Where are you going, old blind man?"

The fat monk finally recovered at this time.

As for the conversation just now between the old blind man and the terrifying Yuan Wai Zhang, he also heard a little bit.

Although it feels a bit inexplicable, what is certain is that the evil spirit that harmed people just now has been subdued by the old blind man.

The fat monk felt a little complicated.

He didn't expect that the person who was eating minced meat with him one second would become an existence that he could not reach the next second.

The other party is actually a stranger.

They had thought that the other party was also here to eat and drink.

Thinking of this, the fat monk couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

But at the same time, I was also glad in my heart. Fortunately, I just invited the other person to eat instead of excluding the other person...

Otherwise, it would probably be like those human skins on the ground now.

He swallowed a sip of saliva before speaking: "Old blind man, you are from Supervisor Tiansi, right?"

"No!" Su Bai said calmly.

The fat monk couldn't help being surprised after hearing this.

Why is this so different from what I thought?

In the Tang Dynasty, people with special abilities were strictly controlled.

In the end, he was either in the prison or in Jiantiansi.

Now that Su Bai actually said that he was not from Jian Tiansi, didn't he just escape from the cell?

As for other people, there may not be any, such as masters hidden among the people.

The kind that haven't been discovered yet.

Obviously, the old blind man belongs to that kind.

The fat monk nodded, already thinking that Su Bai was the kind of master who was hidden among the people.

"Old blind man, where are you going next? Can you take me with you?" The fat monk hesitated for a while.

"No, I still have things to deal with next."

Su Bai shook his head and rejected the other party directly.

After taking a look at the fat monk, he seemed to be a pretty good person.

Although he is cheating and playing tricks...

But I don’t think I’m a good person, at least I don’t have any sympathy for the people who died on the ground.

These people are just insignificant people.

Death is death, no matter how much it is, it makes no difference to Su Bai.

Even if he knew that these people were still living people in a certain world, Su Bai couldn't care about that.

This is what extraordinary games are like.

Wouldn't these people have died if I hadn't come here?

No, I'm afraid he will still be killed by Goudan, and the time will be tonight, but Su Bai's appearance has changed the fate of Zhao Qian and the fat monk.

Su Bai raised his feet and disappeared into the yard the next moment.

Only Zhao Qian and the fat monk were left there, staring at each other.

"Great, I finally left..." Zhao Qian couldn't help feeling relieved when he saw that Su Bai had finally left.

He knows a little more about things than the fat monk, whether they are aliens or evil spirits.

Although he is a liar, he was not like this many years ago.

It just turned out to be like this when there was no other way.

"What are you talking about? The old blind man just saved us!" The fat monk obviously didn't like what Zhao Qian said very much.

"Monk, don't you understand yet? That old blind man just now is a monster!"

Hearing the word "monster", the fat monk's little eyes couldn't help but shrink.

"Think about it carefully. The other person is neither a member of Supervisor Tiansi nor an evil spirit. So what is he? Do you really not know?"

Zhao Qian withdrew his gaze from the human skins hanging on the wall.

"Come here and take a good look at what these are!"

The fat monk came over.

It was very dark in the room before, and there were no lights on, so naturally it was difficult to see what was inside.

Until now, the fat monk is still unclear from this angle.

Just because of the blowing wind outside, the invisible things inside began to sway.

"Ah!" The fat monk reached out and grabbed a floating black object.

A strange feeling came, as if it was touching his own skin.

A bad feeling appeared and Zhao Qian lit the lamp.

The fat monk screamed loudly after seeing it clearly!

Human skins, these are densely packed human skins hanging in the house.

It's just that these human skins don't have any vitality, unlike the moving human skins that chased them before.

The human skin hanging in the house now was just like a piece of clothing.

After taking a closer look at these people, these people all disappeared during this period.

The officials searched for it for a long time, but they couldn't find it.

There wasn't even a corpse, and I didn't expect that all these disappeared people were here.

And even the skin has been peeled off.

"If that old blind man just now was a good person, wouldn't he ignore what's going on here?"

Zhao Qian gritted his teeth when he said this.

From the beginning to the end, Su Bai seemed to have never seen him. His heart was hanging and he was more afraid.

What if the old blind man remembered his previous difficulties and came back to take revenge on him?

Fortunately, the old blind man really left and never came back.

There was no intention of revenge.

In Su Bai's impression, Zhao Gan was just an insignificant person.

There was no need to attack such an ordinary person.

Su Bai still couldn't do such a thing as taking someone's life for a few words.

"He must have his reasons for doing this."

"You can't just kill everyone with one blow. Don't forget that if it weren't for the old blind man, we would all be dead now!"

Zhao Gan was blocked by the fat monk's words, and for a while he had no better words to refute.

"Humph, I have reminded you, if you don't believe it, forget it, go find your old blind man!"

Zhao Gan said angrily, and then ignored the fat monk, but turned to the table.

The silver that was taken out before was still placed on the table.

Those people were dead, but the silver was still here and no one touched it.

Those strange people were not just ordinary strange people, they even looked down on things like silver?

"Old man, don't think you can take it all by yourself!"

The fat monk got anxious when he saw Zhao Gan start to collect the silver on the table.

He jumped and pressed directly on Zhao Gan.

"Ouch, my old bones are about to be broken by you!" Zhao Gan's face was flushed.

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