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Chapter 400: Rounding up the last giant

Liang Feng has also been looking for ways to eliminate the worm in his brain without knowing it.

But they are all too dangerous.

There are props that can directly remove the negative effects on himself.

But the problem is that Liang Feng doesn't know whether the brain worm in his brain is a negative effect?

After all, he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary to himself now.


At this stage, Liang Feng is just thinking about it, and he doesn't have the courage to do it.

At least he has to wait until Su Bai leaves or disappears completely before he dares to do it...

If that scary man comes back and finds that the brain worm buried in his brain is gone, the consequences will be something Liang Feng can't bear.

There is no way, so he can only follow Han Xi to find someone.

Whenever Liang Feng has the idea of ​​being lazy, Han Xi will appear.

"You dead woman, don't let me get the chance, otherwise you will suffer!" Liang Feng finally couldn't stand it anymore and threatened Han Xi to

"Haha, you can try it!"

Han Xi didn't indulge the other party at all, and grabbed Liang Feng's hand.

A huge force came, like a pair of pliers, and there was no way to open it.

Liang Feng's face changed. This was the power of a special giant.

But the power seemed to have become much stronger. What was going on?

Could it be...

Liang Feng's face changed, and he thought of a terrible thing.

If only one brother died, there should not be such power. Could it be that the eldest brother had killed the other brothers?

Just thinking of this possibility, Liang Feng's head was sweating.

But soon stabilized.

She is no longer Liang Feng, but Han Xi!

Her body is Han Xi, the memory in her mind is also Han Xi, and even the identity of the player is her own.

What else is there to be afraid of?

In the end, Liang Chao is not looking for himself, but Han Xi who has become himself!

Liang Feng's mouth curled up a smile, and Han Xi couldn't help but get angry when she saw it.

She knew what the other party was laughing at.

In the past few days, Han Xi felt that the power in her body was getting stronger and stronger.

Every once in a while, a force would enter her body.

This is the third time...

That means, among the four people who inherited the power of the giants, three more died, except Liang Feng!

There is only one person left, except himself!

But it should be soon...

Han Xi thought of this and his face darkened.



In an alley, there were densely packed Liangguo soldiers.

But the aura of these soldiers was very terrifying, far beyond ordinary people.

These soldiers all had giant bugs on their bodies.

And the one surrounded in the alley was a young man with a ferocious face.

"Why, why can you find me, this is impossible!" The young man yelled, but the surrounding soldiers did not move at all.

In their view, it was just a self-order.

There was no need to pay attention to the person in front of them.

"My dear brother, why do you say this?" Liang Chao came from behind.

He came to the only gap in the dead end.

At this time, Liang Chao's face and chest had several more extremely terrifying wounds in the original position of the wound.

There was even an extremely obvious bite mark on the neck.

Although it has healed, there are still some white marks left, which were left during the battle.

Even if it heals, it will not be completely eliminated.

But it is obvious that Liang Chao does not care about these abnormalities on his body at all.

He just said excitedly while looking at the boy in front of him.

The fanaticism in his eyes could not be suppressed.

"Why, why can you find me? This is impossible. Even the ancestor giant cannot lock my position. Why is this?"

The boy is still asking this question until now.

"Okay, my poor brother, I will tell you mercifully because you are about to die!"

"What is a player!" Liang Chao said word by word.

A turntable appeared in Liang Chao's hand, with a ball of floating blood in the middle.

The direction indicated by this ball of blood is the position where the boy in front of him is standing.

In addition, a relatively faint place points to the opposite side of Liang State, the direction of Datang!

A puzzled expression appeared on the boy's face again:

"Player? What is that?"

The boy didn't know what was in Liang Chao's hand, nor what the toy in his mouth was.

"You don't need to know what that is. You just need to know that you should die now and give up the power of the giant in your body."

"In this way, your good brother can obtain the power of the ancestor giant!"

"Shoot!" Liang Chao stopped talking nonsense with the boy in front of him and ordered his men to shoot.

The boy's eyes were full of unwillingness!

"What a joke, how could I die here!"


In the sky, a golden lightning appeared without warning and struck the boy squarely.

A giant appeared, and the boy turned into a giant and started to run away. He crossed the dead end in just one go.

He fled towards the street that had been blocked for a long time.

It seemed that he had expected this scene.

The reason why Liang Chao talked so much nonsense with the other party was just to see how strong this brother he had never met was.

But looking at the current state...

Hehe, he was even worse than the brothers in front.

"Want to run?"

Liang Chao stretched out a hand, and then it quickly grew larger, and countless flesh and blood condensed in the space.

It appeared in an extremely unscientific way and finally turned into a complete arm.

The hand was covered with some white bones, like armor.

"How is this possible!"

The boy's eyes showed fear.

During this period of time, he had obviously become much stronger. Whether it was speed, strength, or even body size, he was no longer the same as before.

Why, why was the gap in strength still so big, and he was not the opponent of the person in front of him?

Now, on Liang Chao's body, he could already feel the faint pressure from the ancestor giant.

The big hand grabbed the fleeing boy without hesitation.

"Let me go!"

Under the terrifying power of the big hand, the boy had no room to struggle.

He could only be held tightly by Liang Chao like a toy.

Continuously exerting force, the boy's bones made a crisp sound.


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