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Chapter 477 Spending money to buy your own news

But the photo is very blurry.

So much so that Su Bai's face couldn't be seen clearly.

And the protagonist of these photos is not Su Bai.

No one would have thought that Su Bai would also be one of the protagonists in that battle.

If it is in the mission world.

Jiang Man and others left unknown how long before Su Bai.

But in the real world, it's just a matter of a moment.

The time difference between Su Bai and Jiang Man returning to the real world would not exceed one second.

From this point we can also see the horror of extraordinary games.

Su Bai just came out and took a shower.

What happens in the copy appears on the website.

If it's a normal thing, forget it.

But the problem is that the impact this time is too great.

It completely changed the pattern of the large-scale dungeon mission [Aberration of the Tang Dynasty].

The giant power that had always existed disappeared.

From then on, the Tang Dynasty became the dominant family.

Not only that, Yuan Tianshu, the most powerful alien on the surface, also died.

But something even weirder is yet to come.

This copy is stuck in closed mode.

All players who leave from inside can enter again.

Even if you get the props to enter and meet the conditions, it still won't work.

As for those who have not yet left, it will not be affected at all.

after all……

For extraordinary games.

Even though a hundred years have passed in the mission world.

To the real world, it is just a moment.

That is to say.

After Su Bai and the others left this time.

This copy is completely closed.

"What's going on? Is this the first time I've seen something like this?"

"What did the players who entered the mission this time do? Why did they make such a big fuss?"

"Even the dungeon missions are closed!"

"I don't know, but I heard that two countries in the mission world were at war, but it became unclear later."

"How do you know? Did you just come out of this mission?"

"No, I also heard what others said..."

"What's going on inside? Is there anyone who can come forward and explain it? I'm really curious!"

Seeing this, Su Bai was not surprised at all.

After all, even Yuan Tian is such a super stranger.

In conversion terms, I don’t know how high-level a player he is.

So he died!

Even though it was just a mission, it was still shocking.

Especially those players who have experienced this copy.

Without exception, they all said they had seen a ghost.

In their eyes, Yuan Tiansuan is simply an immortal existence.

Even a behemoth like Jian Tiansi was supported by the other party.

Generally, players who enter a mission will run away when they see Supervisor Tiansi.

It's like a mouse meeting a cat.

As a result, the boss behind Jian Tiansi died like this?

Some players even thought this was fake news.

After all, things like this have never happened before.

Some players spread false news.

Used to achieve various purposes.

Maybe it will be the same this time.

Just to attract some enemies into the mission.

After all, the media used to enter the dungeon mission can also be sold for money.

Although some players are afraid of death.

But more players take the initiative to enter the mission.

The purpose is to keep getting stronger.

So that you have a preparation and buffer to deal with unexpected tasks later!

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai came to the top message.

This poster is a person who has personally experienced this mission.

There are also many replies about this poster.

Question: "What exactly happened in this mission?"

Answer: "Among the tasks received this time, several players did not know what tasks they had received."

"Unexpectedly, Jian Tiansi, who came all the way from Liang Kingdom, even set fire to Jian Tiansi in the end!"

“I didn’t see the shadows of a few people in the back, but I feel that these people must be connected to what happened!”

Ask: "Why?"

Answer: "Look carefully!"

Later, the original poster posted a photo.

That photo was the one Su Bai saw before.

Su Bai stood on top of Liang Feng, who had turned into the ancestral giant.

Liang Feng almost occupies the entire screen.

And in an inconspicuous position above the head, there is a figure.

"Have you seen this figure?" the host said.

Quickly, take out a photo again.

This photo is what it looked like after Jian Tiansi was burned.

I also took photos of several people.

But this time it's not just Su Bai, but Qingqing and several others.

Finally, the poster compared one of the people in the middle with the person on Liang Feng's head.

draw conclusions.

These two people are the same person!

In other words, these two things are related.

It's the same group of people who are committing the crime.

"You can't even see his face, how do you know it's the same person?"

There are still many players below who express their incomprehension.

"I'm right there!" the host replied.

Immediately afterwards, a photo of the original poster appeared below.

This is a photo taken during the mission.

From the clothes, it can be directly judged that he is a member of the Tang Dynasty army.

"I hid in the Tang Dynasty army to complete the task, and I was thinking of slacking off."

The host did not continue here.

Seeing that there was no more, many players sitting in front of the computer stared blankly.

Good guy.

Why did he stop talking halfway?

He only said half of the words, right?

Be careful not to give birth to a son without an asshole!

Just when thousands of players were cursing, they saw the payment message popped up below.

A group of players: "..."

Good guy!

It seems that after saying so much before, they are waiting for you here, right!

But the problem is that many people really bought it.

The consumption is not high, only 5 extraordinary coins.

It is only 50,000 yuan in conversion.

For most players, it is just a splash of water.

Even some players who have just come into contact with the extraordinary game can afford it.

It seems that the other party is following the routine of small profits but quick turnover.

The payment message was also seen in Su Bai's option interface.

What is this?

Pay to read your own news?

Could the other party know more than you, the person involved?

Then Su Bai silently paid five extraordinary coins.

He chose to continue reading.

I have to say that curiosity is really a good thing.

It can not only make people progress, but also make people spend some money like a fool.

Of course, Su Bai is neither.

Instead, he wants to see the subsequent development and some of the views of more players on this matter.

For example... Is there any more critical news exposed?

This is Su Bai's main purpose!

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