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Chapter 613: Goudan is full

The homeless man whose mental power was destroyed could not even control his urination and defecation, so he was emitting a series of unpleasant smells.

There was a lot of yellow liquid coming out of his lower body.

Xia Momo saw all of this!

Just now, Su Bai put a hand on the other person, and the homeless man became like this...

Now seeing Su Bai's hand reaching out to her, thinking that she would also become a homeless man, Xia Momo's legs softened and she collapsed on the ground and cried.

Su Bai was not in a hurry, just looking at the other person like this. When he came over, the surroundings had been dealt with.

The surrounding surveillance cameras only captured the illusion created by Su Bai using Tianyan Bailian.

Moreover, Su Bai had sufficient proof of absence, and had used the replica puppet to go to the road that Su Bai must take when he went home from school before.

No one would know what happened tonight, except... Xia Momo, who was collapsed on the ground in front.

After crying for a while, Xia Momo found that Su Bai didn't seem to pay attention to her, but she didn't dare to stop when she saw Su Bai's eyes were still on her, fearing that Su Bai would attack her if she stopped.

So she continued to cry.

"Boss, if it doesn't work, this one will become an idiot, why cry so much!" Goudan said with disgust.

Xia Momo was stunned for a moment. Aren't there only two people here?

Why is there a third person's voice? She subconsciously looked around and found that there was only Su Bai around her.

Where did the voice just come from?

Originally, I thought it was my hallucination and wanted to deceive myself, but Goudan didn't seem to stop.

Goudan even broke away from Su Bai and flew up, appearing in front of Xia Momo openly.

If it was normal, Goudan would definitely not do this. He knew that he needed to hide his identity in the real world. His exposure would undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble for Su Bai.

But there is an exception. The person on the other side is a person who will definitely keep a secret.

Generally speaking, who will keep a secret?

Very simple, dead!

In Goudan's opinion, Xia Momo in front of him was already a dead person, and his boss would never let the other party go out alive!

The other party saw too many things today!

In fact, Su Bai also thought so, but he was not as extreme as Goudan. He would not kill people casually. He just wanted to erase the other party's memory, which was not too difficult for Su Bai.

One day, he performed Bailian and modified the memory, and it was also the memory of an ordinary person with weak mental power. It was not a very troublesome thing.

As a result, Xia Momo cried even louder when she saw Goudan, as if she was frightened by Goudan's terrifying appearance.

Now Goudan is just a human skin, and it is a talking human skin, which looks a little creepy...

Especially at this late night, a talking human skin appears in front of you. It's a lie to say that you are not afraid.

Su Bai rarely patiently began to communicate with Xia Momo.

"You won't die, you will just forget what happened here today. I promise you will not be in any danger!" Su Bai said lightly.

Seeing Su Bai speaking, Goudan also became obedient and flew around.

Looking at the girls around him who were naked and looked thoughtful, Goudan felt a little insulted, so he put on all the clothes they had taken off before.

"Well, this is much better!" Looking at the girls in front who were already dressed, Goudan looked satisfied.

Xia Momo only felt that the voice sounded familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before, but she really couldn't remember Su Bai's face.

Su Bai looked too ordinary, so ordinary that you couldn't find him in the crowd in the next second.

This was the result of Su Bai deliberately changing his appearance. The current appearance was just a face of one person molded after synthesis. There was no such person in the world.

Xia Momo asked tentatively: "Have we met?"

"No." Su Bai answered neatly and clearly, without any problem.

Before, whether at the comic exhibition or now, Xia Momo had never seen her true appearance. If there was a loophole, it was only the voice.

Su Bai did not deliberately change his voice.

Even if Su Bai appeared in front of Xia Momo in his original appearance, nothing would happen. After all, Xia Momo's memory would be cleared in the end.

Su Bai would not let the other party leave here with his memory.

"No, we must have met before. Big brother, you are a good person, right?" Xia Momo said hurriedly, as if she was afraid that Su Bai would cover her body with his hands.

Su Bai interrupted him.

"I know what you are thinking, but I advise you to listen to me honestly. Remember that what happened tonight is not a good thing for you. Do you understand?" Su Bai said, and a pistol suddenly appeared in his hand.

Appeared out of thin air!

Although it is just the simplest backpack function of the player, it is even more magical than magic for ordinary people like Xia Momo!

"Big brother, are you doing magic? So cool!" Xia Momo's eyes actually had a special look, as if she was extremely interested in Su Bai's methods.

"This is not magic." Su Bai pulled the trigger and fired a shot to the side!


A huge sound came, and a smell of gunpowder appeared. At this time, Xia Momo realized that Su Bai had a real gun in his hand!

Then, in Xia Momo's horrified eyes, she saw Su Bai holding a pistol and pointing it at her, bang!

The bullet flew out, towards Xia Momo's direction, and before she even had time to close her eyes, the bullet had already reached her forehead, but the imagined thing did not happen.

Xia Momo opened her eyes and found that she was fine, and the bullet flying towards her was also caught in Su Bai's hand.

Very relaxed, as if he had done something insignificant.

At this time, Su Bai's skin exuded a faint black metallic luster, which was the result of Goudan's hard work during this period of time.

The skin refining technique may be difficult for ordinary people to practice, but it is different for Goudan, and the body that eats iron is the body of the replica puppet.

Whether it is eating iron or something else, there is no pressure at all.

It didn't take long for the skin refining technique to be fully practiced by Goudan who had nothing to do at home.

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