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Chapter 620 Fainted from hunger

Even in the world that cannot resist the invasion of the extraordinary game, there are terrifying figures like Yuan Tiansuan.

It is hard to imagine what kind of monsters are hidden in the darkness in this world.

Maybe Su Bai will be ambushed when he is closest to success.

It is precisely because he sees these things clearly that Su Bai is so careful and low-key, otherwise the tasks of the same level will not be difficult for Su Bai at all.

There will be no so-called danger.

Players of the same level are not qualified to compete with Su Bai in the same task.

Su Bai is too strong now, so strong that he doesn't look like a player of this level!

The Zerg that can be carried with you, although it is only eggs, needs to be hatched again every time you enter a new world, which can almost be said to be starting from scratch.

But for Su Bai, this is not a problem at all.

The eggs that Su Bai brings back every time he comes out of the task will only become more powerful.

Now I don’t know how many generations of Zerg there are, it seems that the eggs in Su Bai’s hands have become transparent.

The activity is getting higher and higher, and they even actively absorb moisture from the surrounding air. If Su Bai hadn't treated them specially, these guys would have hatched when they were taken out and exposed to the air.

"Leave your place now, the people in the kingdom will send people here soon!" Yang Ning said hurriedly.

The witch factor riot is not a rare thing, because it is inevitable.

As long as there are witches in their world, the witch factor will not disappear...

No, it seems that the witches were born because of the appearance of the witch factor... As for which one is in front and which one is behind, Yang Ning is not very clear.

These things are not things that she, an ordinary player, needs to think about.

If Su Bai continues to stay in the village where the riot occurred, it is very likely that he will be taken back to the kingdom directly, and it will be troublesome to get out at that time.

After all...

The kingdom of this world also knows the existence of this special group of players!

The attitude towards the players is neutral, and it seems that they know that the invasion of the extraordinary game into their world is an inevitable thing, so they slowly accept it.

Although they accept the fact that there will be players pouring into their world, it does not mean that the people in these kingdoms have no malice towards the players.

A large part of the reason why the kingdom has not ordered a large-scale siege of players is because of witches.

Even players can become witches. As long as they are qualified to become witches, they will be protected by the special group of witches.

In other words, if people in the kingdom attack players, in a sense, they are attacking the special group in the world of witches.

At that time, the kingdom will not only face players in the extraordinary game, but also from the special group of witches!

"Okay, I'm leaving in the west now, and I'll contact you later!" The conversation between Su Bai and Yang Ning ended here.

What Su Bai has to do now is to take the little girl in front of him away from here.

The little girl in front of him who is not very eye-catching is Su Bai's task.

If the other party dies, or if the other party does not become a witch in the end... I don't know if the task will be directly judged as failed.

Regarding the task, Su Bai asked Yang Ning what her task was.

The result is obvious that her task is to become a witch, not to train a witch like Su Bai.

The difficulty of these two is obvious... Su Bai's difficulty is not ordinary.

It seems that anyone with a little ability can become a witch?

Is this thing that simple?

The acquisition of power always requires a huge price. If it doesn't cost too much, it is very likely that you just haven't discovered it now.

When you find it later, it will be too late, and there will be no chance to regret it!

Su Bai looked at the little girl in front of him and said, "Do you have a name?"

The little girl shook her head, "I don't have a name."

"Where are your parents?"

"I don't have parents..."

"Then how did you survive until now?" Su Bai raised his eyebrows.

Originally, I thought that something happened at home when the other party was young, and her parents were gone, or something happened later, leaving only one person.

But no matter which one it was, at least someone had raised her before.

After all... Su Bai took a look at the little thing in front of him, who looked only seven or eight years old.

If the other party was not raised by anyone, how could he survive until now?

Even if he stole food to eat, it is impossible for him to have been stealing like this since he was a child, right?

How could he steal things when he couldn't even walk when he was still an infant?

"I'm not sure... I've never had a full meal before. I've been hungry since I can remember. Today is the first time I've had a full meal." The little girl seemed to be trapped in bad memories.

It's not hard to tell from her expression that she had lived a miserable life before.

But Su Bai soon realized that something was wrong. She was a human, not a god. How could she not need to eat?

Eating is a way to get energy. Since she can live without eating, it means she has other ways to absorb energy.

"I didn't eat for several days before... I think I fainted from hunger..." the little girl said a little embarrassed.

He knew that the little girl fainted from hunger before, and he had checked it when he touched her body.

There was no food in her stomach at all.

But the amazing thing is that the other party's life characteristics are just weak, and there is no danger to life.

This is very strange...


Su Bai seemed to have thought of something and said to the little girl: "Can you see these things around you?"

The little girl naturally understood what these things Su Bai was talking about, which was the witch factor, although she didn't know how to call it the witch factor.

But she has seen these black things around her since she was a child.

After so many years, she found that it seemed that only she could see it, and no one around could see it...

The little girl was a little excited, as if she had been lonely for so many years and thought she was an alien, but she found that there were more than one alien in the world!

This kind of joy cannot be expressed in words, but Su Bai has already felt how excited the other party was from the other party's body movements.

The little girl hugged half of Su Bai's body, "Brother, can you see those black things too?" The tone was very excited.

He looked at Su Bai eagerly, as if wanting to get a positive answer from him.

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