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Chapter 630 The power of the giant, the golden shadow!

"Each witch of original sin controls a different power effect. Even the power effect is not a secret. Many people know it."

"The power effects controlled by several witches are the original sins they correspond to."

For example, the witch of lust can control the power effect of lust.

Although the effect of power is known, few people have seen the actual effect after the power is used. Yang Ning has only heard of it.

After all, he has been in this world for so long, and many things are more or less understood.

The power effect is the original sin corresponding to several witches?

Why does it sound familiar? It feels...similar to the rules?

For some reason, Su Bai came up with this idea.

The power effects controlled by several witches of original sin that Yang Ning mentioned now give Su Bai the feeling that the effect of the rules has been weakened.

As for the understanding of the rules, Su Bai used to stay on King Liang, that is, the ancestor giant worm.

At that time, Su Bai felt the different breath and power on the other party.

There are not too many fancy things, just the simplest and most single power, the power to the end.

If those forces had not acted on the giant worm, Su Bai couldn't figure out how the giant worm turned people into giants.

Whether from the perspective of biology or energy conservation, it is not in accordance with the rules.

Energy is conserved and will not appear out of thin air, which is why lightning always appears when giants transform before.

Finally, a giant will appear when it falls on the giant.

The most important reason is that the energy to become a giant comes from lightning.

And those lightnings that are summoned out of thin air come from the rules!

To be precise, they should come from the ancestral giant worm.

After Su Bai got a part of the body of the ancestral giant worm, he also learned something.

It seems that half of the rules originally hidden in the body of the ancestral giant worm were left in Su Bai's body.

To be precise, they should be left in the larva in Su Bai's body.

It's just that the ability to summon lightning out of thin air is not the half that was left, otherwise Su Bai might be able to summon lightning through the larva in his body.

After the lightning is the rapid transformation of flesh and blood.

Su Bai is already very familiar with this. Having participated in the construction and production of the Zerg for a long time, Su Bai has a far-reaching understanding of flesh and blood that ordinary people cannot understand.

Su Bai has mastered the method of turning into a giant!

Powerful external force!

It's just that Su Bai doesn't know how strong this powerful external force is, but... at least it needs to reach the level of the previous lightning.

Don't underestimate the power of a lightning!

Su Bai even tried to directly detonate a grenade to obtain the energy in the grenade, convert it, and finally turn himself into a giant.

That was during the days when Su Bai was quiet after coming out of the Deformed Tang Dynasty.

In addition to studying the genes of the Zerg, he also studied the larva on his body.

Among them, the powerful external force can turn into a giant, and the rule power hidden in the larva's body was discovered by Su Bai at that time.

The power of a grenade cannot turn Su Bai into a giant.

There is too much difference!

Even if more than a dozen grenades are detonated together, it is not enough to support Su Bai to turn into a giant, even if the requirements for transformation are met in an instant.

It was just... it was only a moment, and after that moment disappeared, the balance was instantly broken.

Su Bai recalled the scene of detonating more than a dozen grenades at the same time in the laboratory on the seabed.

In an instant, the huge kinetic energy swallowed Su Bai!

A strange scene appeared. The huge impact force in the grenade did not shatter Su Bai's body, but was quickly absorbed.

At the same time, at the moment the grenade was detonated, the sleeping larva in Su Bai's body opened its eyes instantly.

The wings behind him trembled, and turned into streams of light in an instant. In less than a second, it passed through Su Bai's whole body and finally disappeared.

In the seabed, a terrifying monster appeared.

A huge and terrifying phantom constructed by light golden particles appeared in the seabed.

It was initially estimated to be about 300 meters, which was comparable to the ancestor giant summoned by Liang Feng that Su Bai saw at that time.

Moreover... Su Bai's summoned body was only half of the body, and the part above the head had not been fully constructed.

Su Bai originally wanted to see if the constructed phantom looked exactly like himself.

But it disappeared the moment the phantom was constructed.

The power of the dozen grenades absorbed before was all consumed.

In less than a second, all the energy released from the dozen grenades was absorbed.

There is no doubt that Su Bai's guess is correct!

Another requirement for becoming a giant is a strong external force!

It takes a lot of energy to maintain.

If the giants in the distorted Tang Dynasty only need a moment of external force, as long as they reach the critical point of transformation, they can still maintain the appearance of those giants under the influence of the world rules.

But there is a prerequisite, that is, it must be under the blessing of the world rules.

And now Su Bai, let alone the blessing of the world rules, is not only suppressed.

Even the rules in his body are just a defective product.

Su Bai clearly remembered that although he had eaten the entire ancestral giant worm at that time, a considerable part of it disappeared between heaven and earth.

It passed through Su Bai's body, and it was too late to react that it was a good thing.

At that time, Su Bai had no means to collect and retain the flow of rules!

In other words, rules are not something that players at Su Bai's level should be exposed to now!

At the same time, after trying to summon a giant in the seabed, Su Bai's body had problems.

All cells fell into a state of fatigue. At that time, Su Bai lay on the seabed for a night and only had the strength to move on the next day.

Fortunately, the Zerg has been guarding around Su Bai, and there will be no sea creatures seeking death to attack Su Bai.

After all, those sea creatures have not approached Su Bai, but have been locked by countless insects just when they stepped into the range of the Zerg swordsman.

What awaits those sea creatures is only death, and they will be replaced by the Zerg after their bodies are hollowed out.

Then the shell of its ear continues to swim in the seabed.

Then the next sea creature that encounters this sea creature replaced by the Zerg will be swallowed by the Zerg again, just like a virus, constantly spreading.

Everything around will be swallowed up.

After that, Su Bai will go to the bottom of the sea to study the larva in his body when he has time, or to study the power of the giant!

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