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Chapter 640 Two choices?

The film-like thing of the Witch's Gate began to loosen the moment the golden book appeared in Xiaohua's eyes.

But the power of resistance still exists!

As the golden book in Xiaohua's eyes turned faster and faster, the answer was about to come out at this time.

Soon, the golden book disappeared, and Xiaohua's eyes became more determined, not as confused as at the beginning.

There is a kind of confidence, the confidence of knowing the answer!

The black witch factor appeared in the body, covering the Witch's Gate, and soon the Witch's Gate changed.

The original stone-like frame of the Witch's Gate had an additional rune at this time.

There were only three runes left on it before, but now it has become four!

At the moment the rune change was completed, Xiaohua's body was absorbed into the Witch's Gate.

But what Xiaohua didn't know was that what happened outside the Witch's Gate the moment she entered.

Su Bai's attention was originally still on Xiaohua in front of the Witch's Gate, but Goudan was suddenly sucked into the Witch's Gate.

Only one hand was left, still tightly grasping the frame of the Witch's Gate.

Goudan's cry for help could be vaguely heard.

"Boss, help me!" Goudan screamed heartbreakingly.

Only at this time did he finally realize the horror of this so-called Witch's Gate.

He had rejected it before, but he no longer rejected it after Goudan changed his strategy.

Goudan was very happy at first, thinking that he had found the right way, but he didn't have time to be happy for too long before he found that his hand had been eaten.

It wasn't really eaten, but it had been sucked into the Witch's Gate.

Su Bai rushed towards Goudan in a hurry when he saw this, and appeared in front of Goudan, grabbing Goudan's remaining hand.

But Goudan's body was still being dragged into the Witch's Gate.

Su Bai's eyes narrowed.

He didn't know what would happen after the Witch's Gate sucked Goudan in.

But it shouldn't be a good thing, and it's very likely that Goudan would die here directly.

Thinking of this, Su Bai was not polite. He reached into the Witch's Gate with one hand, and was also sucked tightly by the Witch's Gate.

But soon, Su Bai's body was wrapped by Tianyan Bailian, and the suction from the Witch's Gate became much smaller at this moment.

But it still exists!

Seeing this scene, Su Bai has begun to think in his heart.

Two ways, detonate the grenade and summon the giant to forcibly leave here.

Su Bai has absolute confidence in the power of the giant, and he can definitely leave here.

Even the huge power can directly destroy this so-called Witch's Gate, but if so, the noise will be too big.

At that time, the so-called several original sin witches will definitely notice this place.

Now Su Bai needs to worry about too many things, and summoning giants can only be the worst way.

There is another way...

At this moment, the original cells in Su Bai's body began to tremble and began to emit extremely evil power.

The aura from Tianyan Bailian that originally appeared on his body disappeared instantly, and was taken back into his body by Su Bai.

Instead, there was an extremely chaotic and evil force.

The power of the evil god!

Countless twisted flesh and blood grew rapidly in Su Bai's body. At this moment, Su Bai's player value soared rapidly.

The evil power caused the surrounding witch factors to riot, and the witch's gate began to flicker.

The people who came to participate in the witch trial around them had not yet reacted to what happened, but they instinctively felt that something was unusual today.

Before, the witch's gate sucked people in and then threw them out.

Now it is eating people directly?

The witch's gate is now flickering again, and it looks like something has gone wrong.

When the first untouchable hand began to appear in Su Bai's body, in an instant, the dog egg that was eaten was spit out by the witch's gate.

The extremely powerful impact force, even Su Bai could hardly resist this impact force.

With the spit out dog egg, Su Bai and the others flew towards the direction of the kingdom, and disappeared completely in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Yang Ning, who was below, was stunned.

No one expected such a change to happen at this time.

She was the only one left in the original team of four?

If everyone had left, Yang Ning would not have stayed here, but the problem was that the little girl brought by Su Bai was still inside.

So Yang Ning could only find an inconspicuous place to closely observe the back of the witch's door that Xiaohua had just entered, waiting for the other party to come out and tell the other party what happened outside.

Inside the witch's door.

Xiaohua felt as if she had come to a very familiar place in a dream.

There were many books floating around, but... she seemed to know everything in these books.

There was nothing to see!

"Where is this place?" Xiaohua said to herself.

She didn't think anyone could answer her.

In the past, Xiaohua spent her loneliness like this when she was alone, talking to herself.

Although it sounds a bit like a madman, it was this madman-like method that accompanied Xiaohua for so many years.

If it weren't for talking to herself, Xiaohua would probably have lost her most basic language ability.

"This is the place you are in charge of, why don't you remember it?"

An inexplicable voice appeared in the space. It was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman, but the excitement from the source of the voice could be felt.

Xiaohua, who was originally planning to talk to herself, was startled.

"Who are you?" Xiaohua asked.

For so many years, she never thought that someone would answer her soliloquy.

After being startled, she was more curious.

"I am you, don't you remember?" The voice seemed a little disappointed.

But Xiaohua still shook her head and denied the statement in the void.

She is her, not anyone else!

It's just that the voice in the void didn't seem to be angry when seeing Xiaohua like this, "You will remember it!"

At the moment when the voice fell in the void, many light spots appeared around, and these light spots couldn't help but approach Xiaohua.

If Yang Ning was here, he would definitely be startled.

You should know that each light spot here represents a witch's spell. You only need to get a spell to leave here.

Get the witch's recognition and become a witch's supporter.

Generally speaking, it is not easy to find a light spot here. After all, the premise of the light spot is that you need to learn spells through this kind of books.

Under the effect of the witch's gate, the knowledge in the spells will become the light spots around!

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