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Chapter 651 The World's Disaster

"It's just that... time doesn't allow it, she's about to be resurrected." The old man suddenly sighed.

Who is she?

Su Bai was a little confused.

At this time, he continued to hear the old man say: "She is the Witch of Jealousy, one of the original sin witches. She died many years ago. At that time, the kingdom had not yet been established, or it was not so corrupt."

"Witches are the darlings of this world, and we warlocks are not, but after so many years of development, the power of warlocks is no weaker than that of witches."

"According to normal development, the power of warlocks is not much better than that of witches, but at least to a certain extent, it will not be too different, but... this country is too corrupt."

"Basically all alchemy is controlled by the royal family, and even the alchemy you see now is just some handwritten copies I copied."

"The real originals are still in the hands of the royal family of the kingdom, and are guarded by a large number of warlocks."

It's just ridiculous that those warlocks who guard the alchemy may not be able to access the sealed alchemy.

In the eyes of the old man, those warlocks are just dogs of the royal family, and they are the kind that are sent away with a bone.

Although not everyone is qualified to learn alchemy, this is still low-level alchemy, not to mention high-level alchemy.

The threshold required is very high, but even so, in the eyes of the old man, it is just necessary to bring out alchemy.

Let everyone learn, and you can always find the right person to inherit alchemy.

But those people in the royal family are afraid of the emergence of people like legendary alchemists.

In the previous war with the witch of jealousy, a large number of warlocks died, but the current royal family also saw the power of warlocks.

That kind of powerful power is already comparable to the power of witches to a certain extent.

How can such power be in the hands of those civilians?

So... the following things happened.

The royal family collected all the alchemy and controlled the learning of the warlocks. After so many years, the power of the warlocks has not only not increased, but has decreased.

How sad...

But the effect of the royal family is also very obvious. Although so many years have passed, no one has appeared who can match the legendary alchemist.

But there are still many warlocks born. Those warlocks who were born have a premise, they are all running dogs of the royal family.

In other words, the warlocks of this country are now completely useless.

It has completely become a power struggle and a thing to stabilize the national regime.

If there were not a few original sin witches alive now, those royal family members have not yet found something to control the witch's power, and those crazy guys have already reached out to the witch kingdom.

What they want is all of this world.

If it weren't for the witch, maybe those people would really succeed.

If those royal family members brought peace and development after unifying the world, the old man would definitely support it strongly.

But...those people did not do this, but oppressed the people below.

The old man's image outside now is a sloppy tramp. As for why he did not attract the attention of the people around him and the army?

It's very simple, because there are many homeless people like the old man, or people who don't have enough to eat.

The old man is just the most ordinary one among thousands of homeless people.

Perhaps the people around him who are also wandering with the old man would never think that the old man who had been wandering with them before would be one of the only three legendary alchemists left in the world.

It is estimated that even if the old man told the people around him his true identity, those people around him would not believe it.

They would just regard the old man as a crazy old man who has lost his mind.

How sad?

The old man has become what he is now, which is not only the sadness of the old man, but also the sadness of this kingdom, and even more so the sadness of the warlocks.

Although the warlocks have begun to decline now, it has not yet been particularly obvious.

One of the most important reasons is that there are no hostile countries around that can make people in the kingdom feel the gap.

The small countries around have long been swallowed up by the kingdom.

The only remaining behemoth is the witches in the witch kingdom.

It’s just… witches are the darlings of this world. No matter how the power of warlocks develops, the old man still thinks that it is far inferior to the power of witches.

What happened many years ago is still vivid even now.

A terrifying black witch figure has almost become the nightmare of all warlocks at that time.

Even though the other party has disappeared for so many years, the old man still feels a little scared every time he thinks of it.

And… the other party seems to be about to be resurrected.

Although it is unknown how the other party will be resurrected, it is certain that after the other party is resurrected this time, it will be a disaster for the entire kingdom and even their world.

The only three witches and three legendary alchemists who survived at that time all knew about this.

This includes the old man, but after so many years, the remaining two legendary alchemists seem to have forgotten this matter long ago.

Maybe they haven't forgotten, but in the power provided by the kingdom for so many years, both of them have become rotten.

They won't take this matter to heart at all.

The only people in the world who can really regard this as a big deal are probably the old man and a few witches.

But because of their identities, even if the old man goes to the remaining three witches of original sin to talk about this matter now, it is estimated that he will not succeed.

The witches are disgusted with the behavior of the kingdom.

The old man can understand, after all... let alone a few witches of original sin, even the old man is disgusted with the behavior and practices of the kingdom.

The frequent witch factor riots can already show a lot of things.

And... it has not been very peaceful recently, the reason is very simple, the old man has noticed that there are many more players in the kingdom.

In the past, even if there were players, there were only one or two, and at most there were only a dozen people.

But now... he knows no less than hundreds of unfamiliar faces.

Obviously, this is the power behind those players who detected that something was going to happen here and sent the players here in advance.

This is a dangerous signal!

What the old man is doing now is the last step of backup. He estimates that most people will die in this disaster, including so many sorcerers in the kingdom.

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