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Chapter 669: Tastes good

Su Bai was not worried about the explosion.

The higher the concentration of hydrogen, the more dangerous it is. On the contrary, it is very safe.

In order for hydrogen to explode, it needs to be mixed with a certain amount of oxygen as a combustion aid. Without this combustion aid, it is impossible to burn.

This is also knowledge related to chemistry.

It's just that there seems to be no such thing as chemistry in this world. Many situations that cannot be explained are directly handled by supernatural powers.

Su Bai imagined that if the real world is like this world, full of supernatural powers everywhere, there will be no development of science and technology.

Together, the explanation and things that can be done can be easily done with supernatural powers.

In this way... In a sense, not having supernatural powers is not a completely bad thing for a world?

Although this world has a supernatural system like alchemy, it is very slow in exploring chemistry.

For example, these books copied and left by Qiao, Qiao himself probably didn't expect that they would be useful to Su Bai.

The chemical knowledge in these books has long been known to Su Bai.

It is not even as much as what Su Bai remembers in his mind.

If it weren't so, Su Bai wouldn't be able to directly transform things like gunpowder and bullets with just the alchemy array.

Although it looks simple to transform bullets here, it really only looks simple.

If these alchemies are converted into the evaluation system of this world... Su Bai's transformation out of thin air is at least an intermediate alchemy.

It can still be regarded as a brand new alchemy.

Although the principle is not complicated at all for Su Bai, after all, Su Bai already knows the transformation principle of these things.

Why is alchemy difficult in a large part?

Talent is an important reason, and talent can be compensated by acquired efforts to a certain extent.

However, in Su Bai's opinion, the efforts of most people are not yet needed to compete with talent.

It's just that I'm rubbish.

I found a suitable excuse for my laziness, called my lack of talent.

In alchemy, except for the fact that it takes a few minutes to understand at the beginning, there is no difficulty afterwards.

Su Bai even feels that alchemy is only a little more difficult than advanced mathematics.

After all, when Su Bai was studying advanced mathematics, he only needed to take a glance to learn it, which made Wang Yunshan, who was standing beside him, dumbfounded.

There is such a thing in this world?

The gap between people is so huge?

Fortunately, Wang Yunshan has accepted the fact that Su Bai is smart since she was a child, so she is not too autistic.

This is why, Su Bai and Wang Yunshan both slept during class, but the final results were not a little different.

Now, every alchemy performed by Su Bai is a brand new alchemy for the alchemists in this world.

The kind that has never appeared in history.

No matter what kind of alchemy it is, the final means is just a means of power to serve the players.

Even Su Bai can directly extract gold from the soil on the ground now.

It's just a matter of how much.

Wealth is of no use to Su Bai at this stage.

All the hydrogen extracted by Su Bai was put into the space ring, and then the next extraction began.

The benefits of using alchemy for air are reflected.

After the gas in this area is extracted by Su Bai, the surrounding gas will be replenished again in less than a second.

Su Bai can extract hydrogen again.

Unlike the soil on the ground, it will be less after being extracted by Su Bai's alchemy.

It's just that the amount extracted by Su Bai at this stage is not large, so it can't be seen. If a large-scale extraction is carried out, the problem will soon become prominent.

A few hours later, Goudan also found that Su Bai didn't seem to be doing anything particularly dangerous, so he crawled out of the cave.

Goudan is not a user of alchemy, so he can't see the transformation of gas in the air.

The only thing he can see is the golden magic circle in Su Bai's hand constantly running.

Goudan is a little confused.

In the past, when the magic circle was running, wouldn't something be transformed?

This time it is still such a large-scale formation, but why can't I see anything coming out?

"Boss, what are you doing? When can we get out of here?" Goudan picked his teeth.

Just now, I was free and caught a Zerg to eat. It tastes good.

It just looks a little ugly.

What Goudan didn't know was that the white and fat bugs of the Zerg were made for the Zerg to absorb quickly.

You know, except for those Zerg that are specially used for absorption and decomposition, most of the digestion ability is very ordinary.

They are only very strong in combat.

In order to make these Zerg absorb and digest better, Su Bai has studied for a long time how to make the liquid produced by the Zerg better digestible.

Not to mention the Zerg whose digestion ability is far superior to that of ordinary people, even babies can absorb these nutrients from the Zerg body very well.

It's just... it doesn't look very good.

But the taste is OK. If Goudan didn't dislike those Zergs for being ugly, he would have even wanted to have another one to satisfy his hunger.

But in the end, forget it. Those guys are really ugly.

I don't know if they can become better looking.

This way, it will be easier to eat in the future, right?

"It should be soon, right?" Su Bai was converting the hydrogen in the alchemy array while contacting the brain worm to check the progress of the Zerg's advancement.

Soon, Su Bai received a response from the brain worm.

Still couldn't find the direction to leave.

You know, since they don't know where the specific direction to leave is, the Zerg are all-round expansion.

In the shape of a circle, it continues to spread outward, and Su Bai and Goudan are the origin of this spread.

It's just that after so long, there is still no suitable breakthrough point.

Su Bai doesn't want to wait like this any longer.

Compared with the Zerg's swallowing, it is still a little worse than the overwhelming force.

Su Bai decided to break through here directly!

A large amount of hydrogen was gathered together, and mixed with the hydrogen that Su Bai had put into the space ring before, in a certain proportion.

Suddenly, at the moment of mixing, Goudan took a big step back.

He felt the threat from death.

Even if he didn't die, it was estimated that the days ahead would not be easy.

The gas in the sky was constantly compressed by Su Bai through the alchemy array and thrown in another direction.

Finally, a small flame was added.


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