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Chapter 676 Inexplicable hostility!

Goudan first looked at the enlarged version of Xiaohua in front of him, and then looked at his current appearance.

Wow, it turns out that Xiaohua is half a head taller than him.

Is this a joke?


Wasn't the other party a little kid before?

How did he suddenly become so big?

"Little thing, how did you become an old thing?" Goudan said.

After looking around Xiaohua, he dared to confirm that the person in front of him should be Xiaohua.

Xiaohua was a little embarrassed to be called an old thing by Goudan, so he could only lower his head and explain himself as much as possible.

"I don't know why I suddenly became like this, but brother Dan, I'm not an old thing..." Xiaohua glanced in the direction of Su Bai when he said this.

It turned out that Su Bai seemed to be looking at him, and he couldn't help but get more nervous.

He looked a little at a loss.

Su Bai grabbed Xiaohua's hand with one hand and began to check the other's body.

Especially when Su Bai was checking the other's brain, he stayed for a long time.

It turned out that there was no uncontrollable abnormality in the other person's body, and it was just growing normally.

But obviously, this is impossible, no one can grow up in an instant.

There must be external force involved, but Su Bai did not find the external force that changed Xiaohua's body in the other person's body.

Su Bai took his hand back, "Do you feel any discomfort or abnormality now?"

"No." Xiaohua shook her head.

After suddenly growing up, not only did she not feel uncomfortable, but she quickly adapted to her current body.

It seems that the original appearance should be like this.

The smaller version of her before was just a transitional stage.

After becoming what it is now, the growth of the body is still continuing, but it is much slower than the initial growth rate.

But it is still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Su Bai took some blood from Xiaohua's body for research on the body.

"Take Xiaohua to play for a while." Su Bai said to Goudan.

Goudan happily went to play with Xiaohua next to him.

He knew that it was not that there were things that he could not know, but that there were things that Xiaohua could not know.

This time was to get Xiaohua out of the way.

Su Bai suspected that Xiaohua did not tell him the truth, so he needed to know what the other party's current situation was through Yang Ning.

Yang Ning was also expected to see Su Bai's behavior.

But what she did not expect was that Xiaohua was so obedient.

She did not show any reluctance at all, according to her understanding of Xiaohua during this period.

The other party must know the purpose of Su Bai's doing this, which was to get her out of the way, but even if she knew it, she still did not show any reluctance, but just followed Su Bai's method obediently.

How could it be like the way she was when facing him before?

"Why did Xiaohua become like this?" Su Bai said.

Yang Ning said: "After you two were sent away by the Witch Gate, Xiaohua came out not long ago, but she grew up after she came out."

"Not only has she grown up, but even her personality and the tone of her speech have changed."

Has her personality changed too?

Su Bai couldn't help but frown. He didn't feel anything strange about Xiaohua during the conversation just now.

Or was it that the other party disguised well, so he didn't notice it?

"It wasn't like this when it just came out. The appearance you two see now is the appearance after growing up in the past two days. Every time I go out and come back, the appearance of the other party will change to a certain extent."

"Bai, where did you find this little girl?" Yang Ning asked.

In fact, what Yang Ning wanted to ask directly was that Xiaohua was obviously wrong now, and she was not an ordinary person.

So Yang Ning was very curious, where did Su Bai get such an alien from?

"Do you remember the village where the riot happened that I told you about at the beginning?"

Of course Yang Ning remembered, it was a few days ago.

"Xiaohua is the only survivor in that village." Su Bai directly explained Xiaohua's origin in two sentences.

As for more things, Su Bai himself was not very clear.

Su Bai concealed some other things about Xiaohua from Yang Ning, such as the golden book that he saw in Xiaohua's eyes before.

During this period, Yang Ning had seen it once, but Xiaohua never showed any abnormality after that.

So much so that Yang Ning began to think that what he saw at that time was an illusion.

"Any other information?" Yang Ning asked, and Su Bai shook his head.

"Let's not talk about this for now. You just said that Xiaohua's mood was not right. What's wrong with that? I don't see anything wrong there. Tell me in detail."

Compared with the changes in the body, Su Bai is more concerned about the changes in the other party's psychology.

Su Bai has always believed that there is a guy in Xiaohua's body who has been waiting to replace Xiaohua.

It's just that the time is not ripe.

Su Bai didn't know when the so-called time would be, and he didn't know if there would be any signs when it appeared.

But now it seems... Xiaohua's physical changes should be the beginning of the signs.

"She has an inexplicable hostility towards me!" Yang Ning said.

"Hostile?" Su Bai frowned.

Su Bai knew that Xiaohua was somewhat different from the other children, and had a high degree of indifference to life.

But even so, it was not hostile, right?

"Bai, I know that what I am saying now is a little unbelievable to you, but the fact is that Xiaohua has an inexplicable hostility towards me since she came out, and she doesn't like me very much."

"The way she talks to you is completely different from the way she talks to me."

Two different ways?

At this time, Su Bai and Yang Ning both looked in the direction of Goudan and Xiaohua.

Goudan was studying how Xiaohua's body suddenly grew so tall.

After knocking and banging, he confirmed that the little thing before had grown bigger than himself.

Now Goudan was standing in front of Xiaohua, half a head shorter.

Unable to help, Goudan began to use his evil power to make his body float in the air.

In the end, he remained half a head taller than Xiaohua.

At this time, Goudan was finally satisfied.

"Little guy, let me tell you, did you hear the explosion just now? It was caused by me and the boss. We almost couldn't come back just now, you know?"

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