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Chapter 679 Resurrected?

But the moment this idea came out, the Arrogant Witch ruled it out.

"It's impossible. If that woman really resurrected, it would be impossible to make such a big noise. What's going on?" The Arrogant Witch ruled out the possibility of the Envious Witch.

Apart from the Envious Witch, there is only the Greedy Witch left, or a new Witch of Original Sin has appeared among the remaining two witches.

But this possibility is not ordinary low.

Generally speaking, the fastest way to become a Witch of Original Sin is to pass the ceremony and get the recognition of the previous generation of Witch of Original Sin.

In this way, you can become a Witch of Original Sin at the fastest speed.

However, there are still a few hours before the ceremony starts. What is going on outside?

The tall Arrogant Witch cast a spell and disappeared in this quiet house the next moment.

In this house, you can see two huge crystal coffins.

There are two very beautiful women lying in them.

The Lustful Witch and the Sloth Witch!

Affected by the previous battle, although the three survived by chance, they still have indelible injuries on their bodies.

In order to heal their wounds, several people came up with a way to seal themselves up, leaving only one person outside.

The other two people rested to recover their bodies.

Now it was time for the Arrogant Witch to guard the two people. Now that such a mess had occurred, it was natural to see what was happening outside.

Speaking of which, there were a lot of things happening tonight...

First, there was a huge explosion in the direction of the Psychedelic Forest, and then there was a riot around the Witch Kingdom.

The reason why there was no witch factor riot in the Witch Kingdom was actually very simple.

Any extra witch factors that appeared would be integrated into the kingdom before they were absorbed by other witches.

Right below the Witch Kingdom, there was an extremely huge spell in operation.

All the witch factors were absorbed and finally integrated into the crystal coffin.

This was also the reason why the three original sin witches could heal and recover quickly.

Their power came from the witch factor, and now that they were injured, they naturally needed the witch factor to recover.

In other words, it was the excessive loss of witch factors in the previous war that made them so depressed now.

As long as they can recover, they will continue no matter what the cost.

The treatment of the three people is, in a sense, sucking blood, sucking the blood of all the witches in the Witch Kingdom.

Originally, those witches in the Witch Kingdom could also slowly improve themselves.

But after the three people began to heal their wounds, the witch factor was no longer absorbed by anyone except the three original sin witches.

Even if the witch factor was produced, it could only be absorbed by the three original sin witches in the end.

The other people in the Witch Kingdom were not very clear about the reason for such a change.

But the three original sin witches who were the initiators knew it very well.

Outside the Witch Kingdom, such a rich witch factor appeared and was not absorbed. This is simply a waste!

No matter what the reason is, she can't watch these witch factors fly away when she knows about the riot of the witch factor!

The time for the woman to resurrect is getting closer and closer.

If you don't want to die directly in the next war, you need to recover quickly.

Witch factor, because of emotions, finally turned into power.

After the appearance of the witch of original sin, the power reached a balance. Unless the previous witch of original sin died, there would be no new witch of original sin.

The ceremony is now opened to select the witch of original sin first as much as possible.

This is easier to deal with the madman of the witch of jealousy.

Unlike the other witches, even if the witches of original sin don't like each other, they never mean to kill each other.

Because they all know that rash action will not be a good thing for anyone.

But one of the witches didn't understand this simple truth.

The witch of jealousy!

This madman wants to devour the power of all witches, not only all witches, but also the world!

The witch of jealousy wants to eat other witches not in a physical sense, but for the almighty effect of several witches.

After collecting all the witches' almighty sisters, it seems that the world consciousness of this world can be communicated.

Finally got the rules!

The rules of this world!

It is still not very clear to the Witch of Pride what the rules that the Witch of Jealousy pursues are, which can make her so crazy.

She is not afraid to make enemies with the whole world.

At the beginning, everyone thought that the Witch of Jealousy was crazy, but after she showed her powerful strength, no one could laugh.

The other party is not just talking, but can really do it.

If it weren't for the fact that almost all the high-level extraordinary people in the world united to fight against the Witch of Jealousy, it is estimated that their world would have disappeared long ago.

The war many years ago was not as controversial as those who came later imagined.

Things like the other witches of original sin protecting the world did not exist at all.

The fact is very simple. The Witch of Jealousy wanted to eat the other witches, but the others disagreed, so they started fighting.

During the fight, the Witch of Jealousy devoured the ordinary people around her, and then the warlock couldn't stand it anymore.

He joined the war, and finally the Witch of Jealousy died, and the legendary alchemist was almost broken.

And there were only three witches of original sin left, and most of them were useless.

When I came to the outside of the Witch Kingdom, the surroundings had returned to peace.

This is where Su Bai and Xiaohua stayed before, but Su Bai and others were no longer visible at this time.

I don't know where they ran to.

It's just that the witch factor that didn't dissipate around proved what happened here.

The Arrogant Witch stepped on the grass with an elegant step, and the wind blowing over the grass stopped in front of the Arrogant Witch.

The next moment, the magic turned, as if she wanted to use the power of the witch to find out what happened here before.

But soon, the Arrogant Witch frowned, "It was covered up?"

Although magic can cover up the facts, it also depends on the power and overall strength of the user.

Obviously, although the strength of this cover-up person is not as good as his own, it is not far behind.

At this moment, an amazing idea appeared in the mind of the Arrogant Witch.

"Has Greedy guy resurrected?"

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