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Chapter 694 Extraordinary Game Upgrade

Even though it has been guessed that the resurrection was caused by the extraordinary game props.

But if we only need to find out a little about the results of the extraordinary props that triggered the incident this time... then the gains will definitely far exceed the efforts this time.

For this reason, so much manpower and material resources were used.

If it was just to investigate whether there were any subsequent impacts, it would not be necessary.

But if it was for some other purpose, then it would be understandable.

Su Bai shook his head and said to Yang Ning: "This matter has long been no secret in Dajiang City."

"So, Bai, what do you think of this matter?" Yang Ning said.

How do you think of this matter...

How else can you think of it? This matter was done by Su Bai.

Su Bai also considered the subsequent impact, but he did not expect that so many people would be affected this time.

Almost the whole country was affected.

Fortunately, Su Bai had participated in the rewriting before the night when the news spread.

If it was later, I am afraid that more than just these few people would be affected.

It will become a big news that will make a sensation across the country, and then after Su Bai's rewrite, this matter will completely disappear in the long river of history, and there will be no trace of it even if it is searched.

Su Bai said lightly: "It is not human-made, but caused by powerful props. At least it starts with a purple prop, and the cost will not be small."

Yang Ning nodded and agreed with Su Bai's statement.

This is also the more mainstream speculation at present, and there are even quite a few people who think that purple props are not enough to rewrite the memories of so many people.

It should be a prop above purple.

It should be gold!

But what those people don't know is that above the purple prop is not directly a gold prop.

And there are two intermediate levels of dark purple and light gold.

Those people don't even mention dark purple and light gold, even purple props are just things that exist in cognition.

They have never seen it, let alone met it, so they make such bold speculations.

These people don't know how outrageous the higher the props are.

However, Su Bai didn't find those speculations on the Internet funny.

After all... the power displayed by the Virtual and Real Pearl at that time was too terrifying.

Directly rewrite...

Su Bai still has a few purple-quality props in his hand, but none of them can do what the Virtual and Real Pearl does.

I always feel that the Virtual and Real Pearl at that time was a bit inexplicable, and it should not be as simple as Su Bai imagined.

But now everything is gone, and there is no point in thinking about these things.

There is only one Virtual Pearl left for Su Bai...

Su Bai didn't understand what this Virtual Pearl was.

There is no origin, no level, and even no attributes, and I don't know what it is used for.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a three-no product.

But Su Bai has always carried such a three-no product with him, and the reason is very simple. This thing is related to his future self.

If it wasn't for the Virtual Pearl in the mandatory task at that time, Su Bai would probably be dead now.

However... if he had died at that time, what would happen to his future self?

The discussion about time and space is undoubtedly the most troublesome issue.

It's easy to fall into a dead loop.

Su Bai simply stopped thinking about this problem and let it go...

Su Bai just summarized all the most mainstream opinions and said them out, but there was no problem.

Yang Ning said: "Bai, do you think such extraordinary power is normal?"

"What do you mean?"

"Too outrageous, the players used extraordinary props this time, at least I have never encountered such an outrageous thing since I came into contact with the extraordinary game... What I want to say is, Bai, is there any new change in the extraordinary game?"

Su Bai has been able to receive various news about the extraordinary game from the outside world during this period.

Especially the news of upgrades.

The so-called upgrade is just a more general term.

This is what players call it. At least the extraordinary game has never clearly stated that the environment in the game will be upgraded.

However, what happened during this period made the players clearly feel that the environment in the extraordinary game is changing.

Especially the purple props appeared very frequently during this period.

Unlike before, there was no trace of purple props at all.

It's different now. Although it is still very rare, it is not so rare that you can't even see it.

The purple item that was first exposed to all players must be the transformable item in Mike's hand.

Mike's power has impressed everyone so much that players are looking forward to the purple item.

Players who felt the gap before actually no longer have any expectations.

At most, it is a better blue item. The purple item is too mysterious.

But now the purple item that suddenly hides has once again given many players hope.

Some things are like this. They may be very precious in the early stage of the game, but as the game progresses and develops, they will slowly become more and more.

It is not impossible that it will be rotten in the end.

But even if it is everywhere, it will take a very long time.

Anyway, at this stage, these players can only think about it.

Su Bai stared at Yang Ning. The other party should have had the answer in his heart, but he still said: "Well, the mainstream view on the website is like this, it won't take too long."

Yang Ning didn't want to hear this, but Su Bai's opinion, and said: "Bai, what is your opinion? Is it the same as those people on the website?"

Yang Ning instinctively felt that Su Bai's ability and perception of the surrounding environment were far beyond all the players she could currently contact.

The environmental perception here is not just the limited environment like the surrounding poisonous forest.

It's the big environment.

Just like before in the Dawn Wasteland, when she first heard about Su Bai from Wen Qian and others, she didn't take it to heart or even disdained it.

When she saw him again, he showed the appearance of a monster.

A real monster, even the rules of the subsequent blood corpse were discovered by the other party.

On the premise of choosing the human camp, the other party didn't know how to turn himself into a monster like a blood corpse.

But these are not the main points. The main point is that every time Su Bai enters a new environment, he can quickly integrate into it.

Even people can't find any flaws.

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