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Chapter 696 Forced Offset

Originally, he wanted to use magic to restore his fingers, but who knew that his body had already started to recover.

There is such a thing in this world?

Even the recovery potion was omitted?

Su Bai actually wanted to see whether the venom mixed by the poisonous insects and the recovery potion given by the extraordinary game were useful.

Just looking at Yang Ning's appearance just now, if he didn't move faster, the other party might not be able to hold on.

He stopped before the other party used the recovery potion.

If this is the case, then only Su Bai can try it himself.

But... since Su Bai needs to experiment, it is definitely impossible to use only this little venom.

Su Bai once again summoned the terrifying Zerg just now, and then let the Zerg bite his hand and inject venom.

This time, Su Bai did not use anything to resist.

Even the original cells in his body were forcibly controlled and stopped by Su Bai.

It was just to test what the poison of this Zerg can do to himself now.

Sure enough, without the protection of cells, the venom that was originally spreading very slowly and almost stopped rushed into Su Bai's body instantly.

In less than a breath, it almost spread all over Su Bai's body.

At this moment, the larvae that felt the fatal danger woke up, opened their eyes, and connected with Su Bai's spirit.

They tried to directly clean up the venom that entered Su Bai's body.

But in the end, they were suppressed by Su Bai.

If Su Bai wanted to suppress these venoms, it would be very simple, and he didn't even need larvae. The large number of enhanced mutant cells in Su Bai's body could resist them.

Every cell is a prop in the judgment of the extraordinary game!

What is this concept?

In other words, Su Bai is a walking prop library!

Various grades of enhanced cells are carried in the body, and the current Zerg venom is still not enough.

If Su Bai hadn't given up the resistance on his body, the venom would most likely be directly absorbed and transformed by the cells in Su Bai's body, and finally used as a nutrient.

After all, the essence of venom is protein macromolecules.

This is just the majority of cases. There are also some small molecules, but those cases are more complicated and there are many types.

Generally speaking, the human body has no way to deal with these toxic substances.

In the final analysis, it is because the bodies of ordinary people are too weak.

If you meet a strong player, ordinary poisons are useless.

Nothing will happen if you just rely on your body to bear it.

But such cases are still a minority after all, and it takes time to transform and digest venom.

Cells will get tired, unless they are very strong cells.

Su Bai happens to meet all these conditions, and he is the best among players of the same level!

Although the body has sent out a danger signal, Su Bai is not panicked at all.

Things have not yet gone beyond his control.

The next moment, Su Bai's hand appeared a life recovery potion, and then he drank it in one gulp.

Sure enough, the next moment the toxins in Su Bai's body really disappeared in an incredible way.

But a bottle of life recovery potion is obviously not enough.

It's not that there is no way to remove it, but the efficiency of removal is not good.

The extraordinary game is really powerful. No matter what kind of poison it is, it will be ignored and directly restored and cleared.

It's just that the speed is a little slow.

Su Bai felt the changes in his body, and Yang Ning on the side was dumbfounded.

After all... Su Bai had turned purple at this time, all purple. If Yang Ning hadn't seen Su Bai still moving, he would have thought that Su Bai had played too much and died.

Seeing that the primary life recovery potion could not suppress the poison, Su Bai changed to a bottle of intermediate life recovery potion.

This is already Su Bai's highest-level recovery potion.

There is only intermediate, and the advanced one has not been encountered.

After drinking a bottle of intermediate life recovery potion, the toxins in Su Bai's body began to subside.

It's actually a bit inaccurate to say that it subsided. It feels more appropriate to use erase.

In less than a minute, all the toxins in Su Bai's body disappeared.

After feeling it, there was no poison in the body at all.

While the effect of the medicine has not disappeared, Su Bai once again caught a poisonous insect and let the other party inject toxins into his body.

Yang Ning, who was standing by, didn't know what to say for a moment when he saw Su Bai's somewhat inhumane operation.

Has he...always been so fierce?

Yang Ning didn't have the courage like Su Bai to continuously inject those toxins that could kill him at any time into his body.

"Are you trying to see the healing effect of the recovery potion?" Yang Ning frowned and said.


If you just want to see the healing effect, you could have done it just now.

There's no need to continuously inject toxins into your body like this.

Yang Ning watched for a while and finally found out what Su Bai was doing!

In order to study whether the toxins of those terrifying insects can be removed by the recovery potion given by the extraordinary game.

And the speed of removal, but... isn't this a bit too risky.

In Yang Ning's opinion, there are many ways to study, and there is no need to use your body like this.

Can't Su Bai control those insects?

Why not just use those bugs to conduct experiments?

Wouldn't it be safer this way?

And there are so many bugs here, even if they die, there won't be much loss.

Even Yang Ning could see that the Zerg was just a consumable in Su Bai's hands.

Since it is a consumable, it needs to be used decisively.

This is the only way to maximize the value of consumables!

Yang Ning seemed to suggest, saying: "Bai, you don't have to do this, isn't it the same to use these bugs for experiments?"

Su Bai nodded and said: "That's right, but the effect will be much worse. After all, we are going to kill players instead of these bugs later."

Su Bai's words left Yang Ning speechless.

Yes... they will have to deal with players and witches later.

It must be to see what the specific effects of these toxins are on players and witches. If it is only on Zerg, then the effect will not be obvious.

But... in Yang Ning's opinion, the cost is still too high.

If you are not careful, it is easy to get yourself into trouble, which is too much of a loss.


Yang Ning did not persuade Su Bai.

She was not qualified!

Perhaps it was because of his character that he could become so powerful.

Su Bai and Yang Ning were waiting for the expansion of the Zerg, while the Merman were also expanding and hunting players.

At the same time, a strange figure kept fleeing in the swamp.

"Fuck, stop chasing me, I'm not a treasure!" Goudan started to curse!

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