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Chapter 705 Gluttony!

The corner of Goudan's mouth twitched, and then he pointed to the direction he had just come from and said: "Yes, there are more behind, all of which are the fish heads you like."

"Just before you eat those guys, can you tell me where the boss is? I have something else to do and won't disturb your interest."

Kayako is not afraid of those strange-looking mermaids, but Goudan is not.

The bodies of these players are too weak.

If it weren't for those poisonous stings, they would not be of much use to Goudan, who is evil.

It is estimated that they would have been killed in front, so how could they have the opportunity to run so far?

The mermaids were well prepared and ran away immediately when they saw that something was wrong.

Goudan roughly counted that the mermaid corpses that Kayako had just eaten were only about ten at most.

The number of people who really chased her just now was definitely not just this few.

The mermaids ran away immediately after they felt the danger.

I don't know if they went to ask for help.

Just now, Goudan saw that the lake was full of mermaids and a large number of player corpses.

It is conceivable how well prepared these guys are.

What is more strange is that here, Goudan seems to have not seen the Zerg, which should not be the case.

Goudan has roughly figured out the nature of his boss.

He will never do anything without preparation. There are so many trees and many poisonous insects here, all of which are nutrients for the Zerg.

If they are not used to feed the Zerg, it would be a waste of natural resources.

Gradually, Goudan may not even realize that his thoughts seem to be gradually undergoing some irreversible changes.

Kayako heard that there were many mermaids like this behind, and her body quickly went in the direction behind Goudan.

She just took Goudan away when she left.

Goudan was terrified and said, "What are you doing, gossip, let me go quickly, I just ran out of there with great difficulty!!"

Kayako ignored her and continued to drag Goudan towards the lake.

Goudan looked ashen, and wanted to break free from Kayako's restraints, but without the copy puppet, Goudan's power was no match for Kayako now.

In Kayako's hands, Goudan was now like a little chicken.

He had no power to resist!

In this way, Goudan watched himself being taken back to the lake again.

Looking at the lake getting closer and closer, Goudan looked ashen, and said: "Gossip, don't let me catch you in the future!!!"

When approaching the lake, Goudan could even feel the remaining anger of the long-haired mermaid on the lake.

After so long, the anger still did not disappear but became more intense.

It seemed that there was no suitable outlet for venting.

Goudan saw the huge waterspout still on the lake and couldn't help saying: "Gossip, look at this, put me down first, I'll tell you a secret."

Kayako was unmoved, but looked greedily at the bodies of the players floating on the lake.

Especially feeling that there were still many players who seemed not to be dead.

Those were huge bloody auras, which were extremely tempting to Kayako.

She was almost unable to bear it, and her pupils were gradually replaced by blood color.

As for Goudan's words... it seemed that he didn't hear them all.

Goudan tried to struggle for a while, and found that Kayako didn't hold her as tightly as before.

Goudan couldn't help but look happy, "Great, there's a chance!"

As long as he continued like this, he would be able to escape from this gossipy woman's hands later.

Suddenly, before Goudan began to struggle and implement his ideas, Kayako threw him out like garbage.

Goudan, floating in the air, saw a crazy and weird scene.

Crazy because Kayako rushed towards the corpses of the players in the lake alone, and the other party's appearance at this time once again turned into a monster.

The weird scene was because Goudan was now floating at a high enough height, and finally saw the things in the lake clearly.

There was a big guy inside, and there were two huge blood-red eyes like lanterns below.

It seemed to be waiting for an opportunity.

Goudan suddenly felt something was wrong and shouted loudly: "Gossip, don't go over there!"


Just as Goudan finished speaking, the huge figure under the lake opened its bloody mouth and ate the corpse on the lake, along with Kayako who had turned into a monster!

At the same time, the waterspout on the water surface also disappeared at this time.

All were swallowed up by the other party.

It was extremely huge, like a mutated fish head, with only half of the body, and it seemed that the other half could not be summoned.

When swallowing the bodies of those players and Kayako, the gluttony witch factor on the lake reached an unprecedented concentration in an instant.

At this moment, the ceremony began.

At the same time, Su Bai also received warnings and prompts from the extraordinary game.

"Kayako is dead!"

"The gluttony witch ceremony begins, and a new original sin witch is about to be born. Please be prepared, players!"

Kayako is dead?

How did she die?

Although Kayako's death is not the first time, according to Kayako's current strength, unless dozens of players besiege together.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to escape. Right, all the players here were suppressed.

Although these players were suppressed, Kayako, who was summoned by the extraordinary game, would not be affected at all.

Yang Ning saw that Su Bai's face was a little strange, and couldn't help asking: "Bai, did you get it?"

Su Bai nodded and said: "I got it, the ritual of the gluttonous witch has begun."

Su Bai and Yang Ning both looked in one direction, which was the direction of the lake.

Originally, because of the cover of some terrain in the poisonous forest, so many gluttonous witch factors floating on the lake would not be seen by others.

But now it is different, the ritual has begun.

The formation has been determined, and the golden light appeared in everyone's sight, as well as the strange and mysterious formation.

Everyone, whether it is the players who are being chased by the mermaids in the swamp, or the players who are struggling in the desert, poisonous forest, and snow, all noticed the huge formation in the sky.

A golden pattern gradually appeared in the formation. If you look closely at the pattern in the formation, you will find that it seems to be a huge mouth.

The mouth opened wide, as if wanting to eat everything around.


The gluttonous witch factors that originally appeared in the Su Bai poison forest and were attracted by the Zerg were all attracted there at this moment.

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