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Chapter 709: Looking at each other from a distance

When Goudan saw Su Bai for the first time, he thought he was hallucinating again.

He couldn't help but pat his face, and then looked towards the direction of the lake.

He found that the long-haired mermaid was not singing there, which means that the person in front of him was not an illusion, but the real Su Bai.

Goudan was excited and shouted loudly: "Boss, help me!!!"

Su Bai was attracted by Goudan's voice, and then nodded in Goudan's direction, indicating that he saw him.

Then... then there was nothing.

No more?

No way, it's gone, isn't there even a little sign?

Although I know that my boss's temperament is relatively indifferent, it shouldn't be so indifferent, right?

Isn't there any joy of reunion after a long separation?

But what Goudan didn't know was that Su Bai had already confirmed his location through the news sent back by the surrounding brain worms.

Even the large-scale attacks launched by the Zerg consciously avoided Goudan's direction. If not, Goudan would have been swallowed up by the rioting swarm of Zerg.

It would not be like this, stopping just before touching her, but directly crushing her.

Goudan's shout of "boss" not only attracted Su Bai, but also attracted the confused players around him.

Many people looked in the direction of Su Bai.

Then these people found an extremely strange scene, a man whose face could not be seen clearly stood by the lake.

There were cracks everywhere around, but the man standing on the shore was not affected at all.

His eyes were still calmly looking ahead, at the terrifying figure surrounded by countless waterspouts.

And... under the lake, the terrifying huge figure.


Suddenly, it seemed that after confirming that the players had gathered in one place, the figure lurking in the lake below finally stopped hiding itself.

The originally red small lantern underground suddenly became huge.

If the scarlet eyes of the lake were lanterns when I was standing on a high place and looking down before, now they are huge car lights!

And they are the kind that shine into the eyes.

Just one look at it makes people tremble, because... at this distance, there is no way to avoid it.

The moment they were locked, the players felt it, knowing that they seemed to be locked by something terrifying.

When they wanted to move their bodies, they found that no matter what they were like, they couldn't move.

Even if they kept shouting in their hearts, it was still useless.

A huge mouth appeared and ate the players who were originally surrounded by shadows.

After eating those players, countless golden witch factors appeared through the body of the huge and terrifying fish head, and finally gathered above the lake.

It was extremely spectacular, at least for Goudan.

After seeing such a terrifying monster appear and eat so many players, Yang Ning, who was far away, was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

She just wanted to go over to help, but was rejected by Su Bai in the end.

She still remembers what Su Bai said just now.

"I can go over and help." Yang Ning said.

"It's useless even if you go over. You don't have to rush to refute. Just stay here and watch for a while. You can decide for yourself later."

Su Bai left after he finished speaking. Yang Ning finally chose to stay where he was.

See what will happen later.

Just when he saw Su Bai summon so many Zergs, the ground began to shake and the surrounding terrain was changed.

When the surrounding creatures, whether they were the corpses of players or those unlucky mermaids, were all swallowed into the cracks, Yang Ning knew that he was wrong.

Not only was he wrong, but he was also very wrong.

In this war, from the very beginning, ordinary players like them had no right to intervene.

Whether Su Bai existed or not, the qualification of the witch of original sin would not fall into the hands of ordinary players like them in the end.

There will be a terrifying player organization like the mermaids now.

Before everyone reacted, the ceremony was about to end.

Su Bai looked at the huge magic circle floating in the sky, and his eyes kept flashing with golden light.

He felt...

The desire for those witch factors from his body.

But... there was still something missing, as if something was missing, so Su Bai had not moved, just waiting.

Even though he knew that this was probably the best time to stop the other party, if he missed it, the other party might really become the witch of original sin.

But even knowing this, Su Bai remained unmoved.

He even used the power of the Zerg to speed up the ritual.

He kept driving these players to the location in this lake.

He wanted to make the witch factors here reach a certain concentration as soon as possible.

When the witch factors in this world reached a certain concentration, it was good news for both Su Bai and the long-haired mermaids here.

So in tacit understanding, the long-haired mermaids and Su Bai looked at each other across the lake.

But after the long-haired mermaids focused their eyes on Su Bai, they seemed to notice something, and then began to shift, and finally stopped on Goudan.

Finally, the long-haired mermaid's eyes stayed on Goudan, and then Goudan ran towards Su Bai.

So... a strange scene appeared, and the long-haired mermaid's eyes shifted to Su Bai again.

It seemed that she wanted to see something from Su Bai.

After staring at each other for a long time, the long-haired mermaid seemed to want to see fear or timidity in Su Bai's eyes.

But...what she expected and what she wanted to see did not happen.

The earthquake around her slowly stopped.

Su Bai's goal was also achieved, just wanting to force out other players hidden in this world.

As for wanting to hunt all these players with the power of the Zerg, there is no doubt that this is talking in a dream.

Players will not die so easily.

Of course, there were players who were swallowed by the Zerg during this period, but such players themselves would not live long in it.

It was just that the appearance of the Zerg accelerated their death.

Goudan ran over breathlessly, not knowing whether he was frightened or not. He looked towards the center of the lake and found that the long-haired mermaid seemed to still be looking at him. He hurriedly said, "Boss, that ugly guy seems to want to eat us all."

Then, Goudan seemed to have thought of something, so he added, "Oh, Boss, the gossiper was eaten by that guy just now."

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