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Chapter 724: Escape from Death

Yang Ning had no confidence in her heart, and even if Su Bai regretted it, she had no way to deal with it.

She could only hope that Su Bai would keep his promise at that time...

She had no room to intervene in this level of battle, not to mention her, and even if the players around her were qualified, they would not dare to do so.

For Su Bai, the Zerg were just consumables.

This point had been set by Su Bai from the beginning. The lives of the Zerg were worthless, and they could continue to reproduce as long as there were materials.

The reproduction process was very fast and almost negligible.

But it was not the same for the players. They only had one life. Seeing that the front was so dangerous, only fools would continue to rush.

They were angry, but after seeing the horror of Su Bai, they did not dare to do anything excessive.

No matter how the Zerg drove them away, they would run there. If they ran too slowly and were swallowed by the cracks or the Zerg that emerged from them, they would only blame themselves for their bad luck.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At a certain moment, the formation above the lake finally showed new changes.

Different from the previous mouth pattern that swallowed the surroundings.

This time, a broken land appeared, as if it was torn apart by some powerful force, and a beam of light suddenly appeared.

It was at this time that the brain worm attached to Yang Ning responded.

Reminding Yang Ning that it was time for her to go down.

Yang Ning felt the strangeness in her body and understood it. Although she had already discussed with Su Bai before, she would go when the ceremony of the Wrathful Witch appeared.

But she didn't expect that this time would be so simple...

At least it was much simpler than she thought.

Originally, she thought that the bugs controlled by Su Bai would fight with the mermaids, and players would appear from time to time, but now it seems that she really thought too much.

In such a weird environment, both the mermaids and the Zerg controlled by Su Bai fell into a weird calm.

No player would jump out to die at this time.

Even if you get the power of the Wrathful Witch, you need to consider whether you can take it away smoothly after getting the power.

After all, after snatching the power, they still need to face the two behemoths of Zerg and Merman.

It was in such a weird environment that Yang Ning walked over quickly and finally came to the vicinity of the lake.

In the dark, many players' eyes were focused on Yang Ning, and Yang Ning naturally felt those weird eyes.

In the eyes of those players, the Wrathful Witch this time can only be Su Baiyi or the Gluttonous Witch, and no one else is qualified.

But at this time, another player suddenly ran out, and the hiding players would naturally think too much.

Is it because of the deadlock that the surrounding Merman and the insects dare not mess around anymore?

Thinking of this, a courageous player adhered to being the first person to dare to eat crabs, and used the skill book to quickly rush towards the central light column.

But before reaching the lake range, a huge crimson figure suddenly appeared in the cracks in the ground.

The huge crimson monster opened its mouth and swallowed the player in one gulp, and then dragged him into the cracks, without any movement.

The surroundings were dead silent.

Those who had just had the same idea as the player who was just eaten instantly became timid and immediately retracted their feet.


Blood and flesh flew everywhere, and a person with a somewhat chaotic breath appeared in the crack. The clothes on the other party seemed to have melted, and the skin was sizzling from the corrosive liquids that kept attaching to the body.

"Hahaha, I'm still alive!"

The player who was just swallowed was not dead, but just a little injured.

There was still a lot of blood on the other party's body, but it didn't seem to be his. Since it wasn't hers, the answer to whose blood it was was obvious.

The appearance of this player alive seemed to give other players a lot of encouragement.

It seems... those bugs are not that scary?

Just as this thought came up, the player who just escaped death was swallowed by the huge red figure that appeared in the crack again.

He was dragged into the crack again and disappeared.

Even the laughter had not completely disappeared, but the person had disappeared, as if he had never appeared just now.

Other players around: "..."

The player who had just gained a little confidence fell silent at this moment.

A golden light flashed, and the ground suddenly exploded, still in the same position as before.

A figure who fled in panic appeared quickly, and the flesh and blood of the opponent was corroded by more than half, and the dense teeth marks could be clearly seen in the body. The only remaining clothes had completely disappeared.

"You still want to kill me? Impossible, how could I be so easily eaten by you bugs with so many props?"


Players have many ways to save their lives. It is nothing but a fool's dream to want to kill a player so easily, especially the current Zerg.

Even if the combat power of a single player is already terrifying, it still seems very inadequate in front of the player. Now is the best example.

A player was swallowed by bugs twice in a row, and it seemed that they were two different bugs, but he was still alive.

The player's means of saving his life can be seen.

But before the player could be arrogant for long, another huge figure appeared again, and then swallowed the player again in a flash.

He swallowed it in one bite and there was no movement.

This time, the players watching the excitement around waited for a while, and when they saw that the other party had not appeared this time, they knew that it should be dead.

Just when everyone thought that the player was dead, bang!

There was another muffled sound, and after the muffled sound, an extremely familiar figure appeared in everyone's sight.

But this time, the other party did not have the previous arrogance and calmness, and his eyes were full of fear and terror.

It seemed that he had experienced something terrible inside.

He was eaten for the first time, escaped, arrogant for a while and then eaten again, then restrained a little and was eaten again immediately. This third time, he finally ran out. If he had said nonsense again, he would probably really stay here.

So this time there was no nonsense, and after escaping death, Guang jumped directly into the lake with this body.

He remembered that there were no such bugs in the lake... I guess...

Sure enough, after that player entered the lake, the rioting cracks behind him and the red figure that appeared several times did not continue to chase him.

Gurgle Gurgle...

After that player jumped down, a pool of blood appeared at the same location.

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