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Chapter 734 The Essence of Thought!

"Brother Dan, I didn't mean it..." Xiaohua said apologetically after sending Goudan away.

However, in order to prevent Goudan from coming back so quickly this time, the space gate was sent farther this time.

Because it was the first time to use it, Xiaohua didn't control the distance of the transmission well, and didn't know where Goudan was sent, and her face was a little embarrassed.

Su Bai did send back Goudan's memory, a snowy field, and didn't know where it was.

Is there a place where it snows here?

"Do you have a place where it snows here?" Su Bai suddenly asked.

Although he didn't know why Su Bai asked this, he still answered: "We don't have the protection effect of the Witch Kingdom here, which is like spring all year round. It's about 500 kilometers to Ximo..."

At this point, Xiaohua suddenly stopped, as if he realized something, and his face was a little embarrassed.

"Brother Dan... Could it be that I teleported him there? Woo... I didn't mean it, sorry..." Xiaohua widened her eyes, and didn't expect to send Goudan so far away.

Fortunately, it is quiet now, and the bad woman's request has been fulfilled. I just feel a little sorry for Brother Dan.

Just now, Goudan suddenly attacked, and it seems that he is serious. If he attacks, it will probably not be easy.

But I can't attack Goudan directly, so the best way is to send Goudan away by myself.

The first time the Greedy Witch attacked, she left some room, hoping that Goudan would be calm when he came back, so he didn't go too far, just around the Witch Kingdom.

According to the Greedy Witch's speculation, it should take more than ten minutes to come back.

This is based on Su Bai's previous strength, but I didn't expect Su Bai's strength to have recovered.

Naturally, Goudan's strength also rose with the tide, and he came back in less than ten minutes.

The second time Xiaohua attacked, he directly hit Goudan hard...

Five hundred kilometers, even if the speed is fast, it will take one or two hours to come back. Now it's quiet, and I can finally say business.

Although Xiaohua wanted to say a few more words to Su Bai, she thought of the bad woman's words before, and finally gave control of her body to the other party.

The tall figure in front of her changed her momentum again, which was completely different from the aura that Xiaohua had exuded before.

"Haha, it seems that you have a good relationship... I will be a little redundant at that time." The greedy witch said in a strange tone.

She stared at Su Bai, as if she wanted to see some other expressions, but found that Su Bai seemed to always look the same. Now his brows were slightly frowned, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

She seemed to see that Su Bai was confused, and chuckled: "I know everything. If you have anything you want to ask, you can ask me. Sister, I am in a good mood now, and I can tell you everything..."

Su Bai thought for a while, as if sorting out the questions in his mind.

"What is the essence of the extraordinary game?"

The Greedy Witch's face froze and said, "What is your question?"

"Didn't you say that any question is fine?"

"Change it. I don't know this question either. If I knew it, I wouldn't be here."

How could the essence of the extraordinary game be seen through by a small witch of original sin?

The first question was not answered. The Greedy Witch seemed a little embarrassed, but she still put on a master's appearance and waited patiently for Su Bai's next question.

But she was actually a little timid in her heart.

What kind of question is this kid asking? How do I know what the essence of that damn extraordinary game is?

Not to mention that Su Bai wanted to know, even Yang Ning on the side secretly pricked up his ears unconsciously, wanting to know the answer.

It's a pity... there is no answer.

The witch of original sin, who claims to be omniscient, couldn't answer this question.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, but it didn't take long for Su Bai to ask his next question again.

"What is "Nian"?"


The Greedy Witch looked grim. There was no such thing in her memory, not to mention the relevant information, not even a mention of it.

She was just about to say that she knew everything, but now she was slapped in the face. Even the Greedy Witch, who had experienced so many years, was embarrassed.

Su Bai couldn't help but feel disappointed when he saw that the other party couldn't answer these two questions.

He didn't answer the first question after expecting it, just to test the other party's depth.

It would be scary if he really answered it.

Su Bai was a little disappointed that the other party didn't answer the second question.

The reason is very simple. Su Bai has guessed part of the truth of the matter, why the suppression effect on his body has become so weak.

The suppression effect from this world has not disappeared from Su Bai's body, but the power is almost negligible.

It still exists, but it is suppressed by another invisible force in Su Bai's body.

Just like the suppression of the evil god power in the original cells before.

Over the years, Su Bai seemed to have gradually understood what things were. Rather than saying that he was reciting such illusory things, it was actually easier to understand in another way.


The power of faith!

The Zerg's faith in Su Bai was finally transformed into strength, helping Su Bai defend against some incomprehensible means of attack.

It is like the invasion of the evil god before, and the suppression effect of the world consciousness now.

I have seen such faith in the Martial Emperor before, but there is a big difference between the two.

The thoughts, or beliefs, of the Martial Emperor are very messy and mixed, but there are many types, at least not as simple as Su Bai.

Although Su Bai's belief is very simple, I don't know how many times purer and stronger it is than the belief of the Martial Emperor.

It is not affected by space and acts directly on Su Bai...

Such power is difficult for Su Bai to understand. Su Bai has been exploring the thoughts alone.

After all... except for the Martial Emperor he met before, none of the players around him have such a thing as faith.

What is the reason for this?

Su Bai has some vague guesses, but they have not been confirmed yet.

The number is the most direct relationship that Su Bai can determine now. With the increase of the Zerg, more and more thoughts gather on Su Bai.

The power of the evil god in the original cell was suppressed to death, and no waves could be turned up, as if it had fallen into hibernation.

The one suppressed by the huge faith of the Zerg was not only the poor evil god attached to the original cell, but also the world consciousness acting on Su Bai.

It was almost wiped out!

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