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Chapter 776 The most useless thing

The disappeared witch of jealousy and Louislin appeared in the witch kingdom.

At this moment, the witch kingdom, after experiencing a riot, was suppressed by the witch of laziness.

In the witch kingdom, countless people with red skin, blurred eyes, seemed to have not woken up, and collapsed on the ground.

It was difficult to see people standing on the street.

The witch of laziness was lazy and seemed a little tired. She stretched her body and said, "It's really too troublesome. I have to clean up this mess."

There were two people standing next to the witch of laziness, one was the witch of gluttony, and the other was the witch of arrogance who frowned and seemed a little unhappy.

"What time is it? You are still talking about this? Is there only sleep in your head all day long?" The witch of arrogance snorted lightly, as if she was very dissatisfied with what the witch of laziness had just said.

The power of one witch went out of control, and the only one who could suppress the other was the power of the other witch.

Obviously, the only one who can suppress the crazy power effect of the Lustful Witch is the Slothful Witch who always looks like she has not woken up.

The Slothful Witch nodded and said, "Well, you are right about this. I just want to sleep. Now that things are done, I am going to sleep. You can solve the rest by yourself. I have helped you enough."

As she said that, the Slothful Witch moved her body to the back, and a space door appeared, steadily catching the falling Slothful Witch, and then disappeared in front of the two.

The Gluttonous Witch's expression changed.

Especially seeing the power effect used by the Slothful Witch just now, it is much more powerful than hers.

If she met the other party, she would probably not want to move before she started.

The streets are full of laziness, dispersion, and laziness, which is why the Slothful Witch can suppress the riot of the Lustful Witch factor.

From a certain perspective, the power effects of the Lustful Witch and the Slothful Witch seem to have a certain influence relationship.

If it weren't for this, the Witch of Pride wouldn't have let the Witch of Sloth clean up the mess.

After all, the Witch of Pride is not just a name, but also a psychological one, which subtly affects several witches. No matter how long it has been, this cannot be changed.

Even if several witches of original sin have realized that they may have been affected by the witch of original sin factor in their bodies, they still won't deliberately change.

Instead, they will feel that they should have been like this, and they will think that the person who asked them to change is wrong.

The way several witches get along with each other seems to have always been like this. The Witch of Pride has become accustomed to the attitude of the Witch of Sloth. After seeing the other party leave, she said a few words of dissatisfaction and began to look at the Witch of Gluttony on the side.

The Witch of Gluttony obviously finds it difficult to understand the way several witches of original sin get along with each other.

Logically speaking, shouldn't they be grasshoppers on the same rope?

The Lustful Witch, as a companion, died, and the other party reacted like this?

The Arrogant Witch was fine, at least she could see the anger and dissatisfaction, the revenge on Su Bai and Yang Ning.

But the Sloth Witch was different, she could not see any intention of revenge, even the death of the Lust Witch was not as important as her going back to sleep quickly.

No matter how you look at it, it is not normal, right?

The Gluttony Witch would not say such doubts in front of the Sloth Witch, but now that she is gone, she can naturally say:

"Has Sloth always been like this? Doesn't she have a good relationship with the dead Lust?"

At least that's what the Gluttony Witch thinks, if the relationship is good, it wouldn't be so cold.

The Arrogant Witch shook her head and said, "She has always been like this, don't worry about her, it's the same without her, and besides, she has done what she needs to do, and the rest of the things can be done by the two of us."

When it comes to "the rest of the things", the Gluttony Witch's face moved, and her expression was a little unnatural.

She didn't expect that there would be such a bargain.

You know, the effect of her power originally requires a large amount of surrounding creatures and materials to be devoured, and finally obtain the same power.

She had already experimented in the witch space before, not only eating her sister, but also obtaining the special talents of her sister.

The special talents belonging to their clan.

It's just a little strange that she had obviously devoured a lot of things from that damn guy before, but she didn't notice that there was anything extra in her body.

Why is this?

Or is the other party a complete waste and useless?

What the gluttonous witch didn't know was that the things she devoured only came from Goudan's memory.

But those memories were not from Goudan, but from the people Goudan had devoured before.

You know, Goudan himself didn't know how many people he had eaten, not to mention that those people still had memories, some had more than ten years of memory, and some had no idea.

And this is just the size of one person. Goudan now has no idea how many people's memories have been copied in his body.

Such a huge amount of data, even Goudan, who is evil, may not be able to handle it.

What's more, searching for those memories takes time and energy, and Goudan doesn't care about losing something insignificant.

Memories can’t be eaten. Besides, it wasn’t his memories that were taken away by the Gluttony Witch. Those memories were just copied from others.

Even if it was taken away now, it wouldn’t be a loss.

This is why Su Bai was surprised at that time. Goudan was attacked by the omnipotent effect of the Gluttony Witch, but he didn’t seem to be hurt at all.

Later, he realized that the most useless thing on Goudan was probably the memories in his head.

Isn’t this just right?

The most useless memories on Goudan are those useless memories. Those memories and knowledge may be very good for ordinary people. After all, they saved a lot of time and got a lot of things.

But for players, they are very useless and cannot be directly converted into power.

Rounding off, Goudan is immune to the attacks of the Gluttony Witch, ineffective...

The Gluttony Witch didn’t realize what she took away. She just cursed Goudan, the waste, in her heart, saying that he was useless. Then the golden witch factor on her body began to float.

Slowly, the golden witch factor filled every part of the street, and the sound of chewing could be heard.

A jaw-dropping chewing sound!

At the same time, the abnormality in the bodies of those people with red skin who had fallen into a rampage state disappeared.

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