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Chapter 781 Wild Gourmet

Isn’t it beautiful?

Louisline looked at the Jealous Witch for a moment, then nodded.

Indeed, I have to say that the Jealousy Witch is indeed very good-looking, as if she has stepped out of a painting. Her beauty gives people an unreal feeling.

In fact, it's not just the Jealousy Witch. None of the other Original Sin Witches are ugly.

Even the ugly Rapunzel, who is not human at all, can be said to have been completely transformed after becoming the Gluttony Witch.

Although not to mention how good-looking the Gluttonous Witch is now, at least she is not as ugly as she was before.

The Gluttony Witch is probably considered an outlier among the original sin witches.

With his own power, he lowered the appearance of all the original sin witches.

After receiving the recognition, the smile on the jealous witch's face became even brighter: "I'll tell you good news, Xiao Linlin. I don't need to be with you in the future. I can be independent. How about it? Are you happy?"

Louisline nodded: "Well, it is indeed good news, so what are you going to do next, find the next witch?"

"Well, let's go find the next one." The jealous witch nodded.

"Who are you looking for?" Louisline asked. You must know that the reason why they are here now is entirely because the Sloth Witch is alone.

The current witches are all together in twos.

And it won't be long before the news of the Sloth Witch's death will be known to several other witches. There is a certain degree of induction between the witches.

Just like when the lust witch died, it was obvious that there seemed to be something missing in this world.

Only a few original sin witches can feel this kind of feeling. Common people, for example, can also feel it, but it is not the special feeling between original sin witches, but is affected by the power effect.

Having your body invaded by crazy witch factors is what ordinary people should be treated like.

The Jealous Witch pursed her lips and looked very troubled: "Yes, who should I go to next? There seems to be no one left alone. What should I do..."

Now there are only two choices before the two of them. Otherwise, go to Su Bai and Yang Ning. At least the Angry Witch is the only one here.

Otherwise, we have to go back and fight against the Arrogance Witch and Gluttony Witch, but the risk is too great, and things could easily go wrong.

Louisline suddenly said: "Wait a minute, isn't there another witch? The Desire Witch, why haven't I heard you say this before? Isn't it easy to start with this?"

Naturally, the Jealous Witch has not forgotten this special "old friend" of hers.

It's just that...until the last resort, she still didn't want to be the second to attack the lust witch.

At least let the other person stay until the end.

After all, in the eyes of the Jealousy Witch, the Lust Witch should be the same kind of person as her, but their methods are slightly different.

Her method is to use extraordinary games as a springboard to completely break away from the control of this world's consciousness.

The lust witch is different. What she wants is to continue using the resources of this world and constantly changing containers.

That's right, it's just changing the container. From the perspective of the Jealous Witch, the way to resurrect the Desire Witch is just changing the container.

The original body, or in other words, the original container could no longer bear it, so I changed the container, so that I could continue to be unaffected for a long period of time.

This is also a very good method, which is free from the control of world consciousness to a certain extent.

But, it's not that easy.

These original sin witches were originally formed under the blessing of world consciousness. If they were separated from world consciousness, where would they be?

Unless they don't want to live anymore.

In order to avoid such a situation, there must be a springboard, a huge springboard that can withstand the huge springboard of world consciousness.

This springboard is right in front of you, the extraordinary game!

This was also the beginning of the jealous witch's madness.

The Jealous Witch exhaled, as if saying goodbye to her old friend: "Okay, let's go to the Rape Witch."

Whether it is looking for Su Bai and Yang Ning, or looking for the Gluttony Witch and the Arrogant Witch, there is a lot of risk. It is safer to look for the Lust Witch.

The Jealous Witch waved her hand, and a space door appeared. The two of them entered the space door and disappeared. Everything around them seemed to have never changed.

Only the "resurrected from the dead" bug crawling on the ground...


In the psychedelic forest, Joe walked alone in this familiar yet unfamiliar place.

There was a little confusion in Joe's eyes.

He had been staying in this place for who knows how long. He remembered that he had been here for a long time, so why was he back again?

The death of the third prince was blamed on him, and Fan and Gray took action against him without hesitation. In the end, Joe chose to leave for the sake of the innocent people in the kingdom.

Hide in a place with few people.

However, there are people from the kingdom everywhere outside, and even the small countries around him still have his wanted portrait posted on them.

Who could have imagined that a legendary alchemist from the past would fall to this level.

Forget about being wanted, he originally planned to stay in the psychedelic forest for a while and then leave, but he ended up getting lost. It seemed like he couldn't get out.

However, fortunately, he is a warlock, so even if he is hungry, he can find something to eat. However, it seems that there is nothing else to eat around except leaves.

"Forget it, at least I won't starve to death." As he said that, Joe picked up a handful of leaves collected on the ground and began to eat them with relish.

But after a while, Joe suddenly realized that something seemed to be wrong.

Logically speaking, in such a large forest, even if there are no large animals, there should be some small insects or something, right?

But the problem is that after so much time, no insects have been seen.


A small red beetle-like creature suddenly appeared on the ground, and its body kept twisting on the ground, as if it was stuck.

"Great, I can finally eat meat." Joe's eyes lit up. After several days, he can finally eat something good.

He pulled out the red beetle from the ground with force, but after seeing the full appearance of the other party, Joe suddenly fell silent.

It is a small beetle, but... is this insect... a little too thin?

Just holding it in his hand, Qiao felt that there was not enough meat. He couldn't help but wonder, can this thing really fill him up?

Forget it, it's good to have something to eat.

The golden alchemy array in Qiao's hand began to rotate, and a small flame appeared, roasting the small red beetle in his hand with relish.

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