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Chapter 790: Big Fight

At this moment, the Gluttony Witch lost her original human form and turned back into a mermaid.

Not only that, the characteristics that originally belonged to the mermaid became more obvious at this moment.

I don’t know whether the previous state was due to the influence of the witch factor or whether it was specially changed to that state in order to integrate with several witches.

At this moment, ambition no longer needs to be concealed, and naturally there is no need to integrate with several witches.

At this moment, the Arrogant Witch is isolated and helpless.

The Witch of Wrath and the Witch of Greed are standing behind the weird man. The Witch of Lust is dead, and the Witch of Sloth is missing.

With such a big commotion just now, if the Witch of Sloth is really still in the Witch Kingdom, it is impossible for her to just watch the Witch of Arrogance fall into a passive position.

The best explanation for all this is that the Witch of Sloth has arrived in a very remote place and has no way to perceive what is happening here.

Of course, this is just the guess of the Witch of Gluttony, and the guess of the Witch of Arrogance is similar.

Thinking, the Witch of Sloth should be hiding somewhere to sleep.

But what the two didn't know was that the Sloth Witch was already dead, but after her death, she didn't cause a riot of the Witch Factor, and all the negative effects left were packed up and taken away by the Jealous Witch.

Lust and laziness, who stood on the side of Pride, were not here. If they didn't take action now, when would they take action?

There is no better opportunity than now!

It is obvious that the long-haired mermaid in front of him is a person who knows how to seize opportunities, and it was the same when he became the Gluttony Witch before.

Very decisive, knowing that there is no turning back once he takes action against the Pride Witch, he will go all the way to the end. Now only by completely devouring the Pride Witch in front of him can she stop.

The deadly silent street once again heard the chewing sound that made people feel scalp numb, clacking...

Silently, only the sound can be heard, but there is no feeling that anything around has decreased.

Silent terror spreads.

As the person involved, the Pride Witch naturally has a deep understanding of it. She feels the strangeness coming from her body and shows unwillingness in her eyes. Even if the body resists with all its strength, it still can't stop all this from happening.

The world consciousness in the body is becoming less and less.


Finally, at a certain moment, the world consciousness in the body of the Arrogant Witch completely disappeared and was devoured by the Gluttonous Witch.

The body of the Arrogant Witch fell to the ground and began to disappear. The witch factors around her began to riot. With the Arrogant Witch as the center, a terrible disaster, a disaster that could sweep the entire world, began from this moment!

The Gluttonous Witch ate the world consciousness in the body of the Arrogant Witch and felt that the incomplete rules in her body were more complete.

A power she had never touched before, an incomparable power.

Such power, she wanted more.

This is just the power of an Original Sin Witch. If the world consciousness in the bodies of the other Original Sin Witches is fully supplemented, what will it look like at that time?

The Gluttonous Witch licked her lips that were a little scary and bumpy.

A terrible fishy smell continued to permeate the Witch Kingdom, and the chewing sound continued to spread, with no intention of stopping.

Those witches and players who fell on the street all became the rations of the Gluttonous Witch.

"What is this?" After eating a player, the Gluttonous Witch suddenly found that the surrounding buildings seemed to have disappeared.

Not only that, the building that just disappeared was just the beginning.

I just fought with the Arrogant Witch and didn't notice anything unusual about the surrounding buildings, but now, the Arrogant Witch has been dealt with.

At this moment, every move around has naturally become extremely sensitive.

The surrounding buildings are disappearing at an extremely incredible and weird speed.

Fluctuation of space!

Is someone attacking the Witch Kingdom?

However, if you think about it carefully, who dares to attack the Witch Kingdom now... it seems that there is no one?

The Gluttonous Witch naturally knows the special status of the Witch Kingdom.

These special statuses are all due to several original sin witches, but several original sin witches are now affected to varying degrees, and several original sin witches have died.

But these changes only took a day or two, and there would be no news leaked out, and naturally it is unlikely to be the surrounding kingdoms that are afraid of them.

Moreover... such fluctuations now are obviously extraordinary powers.

Magic and alchemy?

The Gluttony Witch felt a strong fluctuation of magic. There were not many people who could cause such fluctuations. There were probably only seven people including her.

The current commotion in the Witch Kingdom was caused by another Witch of Original Sin.

Who was it?

Sloth, or...

The Gluttony Witch couldn't help licking her lips when she thought of the remaining witches.

If she met the other witches now, the situation would be very different from before. In her eyes, the witches were just a delicious food.

Most of the power of the Sloth Witch, the Lust Witch, and the power of the Sloth Witch.

She really couldn't think of anyone else in the world who could stop her!

The detection magic began to spread in the Witch Kingdom, trying to capture where the disappeared buildings would appear next time.

"Found you!" The Gluttony Witch showed excitement in her eyes, her figure disappeared, and then appeared in front of a wooden house.

This wooden house is very ordinary, no different from the surrounding buildings.

The Gluttonous Witch pushed open the door, her eyes full of excitement, but the next moment, the door opened by itself.

Then she saw an old man!

An old man?

What the hell is this?

The Gluttonous Witch quickly searched for memories about the other party in her mind, but found that there was no such person at all.

Judging from the other party's appearance, could it be a player?

The Gluttonous Witch has no players either. Now this world is just a mission world of the extraordinary game. Maybe there are other more powerful players coming in.

It's just that this possibility is so small that it can be ignored, but the old man in front of her is real.

For a moment, the Gluttonous Witch's face was full of doubts.

Then, a pale hand grabbed the door frame, and at the same time, a terrifying suction pulled the Gluttonous Witch into the house.


The door closed, and then the wooden house that had just appeared in front of the Gluttonous Witch disappeared, along with the surrounding buildings.

Everything seemed to have returned to its previous dead silence, except that the surrounding buildings were still decreasing at a terrifying speed.

After each decrease, some gravel would appear in the original place, some replaced gravel.

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