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Chapter 821: Land of Exile

The Jealous Witch frowned, as if looking for the source of the prompt.

She was very familiar with the negative effect, but it was the negative effect that could cause the prompt in the extraordinary game...

A black arm rushed towards the Jealous Witch at a fast speed, not affected by the freezing at all.

The Jealous Witch's pupils shrank, and it was obvious that she did not expect this ghost thing to suddenly appear.

When her eyes shifted to Su Bai again, the Jealous Witch felt only strangeness and weirdness.

The breath of the previous person completely disappeared, and only weirdness and chaos remained.

The surrounding black sea water seemed to come alive.

Su Bai moved his body, and his body made a crackling sound. The larvae in his body had completely fallen into a deep sleep.

The original cells now occupied absolute dominance in Su Bai's body, and the opposing larvae and Tianyan Bailian were naturally suppressed.

Even the weird thoughts in Su Bai were suppressed by Su Bai.

Let the power of the evil god spread wantonly in the original cells.

More and more untouchable hands appeared in Su Bai's body. Su Bai was like a black hole, with countless black hands appearing and grabbing the surrounding things.

He wanted to devour everything around him.

But at this moment, Su Bai was still conscious and could control the direction of the untouchable hands.

The Jealous Witch on the opposite side saw such a strange scene on Su Bai, and her pupils showed fear. She seemed to have seen these things somewhere.


Those things shouldn't appear here.

I haven't heard of anyone who can stay awake after being infected by those things...

Whose believer is this person in front of me?

What a joke!

Countless untouchable hands like noodles rushed towards the Jealous Witch. Even if they were quickly eliminated by the Jealous Witch, more untouchable hands would immediately fill in.


But as the frequency of use increased, Su Bai's body began to undergo uncontrollable changes, and various limbs began to appear.

Tentacles covered with eyes spread all over Su Bai's body, and countless weird twisted eyes that looked around began to appear.

Those eyes that appeared on Su Bai seemed to be curious about everything around them.

At first, it was Yang Ning and the others around Su Bai.

But soon, those eyes stayed on Goudan, as if there was something on Goudan that attracted them.

Su Bai was in danger now, so he naturally didn't notice this weird scene.

Not to mention that Goudan and the others were still frozen.

Apart from Su Bai and the Witch of Jealousy, the only person who could move now was Kayako.

The eyes of the Witch of Greed trembled slightly, and a faint light appeared on her body.

The feeling of being frozen disappeared, and after she recovered, the Witch of Greed saw the current situation clearly.

It was just that when she saw the weird scene in front of her, which was like hell, the Witch of Greed couldn't help but jump.

After living for so many years, this was the first time she saw such a weird scene.

After identifying it, she finally recognized that the unknown monster with weird eyes all over his body in the center of the chaos was Su Bai.

"What happened? How did it become like this?" The Greedy Witch was still a little frightened.

Su Bai in front of her made her feel extremely unfamiliar, and she couldn't even be sure whether the person in front of her was still Su Bai.


A pale hand passed through Su Bai's body and pinched Su Bai's heart, and Su Bai's life breath began to disappear.

But soon, the scene that just happened was like an illusion. Su Bai disappeared on the spot, and the person who was attacked was replaced by Kayako.

The Jealous Witch frowned and pushed Kayako away in her hand impatiently.

Kayako's body slowly disappeared into the abyss like sand and returned to the diary.

Su Bai's mind became dazed at this moment, but he also reacted to what had just happened. The Jealous Witch wanted to kill him, but the attack just now was resisted by Kayako.

Seeing Kayako disappear, Su Bai did not hesitate, opened the diary again, and summoned Kayako out.

"Equipment effect triggered, summon Kayako!"

Kayako was summoned again and appeared behind Su Bai, but this time, she didn't have time to connect Su Bai with the black thread.

The surrounding black untouchable hands rushed towards Kayako.

After grabbing Kayako, they kept dragging her into Su Bai's body, as if they wanted to devour Kayako.

Kayako's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but frown when she saw such a weird scene happening in front of her.

Is it that Su Bai now seems to be unable to distinguish between friend and foe?

The black thread easily cut through the untouchable hands that tried to drag her over, but soon more arms rushed over.

The situation of the Jealous Witch was similar. Su Bai was now a typical indiscriminate attack. Suddenly, Kayako felt as if she was bitten by someone.


The black hands that extended from Su Bai began to change over time, and mouths began to grow in the palms.

It was those mouths that bit Kayako.

"You are actually a believer of those monsters!" The Jealous Witch's tone was filled with shock that could not be concealed.

Su Bai's physical changes at this moment almost confirm that Su Bai is related to the evil god.

The Jealous Witch doesn't know much about the evil god.

But she still knows a part.

The evil god does not refer to a specific person, but a group of special monsters.

These monsters come from the Land of Chaos, also known as the Land of Exile.

The evil god has some relationship with the extraordinary game, but it is not like the interdependent relationship with the players, but wants to invade the extraordinary game.

They are not interested in the extraordinary game itself, but the invaded worlds in the extraordinary game.

And the players in the extraordinary game, take the bodies of those players for themselves and turn them into their believers.

After the players become believers, they will completely become puppets of the evil god and lose themselves.

The next step is to invade the world.

In the end, it seems to be for the world consciousness...

The Jealous Witch is not sure, and she got this information by chance during a mission.

During that mission, she also met such a player, a player like Su Bai.

The evil god invaded her body, turned her into a believer, and finally completely lost consciousness. When she left the mission world, the mission world had almost fallen.

They escaped!

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