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Chapter 858: The Broken Soul-Breaking Sword, Countless Timelines

Such a horrible price, it can be said that there is no other suitable person besides Xu.

In other words, even if the Soul-Breaking Sword falls into the hands of others, let alone the problem of using it.

This horrible price alone is something that no one can bear.

Before the first knife was swung, he had been cut off by the Soul-Breaking Sword.

In a sense, the Soul-Breaking Sword is just a defective product.

The price to be paid for each use is just the price to be paid for being a defective product.

The price of a complete product will only be more horrible.

But now even if you want to pay the complete price, there is no chance. Xu has been looking for a way to repair the incomplete Soul-Breaking Sword.

After so many years, he has found a way, but... the probability of success is too low.

The Soul-Breaking Sword is not a prop provided in the extraordinary game, but was born from Xu himself.

Countless negative emotions, rule fragments, the origin of the evil god... converged together!

But the foundation of the Soul-Breaking Sword comes from Xu himself, born from the heart!

The moment other people touch the Soul-Breaking Sword, their bodies will begin to be uncontrollably eroded.

No matter what kind of material is used to construct the Soul-Breaking Sword, it is fatal to ordinary people, not to mention that so many things are gathered together.

Such a terrifying thing, even if Xu holds it in his hand, he is suffering from erosion every minute and every second!

The constantly fading flesh and blood show the horror of the Soul-Breaking Sword, and likewise, it also shows the horror of Xu.

Born in despair, cut off all the matter in the world!

Whether it is a planet or other props in the extraordinary game, there will be no situation that cannot be cut.

The Soul-Breaking Sword can almost be said to be the end of all weapons!

But even so, it is still just a defective product, missing something...

Missing a... soul!

This soul cannot be born from the current Xu, but it can only be born from Xu!

The Soul-Breaking Sword originated from Xu, even if it needs to be repaired, it can only start from Xu himself!

But so many years have passed, I have seen countless timelines and countless different paths I have walked.

There is even no second person who can pull out the Soul-Breaking Sword.

Not to mention the "soul" of the Soul-Breaking Sword!

The missing soul will always be the soul-breaking sword, an irreparable shortcoming.

As for himself in countless timelines, why no one else can pull out the soul-breaking sword, Xu Xin has already guessed.

The soul-breaking sword is unique!

As the first person to pull it out in countless timelines, he naturally cannot pull it out in other timelines.

This leads to a result.

No one can repeat his old path and reach his current step.

As long as no one can go further than him, he will have no future.

This is why there has been no response in countless attempts to contact his future self.

In other words, he is now Su Bai, the forerunner of countless futures.

No one is ahead of him anymore!

It sounds a bit desperate. In a sense, his road seems to have come to an end.

There is no end to the future!

But even so, Xu still did not give up, waiting for someone who can catch up with him in countless timelines.

Although Xu's current power can interfere with himself in various timelines.

But he never chose to save or help himself in countless timelines.

The reason is very simple, the future has been predetermined, and the ending cannot be changed!

So far, there has been no news from the future, which means that he is destined to be a loser in these timelines.

Xu has gone through countless years and looked at countless timelines, just to find the only turning point.

A turning point that surpasses himself!

The ghost bus can be regarded as the first time node, and he has completed that mission in countless timelines.

But when he left at the end, a time node appeared.

Logically speaking, after completing the mission, he should have run away directly when he saw the evil ghost under the ghost bus.

The reason is very simple. At that time, he was just an ordinary student.

At best, he was just a little better physically, and he had no chance of winning against those evil ghosts.

The path Xu took at that time was also the same. He chose to leave directly, knowing that there was no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation.

But the self in the time node, with a probability of one in a billion, chose to stay and successfully survived.

After initially mastering the power of the evil spirit, he also mastered the tasks one after another.

Considered a variable.

Xu's attention was completely focused on the one who chose to stay, hoping that there would be a variable.

Everything was just as he imagined.

The other him was so powerful that he even far surpassed him at that time, but he still didn't survive in the end.

He died in the contamination and invasion of the evil god, and finally fell into chaos and understood himself.

At that time, he could choose to save the other self, but he didn't choose to do so in the end.

Xu knew where the problem was, and the problem was with the Soul-Breaking Sword!

Xu himself pulled out the only Soul-Breaking Sword in countless timelines in the Witch World!

The road for others has been blocked!

Almost more than 99% of himself can survive in the Witch World and this critical turning point.

But so far, Su Bai is the only one who can survive from the Witch World!

The reason is very simple, there is only one Soul-Breaking Sword!

He has taken away his own life in all countless timelines.

So he can only watch his own destruction in countless timelines, and deduce one timeline after another, but he has never found another self who can survive from this time node in the Witch World.

Xu's heart is full of infinite desolation.

After all, he took away the only life.

This is the sadness that belongs to the alien. Once he is noticed by the extraordinary game, countless changes will appear around him.

He can't refuse or choose, he can only passively accept it.

The Witch of Jealousy should not appear in the Witch World at all, or rather, after the Witch of Jealousy became a player...

She should be rejected by the original world consciousness and eventually be unable to enter.

But the fact is not like this. For some reason, the Witch of Jealousy can enter and exit the Witch World freely, and still as the Witch of Original Sin.

It is undoubtedly the "special care" of the extraordinary game!

The result is also very obvious. After so many years, countless timelines of himself have been wiped out, and only he has walked out!

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