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Chapter 867 Devouring Each Other

The negative emotions that continued to flow into Su Bai's body did not disappear because of the appearance of Xu.

The appearance of Xu only solved a guy who did not originally belong to this time and space.

After eliminating external uncertainties, the next road is what Su Bai needs to experience.

Like countless timelines, Xu still maintains a neutral attitude and will not interfere in anything.

Even death!

The difference is that this time, Xu will be a bystander and see the end, and see his own death at this time node with his own eyes.

It is not in vain to come here in vain.

Xu's projection appeared in the abyss sea, but at this time, Xu could no longer be seen by anyone.

Even Su Bai is the same.

Xu is detached from reality and only exists in illusion, but can influence or change reality through the power of Xuzhu.

Although... Xu will not do this...

The continuous influx of negative emotions and the memories of countless people made Su Bai's consciousness begin to panic.

Su Bai's eyes became a little numb, and gradually... he seemed to have gotten used to this feeling.

The place that was invaded at the beginning was from Su Bai's hand that he broke off on his own initiative to help Goudan escape from the big-eyed monster.

Now, the thoughts from the Zerg began to repair again and gathered on the only gap.

However, this process was very slow, not only slow but also very painful.

The deformed monster born from Su Bai's body did not stop because of the death of the little boy.

The little boy was just one of the countless timelines that the evil god used to monitor.

For evil gods like the little boy, the main body did not come here, only part of the consciousness and soul came here across time and space.

I don't know how many there are, but the virtual is no longer surprised.

The virtual is used to it, and the guys on the evil god's side are also used to it, used to the diary being hunted by the virtual.

In order to avoid the main body being locked by the virtual in the future, it is usually the moment when the virtual hair is shot, it will immediately abandon everything left here.

If the main body of the little boy knew, he would do the same.

But... before he had time to send a signal for help, his soul and consciousness had been imprisoned by the virtual.

It may sound a bit weird to say it out loud.

In the future, the little boy who was killed by Xu didn't know why until he died.

There were so many places, but Xu just ran in front of him?

Everything can only be attributed to his bad luck.

Until the moment when his body exploded, he didn't figure out why Xu suddenly appeared in front of him.

And it seems... it seems that he ran to find him specifically?

This timeline belonging to Su Bai now has been hidden by Xu.

Although... it is very likely that what he is doing now is useless.

After all, as long as "he" in this timeline dies, everything in this timeline will disappear.

In the end, this timeline will no longer exist.

So, in theory, even if Xu doesn't take action to block this timeline belonging to Su Bai, this timeline will disappear in the end.

The reason is very simple. It is a doomed ending. Unless a miracle happens, otherwise...

Xu shook his head, looked at Su Bai in front of him, and sighed: "I will help you go on this road..."

The moment the Soul-Breaking Sword was taken away, the ending of countless timelines was doomed.

All Xu can do now is to help them walk a future they have never seen.

It's just compensation...

The diary in Goudan's hand floated out again, and Kayako's figure appeared.

Kayako, who appeared on her own initiative, was not summoned by Goudan. She was very young when she first appeared.

That is, the first page, where the diary begins.

But as time goes by, the consumption of the diary becomes faster and faster. Kayako gradually changes from a girl student to a housewife.

I don't know how much time has been consumed in the meantime.

Although Goudan is not a player, he belongs to the evil spirit, and he can still feel that the strange power from the diary is becoming less and less.

Although the strength of Kayako summoned each time will not change at all.

This is the essence of overdrawing props.

Goudan could vaguely guess something, but at this time he had no way to ask Kayako to stop.

If possible, he also wanted to overdraw his potential.

But the reality was cruel. As an evil spirit, Goudan grew very fast.

But it was obviously not the case now. He could not get stronger just by saying it. Strength would not be born out of thin air.

In the current battle, he could not intervene at all. It was just that the first time he appeared, all the untouchables and deformed bodies around him would rush towards him.

In the eyes of the evil god, Goudan seemed to have become a hot commodity, the kind that everyone wanted to take a bite of.

Goudan had also felt this feeling from Kayako.

Kayako seemed to want to eat him too...


Goudan's eyes flashed, and his body changed again. Kayako appeared in his previous position, and his body was pierced by huge deformed tentacles.

Absorbed, in the blink of an eye, Kayako, who crawled out of the diary this time, disappeared again.

Gou Dan looked down at the diary in his hand, and could hardly feel its weight.

It was a purple item, and the last foundation seemed to be overdrawn?

Just as Goudan was thinking about what to do next, the change occurred again, and Su Bai began to move with his huge body.

To be precise, it was not Su Bai who wanted to move, but the evil god who had occupied Su Bai's body was controlling his body.

Moving towards the exit, there seemed to be something attracting him?

What else could attract the evil god, except flesh and blood?

Outside the abyss, the jealous witch, who had absorbed the flesh and soul of almost all creatures on the ground, as well as the witch factor, fixed her eyes on a certain place.

The evil god who controlled Su Bai's body and the evil god who controlled the jealous witch seemed to have sensed each other's intentions.

The two sides began to close the distance.


Su Bai's terrifying and huge body finally left the abyss, lost the buoyancy, and the huge body was dragged directly on the ground.

But there was still no intention to stop.

The big-eyed monster grew countless arms, used them as its own feet, and climbed on the ground at a very fast speed.

Wherever the big-eyed monster passed, a deep trace was dragged out.

Nothing around could stop the two evil gods from joining together.

Finally, after dragging for an unknown period of time, the big-eyed monster controlled Su Bai's body to stop, and the huge eyeball began to rotate, aiming at the jealous witch floating in the air!

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