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Chapter 870 Sorry...

A completely peeled human skin fell to the ground.

Under the light, the invisible darkness was hidden under the human skin, and something seemed to be wriggling under the darkness.

Dong, Dongdong...

Like a heart, a strong beating sound came, and the source of the sound was not the replica puppet in front of him, but the human skin spread on the ground.

Even though Goudan had been completely peeled off and was no longer part of the replica puppet's body.

But the big-eyed monster obviously had no intention of letting Goudan go.

After losing Goudan, the replica puppet completely turned into Su Bai's appearance, and a pale hand grabbed Goudan on the ground.

In the eyes of the replica puppet, greed was hard to hide.

The darkness under Goudan's body began to change like ink, and Goudan's body began to sink slowly.

Before the replica puppet arrived, it completely sank into the darkness and disappeared.

"Is this... the special effect of the diary?" Su Bai, who was in the soul state, frowned.

The time it took for the diary to turn into a purple item was too short, so short that even Su Bai, the owner, was not completely familiar with all the functions.

He just took a rough look at the basic information of the item.

Su Bai didn't know what the special effect was, but from the performance of the diary just now...

It seemed that Kayako no longer needed to rely on the player and could leave the diary by herself?

But what was going on now?

In Su Bai's sight, the diary in the copy puppet's hand had completely lost its purple luster.

Shouldn't it be a grade regression?

It should have turned blue, what was going on now?

Su Bai couldn't fully understand what had just happened, but he saw Kayako disappear, and Goudan had some abilities that he had never seen before.

These abilities looked familiar...

It seemed to come from Kayako!

Goudan ran away, and ran away right under the eyes of the copy puppet, and the big-eyed monster became violent.

The duck in his mouth flew away!

The big-eyed monster controlled the copy puppet and tore up the diary that Goudan had been holding in his hand!


Under the blessing of alchemy, the diary, which had lost all its extraordinary properties, exploded in the hands of the replica puppet.

Su Bai's pupils shrank.

The diary... was destroyed?

What a joke!

How could a purple prop be destroyed like this?

Su Bai had an extremely unreal feeling. You know, the diary is not made of ordinary materials, but a supernatural item.

Su Bai had tried to damage the diary before, just to study the diary and see where the limit of its resistance to impact was.

The final test results of the pistol and grenade only left a little light mark on the diary, and the mark disappeared soon.

When Su Bai conducted this experiment, the diary was still in green quality.

That is, at the beginning, when Su Bai got the diary, and now... the diary has already reached purple quality.

When the diary reaches purple quality, it is not so easy to damage it, let alone ordinary hot weapons, even props.

How come now...

In the shadow under the feet of the replica puppet, a pair of eyes witnessed all this.

In the darkness, the pair of eyes that would never have any big fluctuations finally showed a slight ripple.

Like a stone thrown into a calm water surface, waves began to spread one after another.

"Gossip... seems... really dead..." The heartbeat in the darkness stopped.

The violent witch factor was originally constantly flowing into the body of the jealous witch, but at this moment, the chaotic witch factor began to be diverted.

A considerable part of the witch factor flowed into a shadow.

The eye on the forehead of the jealous witch noticed the abnormality of Goudan, but now there is no time to deal with Goudan.

The target of the jealous witch from beginning to end is only Su Bai!

Regardless of whether it is due to the influence of the evil god, whether it is the jealous witch or the evil god attached to the jealous witch.

The goals of the two people are perfectly overlapped.

Su Bai invaded by the evil god!

The witch factor is essentially another manifestation of negative emotions, a concrete existence.

For the big-eyed monster that controls Su Bai's body now, and the small-eyed monster that controls the witch of jealousy, they are all sources of food and energy.

Logically speaking, apart from the evil god, there should be nothing that can absorb such an abstract thing.

Negative emotions should have been an adjective.

But under the influence of the rules, negative emotions have become concrete things, the witch factor.

Finally, under the influence of the witch factor, the witch was born, the magic power was born, and the magic appeared.

In other words, negative emotions are actually a manifestation of energy, but ordinary people cannot absorb and use them.

It is the same in the witch world, but under the influence of the world rules, negative emotions are transformed.

The witch factor has been transformed, and even ordinary people can use it.

And after absorbing it, the consciousness will not be lost because of too much negative emotions.

But even so, what the witch absorbs is not negative emotions, but the product after the negative emotions are transformed.

As a container, witches can use the witch factors stored in their bodies. In essence, they have no way to digest the witch factors.

They just let the witch factors, as a source of power, transform when needed.

All the conditions for using witch factors are based on the premise of witches, and the evil gods can be regarded as an exception.

After all, the evil gods are advanced products that are superior to witches.

And now, Goudan has become this exception and began to devour the surrounding witch factors frantically.

Countless chaotic witch factors began to flow in three directions, two big and one small.

No extra operations are needed. The big-eyed monster, the small-eyed monster, and Goudan, the three people only need to stand in place, and the surrounding witch factors will automatically gather.

The three people are like black holes, but due to different masses, the gravity they finally show is also different.

The small-eyed monster is the strongest, the big-eyed monster is second, and Goudan is the smallest black hole, secretly dividing the power of the two evil gods.

The exploded diary was scattered on the ground, and the shadows left on the ground began to come alive.

Like sinking into ink, it slowly sank, and finally all the fragments of the diary disappeared.

Xu didn't know when he appeared in front of the replica puppet.

But everyone at the scene, including Su Bai, couldn't see Xu's existence.

Xu didn't know when a diary appeared in his hand. The traces of repair on it had disappeared. Although it had gone through countless years, it was still intact.

"I'm sorry, I haven't done what I promised you yet..."

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