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Chapter 877 Is the mission accomplished?

"Let's go." Su Bai said to Goudan as he looked at the approaching Witch of Jealousy.

Goudan understood, and the motionless shadow on the ground began to spread, as if it had come alive.

After a while, Su Bai and Xiaohua were wrapped in it, and the bodies of several people began to sink.

Finally, they disappeared on the spot before the Witch of Jealousy arrived.

The big-eyed monster lost its target and stopped, looking at the shadow on the ground with anger in its eyes.

It was also at this moment that the Witch of Jealousy's body finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the body that was constantly deformed in her body exploded!

Countless twisted and chaotic flesh and blood spread out, as if a disaster was about to begin.

The sky was completely swallowed by darkness, and the witch factor belonging to the Witch of Jealousy filled the sky and the earth.

Swallowing everything that could be seen.

The sky seemed to be torn open by a huge black curtain, with nothing but nothingness.

And a few ordinary people, far away from the battlefield, far away from the kingdom, didn't know what was happening in their world.

At this moment, a huge black hole was torn open in the sky, and there was finally no way to stay out of it.

"Why is it dark?"

"No, why is there no sun? I just saw a sun, and I also saw a giant taller than the sun."

"Nonsense, where are there people that tall? But today is really strange, first the earth dragon turned over, and now the sky dog ​​eclipsed the moon, what happened?"

The world of witches does not only exist in the kingdom established by Louis XVI.

This world is very big, bigger than imagined.

Even if Su Bai turned into a golden giant 500 meters tall, what he could see was still very limited, and what he could see was just barely beyond the scope of the kingdom.

And outside the kingdom, there are countless small countries.

Even in places where there are no countries, some scattered villagers, they don't know what happened in the kingdom.

The only thing they can feel is the terrible vibration of the ground just now.

Su Bai's attack just now can be felt within a radius of 100 miles, and countless small hills were destroyed in the vibration just now.

Although these ordinary people who were not affected could not witness the horror of the battle just now with their own eyes.

But the impact of the subsequent battles can still be felt, especially the changes in the sky now.

If the visible range on the ground is very limited, it is impossible for ordinary people to see more things with their own eyes.

Then the sky that they can see when they raise their heads must not belong to this range.

The sun disappeared, and the sky dimmed. Although a "new sun" appeared briefly just now, it disappeared quickly.

Then there was an earthquake.

In the eyes of other people in the witch world, this was an unprecedented natural disaster.

Instinctively, I felt uneasy and hurried back to my home.

It seems that this can make me safe?

That's right. Compared with their own flesh and blood, the house is much stronger, and it can naturally provide them with a rare sense of security.

What these people don't know is that the house they use to provide a sense of security can't even last for a second under the influence of extraordinary power...

The body of the Jealous Witch has disappeared, and it has been completely replaced by a deformed big-eyed monster.

A black twisted monster appears.

The appearance of an evil god with complete consciousness and soul also means that the world is about to perish.

The lost and the followers of the evil god began to spread and invade ordinary people who had not been infected by the evil god.

There seemed to be no players in the witch world...

Su Bai and Xiaohua seemed to be the last players left in the witch world.

At this moment, the two were in a dead space, surrounded by darkness.

Unable to see anything, Su Bai's eyes glowed in the darkness, but even so, he still couldn't see the dark surroundings clearly.

There seemed to be nothing around, but there seemed to be a lot of things wriggling.

Su Bai saw clearly what those things that were constantly wriggling in the darkness were.

Broken limbs and arms, as well as some lost people who had not yet died completely, a lot of flesh and blood piled up together.

However, the flesh and blood of these guys seemed to be constantly consumed and devoured, and the number was constantly decreasing.

Su Bai listened here for a while and could hear a subtle chewing sound. With the appearance of the chewing sound, the friction and wriggling of the surrounding flesh and blood would also decrease.

"Where is this place?" Su Bai looked around, as if looking for Goudan's figure.

After Goudan absorbed the two people, he disappeared.

But no matter when, as long as Su Bai spoke, he would always get Goudan's answer immediately.

"Boss, to be honest, I am not very clear. This should be the ability of the gossip woman. I seem to be this space itself." Goudan's voice came.

Su Bai seemed to understand what was going on now.

The two of them were now in Goudan's body, and this extra ability came from Kayako.

"By the way, boss, is the gossip woman really dead?" In the darkness, something like a tentacle appeared, holding a pile of fragments.

Su Bai knew that these fragments were torn diaries, but... now the diary has lost all its extraordinary properties.

It turned into an ordinary diary, and it was torn up.

Su Bai took the fragments in his hand, which had some wet red liquid and minced meat on them.

It seemed that Goudan had tried to feed the diary some food just now...

After all, in Goudan's opinion, Kayako's favorite things were these things, minced meat...

But he failed. Not only that, he also dyed the fragments of the diary into deep red. At this time, Su Bai also saw Goudan's hand in this space clearly.

A pitch-black hand, without any color, only some outlines that looked like hands could be seen.

Goudan himself is becoming more and more weird now, and even Su Bai doesn't know what Goudan will become in the end.

"There will be a way. There are so many props in the extraordinary game, there will always be a way." Su Bai received the fragments in his hand into the space ring.

Su Bai's answer was an acknowledgement of the fact that Kayako was dead.

"Yeah." Goudan was surprisingly calm, which was somewhat beyond Su Bai's expectations. This didn't seem like Goudan's reaction.

Goudan has changed...

Xiaohua was standing by, watching the two talking. She didn't know what to say because she was upset and couldn't speak.

"Brother, haven't you completed your mission yet?" Xiaohua looked at Su Bai with a smile on her face, as if waiting for his answer.

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