"Will it affect the future results?" Su Bai said.

"That's about it. Now even what we said is actually in my mind. Do you believe it?" Xu said.


"Haha, what a coincidence. I don't believe it either."

The two looked at each other and finally confirmed that the person in front of them was themselves.

"It's not that I don't want to give it to you. The props will be useless if you take it." Xu began to tell the real reason.

"What do you mean?" Su Bai frowned.

"Did you see this?" Xu grabbed the red rope on the baby girl's hand and shook it.

The little girl's fleshy hand had sunk into the red rope that had just been tied, and only a little red could be seen.

"Da!" The baby girl began to move around again, holding Xu's hand and began to be dishonest, opening her mouth as if she wanted to eat Xu's hand.

"Do you know what grade the prop is in her hand now?" Xu smiled at the corner of his mouth, as if he wanted to see his surprised look.

"Above gold." Su Bai said with certainty.

Gold is not the limit of Su Bai's guess, but the limit of the props that Su Bai knows.

If Su Bai knew of higher-quality props, he would definitely continue to talk to the higher-quality ones.

"Hey, it's really boring to talk to you, isn't it Huahua?" Xu raised a hand and waved it in front of the baby girl.

This time, Huahua finally seized the opportunity, and bit Xu's finger that was constantly dangling in front of her eyes, and kept sucking it in her mouth.

Her mouth couldn't close with a smile...

Xu: "..."

Why is she still in this dead look?

"Pop~" Xu pulled his hand back helplessly, making a popping sound, and planned to continue talking to Su Bai about business.

As a result, the moment the finger was pulled out, Huahua began to howl, tears fell, and she cried heartbreakingly...

Xu had no choice but to put the finger back to its original place.

A strong suction came, Huahua stopped crying, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Xu: "..."

Eh, no wonder he became like that in the future, it turns out that he had the potential in this area since he was a child...

A prop emitting dazzling white light appeared in Xu's hand, and it looked like... it seemed to be a dagger.

But the moment it appeared, the light on the dagger began to fade, and finally turned into dust, completely disappearing in front of the two.

Seeing this scene, Huahua tried to grab the daggers that turned into powder with her chubby little hands, but unfortunately, even the ashes disappeared in the end.

The traces of the dagger completely disappeared from the world.

"See, the quality of this thing is shining, a prop above the gold quality, and now it turns into ash directly when you take it over." Xu said with a little helplessness.

Xu pointed at the red rope in Huahua's hand, "As for the red rope in her hand, the grade is higher than the dagger I just took out, that is, shining. Do you see these flowing colors?"

Su Bai nodded. He had already seen these extremely magical flowing colors attached to the red rope.

It was like a miniature rainbow, with seven colors of light constantly flowing.

At the same time, Su Bai looked at it for a while and found that the colorful light on the red rope seemed... not as bright as before?

Su Bai seemed to realize something.

"Then you don't have anything to give me? You can't just give me a few warm words and let me use this to face other players, right?" Su Bai shook his head.

Good news, there are so many good things in my future self's hands.

Bad news... Even if these good things are given to him, he can't use them.

Even for higher quality props, the time they can last is very limited, and there may be side effects.

In other words, Su Bai can't use the props given by Xu.

It seems that the matter of cheating can only be put aside...

"Haha, you are too unconfident about me, I give you a good thing." A black and white entangled gene chain appeared in Xu's hand.

Su Bai had just seen this thing. Xu was this, and with a red gene chain, he resurrected the Greedy Witch...

"Okay, what I'm going to say next is more important. Listen carefully. If you work harder now, I can enjoy a peaceful life in the future." Xu said solemnly.

Su Bai: "..."

What a coincidence, I thought so too.

Su Bai also wanted his future self to be more powerful and give himself some good things, so that his life would be easier.

He wouldn't be chased by all kinds of guys in the mission every time.

There was only one way to escape...

"The red one is the rule of flesh and blood, and the black and white one is the rule of life and death. I have a lot of such rule fragments on me now, all of which were snatched from other worlds, and some from players and evil gods."

"The extra fragments were all fed to the Soul-Breaking Sword, so you can't take the Soul-Breaking Sword now. If you take it, your soul and body will explode together."

Xu explained why Su Bai couldn't touch the Soul-Breaking Sword now.

"But don't worry, I made the Soul-Breaking Sword like this so you can't use it, but the Rebirth Sword doesn't have it, so you can still use it." After saying that, Xu summoned the Soul-Breaking Sword in his hand.

This was the first time Xu got a complete Soul-Breaking Sword.

As expected... it felt very different from before.

In the past, Xu thought that the things that the Soul-Breaking Sword lacked could be slowly compensated with the rule fragments, and it would eventually be repaired one day.

But... it was obvious that Xu was overthinking, and it would not work at all.

What the Soul-Breaking Sword lacked was not the rule fragments, but the soul!

However, the rule fragments that were fed in the past were not completely useless...

At least, now except for Xu himself, no one dared to touch this sword, and they would die if they touched it!

Even he, the owner, had the same effect... It sounds a bit tricky.

"Like me, try to summon the Rebirth Sword, remember, don't summon it by mistake!" Xu reminded Su Bai in particular.

If Su Bai accidentally called the Soul-Breaking Sword over... Haha, it would be funny then, killing himself?

Su Bai raised his hand, and the Soul-Breaking Sword in Xu's hand began to tremble, and the next moment it disappeared in Xu's hand.

The Soul-Breaking Sword appeared in front of Su Bai out of thin air.

It was also the first time that Su Bai watched the Soul-Breaking Sword so closely.

The Soul-Breaking Sword in front of him was not much different from the Rebirth Sword in Su Bai's hand before, except that one was glowing and the other was not.

The Soul-Breaking Sword was like the product of ink, extremely black.

Even if it was the faint light emitted by the Rebirth Sword, Su Bai could not see the true appearance of the Soul-Breaking Sword.

The Rebirth Sword was pulled out of Su Bai's stinky Soul-Breaking Sword and held in his hand!

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