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Chapter 913 Devouring the Witch World

Su Bai always felt that the little guy in front of him was strange.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

"Woo~" Huahua seemed to realize that she was being hugged away, so she looked sad again and made a whimpering sound.

"Desire Witch, can you hear me?" Su Bai asked tentatively.

Su Bai's eyes stayed on Huahua's face, and Su Bai would notice anything that was wrong.

It's a pity...the colorful expression in front of him didn't change at all.

The other party is really just a baby now...

"Da." Huahua seemed to be responding to Su Bai in this way, waving one hand in front of Su Bai's face.


Hearing the little guy whining there all the time, Su Bai's ears almost became calloused, so he could only put Huahua back to the original position.


Feeling the familiar breath, Huahua calmed down instantly, no longer whining, and looked pitiful.

All that can be heard is babbling, which is a unique way of communication for little babies.

"Da... da da..."

Su Bai: "..."

But Su Bai could tell that she seemed very happy.

On Su Bai's chest, a big soft meat ball was pressed tightly against it, and his little hands were groping around.

Now it seems... the little thing in front of me just now is relatively restrained in front of Xu.

Su Bai could only do this, holding Huahua with one hand and continuing to build insect eggs with the other.

Soon, the insect egg turned into a terrifying ball about three meters in diameter.

Within the insect eggs, something can already be seen moving.


A scarlet eye opened, Tear!

The huge insect egg was torn open from the inside, and a terrifying female insect appeared in front of Su Bai.

The moment the female insect appeared, a faint aura of the evil god filled the air, and the surrounding air was slightly polluted.

After the female insect appeared, Su Bai clearly felt the changes in his chest.

The little guy who was rubbing against his chest suddenly became quiet, seemed a little scared, and his body trembled slightly.

Su Bai patted Huahua's back: "It's okay..."

Huahua calmed down and did not cry loudly. She just pressed her round face firmly against Su Bai's chest.

It seems that this is the only way to make her feel at ease...

"Can you understand me?" Su Bai didn't really care about what kind of changes had occurred in the female insect in front of him.

Under the blessing of the evil god cells.

It can be said that the female insect in front of her surpasses almost all the insect races created by Su Bai, except for No. 1.

A brand new product!

But the first thing you need to make sure is whether the guy in front of you understands what he is saying.

If he couldn't understand, Su Bai could only kill him and make another one until he created a Zerg that could understand him.

It's a pity that Goudan hasn't woken up yet.

Otherwise, Su Bai could let Goudan eat the guy in front of him directly and gain the other person's language...

"Great Lord, I can understand your will. Please give the order. This is the meaning of my existence." The female insect opened her mouth, and some strange but very regular sound waves came out.

These sound waves finally fell into Su Bai's ears and were directly transformed.

Su Bai could understand the other party's words directly.

This is good news.

Not only that, this female insect has an extremely high IQ, and her eyes are full of fanaticism for Su Bai, extremely fanatical.

In the eyes of the Zerg, Su Bai is their creator.

The meaning of their appearance and existence is to dedicate everything to Su Bai, including their souls and lives.

Only in this way can they realize the value of their own existence!

Su Bai came to the mother worm and drew a line on the ground: "From this line as the starting point, half of this world will belong to us, and all other creatures will be swallowed up, and all the resources swallowed will be used to propagate the tribe."

"Lord, why don't you eat all these low-level creatures, so that our group will grow faster." The female insect opened its ferocious mouthparts and emitted strange sound waves.

He is wise and can even make suggestions for Su Bai's instructions...

This is something that has not happened before.

The previous Zerg, whether it was a brain worm, a mother worm, or the number one player, they could only execute Su Bai's orders.

There wouldn't be the slightest objection, let alone any suggestion.

"It makes sense, so... I listen to you?" Su Bai said with a smile, but his smile was extremely weird.

"No, your will is everything. I will obey your will, but I don't understand why you should stay half of it." The female insect lowered her head and crawled down in front of Su Bai.

Until the head of the female insect completely fell to the ground, less than half a meter away from Su Bai.

The strange aura emitted by the female insect can already affect things around Su Bai.

The most obvious point is the Huahua held by Su Bai.

At this moment, Huahua made a whining sound, as if she was scared.

Two small hands also stretched out and hugged Su Bai.

"Woo~wuwu~" Huahua's soft voice was trembling.

Su Bai patted the little guy's back very rhythmically with one hand, indicating that he didn't need to be afraid.

Su Bai stepped forward and put one hand on the hideous and terrifying head of the queen worm, and then... Bang!

The queen worm's head exploded directly, and countless black flesh and blood splashed and fell on the ground, constantly wriggling, but not completely dead.

The splashed flesh and blood did not fall on Su Bai at all.

An invisible barrier appeared around Su Bai, blocking all the flesh and blood flying over.

The queen worm that lost its head did not die, and the flesh and blood on the ground continued to gather together.

Gathering towards the remaining body of the queen worm, repairing.

"Do you need to know why?" Su Bai smiled very strangely, and people felt chilled just by looking at it.

"No need." The queen worm opened its hideous mouthparts and answered.

"Go." A blue card appeared in Su Bai's hand.

A burst of light enveloped Su Bai, but the light of the envelope did not count Huahua in it.

At this time, the red rope of unknown grade left in Huahua's hand emitted a gorgeous light, wrapped Huahua in it, and connected to Su Bai's body.

With a flash of light, Su Bai and Hua Hua disappeared into the witch world.

The only thing left was the queen worm that Su Bai had just created.

After Su Bai left, the queen worm continued to produce black eggs.

Each egg was as big as a basketball.

In the eggs, you can see that something seems to be moving.

According to Su Bai's will, the queen worm began to devour the resources of this world. Countless Zergs rose from the ground and devoured the witch world.

Until they occupied half of the world!

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